Author Topic: Rainbow Six: Vegas psp review  (Read 1845 times)

Offline n00b_MoDdEr

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Rainbow Six: Vegas psp review
« on: February 23, 2010, 07:20:01 PM »
SO this is the review for the game Rainbow Six: Vegas. I personaly like this game. Perfect for the FPS on-the-go lover. The graphics are okay i guess, but the game-play and levles are long lasting and edge-of-your seat switch off between two spec ops characters, a sniper and an assault and battery guy. the names are brian and shawn i think, brian being the assault, shawn being the sniper. i would just like to say that the levels are a bit short for my taste, but depending on the  type you are, you might think the opposite.there is NO multiplayer, but there is a option of replaying levels, or other things like that. There isn't really that much to say about this game...just a heads up if your buying...

level length: iffy
levels: awsome
variety of weapons: pretty good for spec ops
perfect for on the go
« Last Edit: February 23, 2010, 07:24:24 PM by n00b_MoDdEr »
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