Hi guys!!
Well, this is the history of my controller:
1 year ago when i started to do some mods, i sold a xbox 360 to my friend but the controller was broken. I changed it for one mine and i started to repair it. Is had RB button broken, i changed it but didnt work then i had to do a bridge in his points and.... it worked!!! but when i was removing the trigger i broke the three contacts of the mobo. With RDC´s help in X-S i got fix it but like the controller was very damaged i couldnt sell it (i had more controller). Then i thought i can use it to test R/F and this was what i do. I had open the controller to test some codes becuase i used the cases wiht other controllers but some days ago i thought "I could buy new cases and i could try to put a "socket" (i dont know if this is the correct word) to play with the controller and only have to remove the pic when i need to reflash it". I bought a cheap cases on ebay (less than 10€) and today i have done it and here is a pic of the controller:
Well this is the history, sorry if i have been heavy lol. But i want to say that with this controller, if someone can test a code i can help him. Its a sleeper installation
I hope i can help modders to check their codes if anyone can check it send me a pm or just post here