Author Topic: PSP 3000 Screen Fuse?  (Read 8075 times)

Offline Crumbz

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PSP 3000 Screen Fuse?
« on: February 02, 2011, 02:05:46 PM »
I have a psp 3001 and am having problems with my screen. when i turn it on i can get sound but it it very shaky. and my screen refuses to turn on and if i shine a light on the screen i cant see anything. so i know it's not just the backlight.

Can anyone show me where the 3000 screen fuse is?

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Re: PSP 3000 Screen Fuse?
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2011, 02:11:39 PM »
There is only a backlight fuse. There is no screen fuse. There is either a problem with the screen, or one of the components on the motherboard. Probably the IC that is in charge of video.

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Re: PSP 3000 Screen Fuse?
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2011, 11:28:06 AM »
I have the same problem,

is there a way of fixing it, my screen backlight is on but the screen doesnt show anything :(


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Re: PSP 3000 Screen Fuse?
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2011, 03:23:15 PM »
I have the same problem,

is there a way of fixing it, my screen backlight is on but the screen doesnt show anything :(


No im sorry to say thats not quite the same problem. and there actually is a fuse for the screen it's located directly underneath the sound fuse. bridging it with solder should fix it. (P.S.: Dont try and use Conductive Glue to fix it because the glue dosnt allow for enough power flow. It will leave you with a very very dark screen... i know cuz i tried)

also i DID get my screen working again but accidentally broke off my sound fuse and it ripped off  one of the copper pads underneath it. is there a way to fix this? maybe bridge it to the screen fuse? or another fuse?

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Re: PSP 3000 Screen Fuse?
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2011, 04:19:21 PM »
No im sorry to say thats not quite the same problem. and there actually is a fuse for the screen it's located directly underneath the sound fuse. bridging it with solder should fix it. (P.S.: Dont try and use Conductive Glue to fix it because the glue dosnt allow for enough power flow. It will leave you with a very very dark screen... i know cuz i tried)

also i DID get my screen working again but accidentally broke off my sound fuse and it ripped off  one of the copper pads underneath it. is there a way to fix this? maybe bridge it to the screen fuse? or another fuse?
There is a backlight fuse.... No screen fuse.....
And wherever the trace that the pad leads to, you solder to the component where it ends. So solder a wire on one end of where the sound fuse was, and where the trace of the other side ends, solder to whatever component is there. If there is no component, scrape the trace until you see copper, and solder there.

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Re: PSP 3000 Screen Fuse?
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2011, 05:07:02 PM »
if you recently dis-assembled your psp, i would check that the flat cable is plugged in properly to the motherboard and that the lock is flapped down.

The fuse is for the back light... if the back light is off, and he shined a flashlight onto the screen he would see that the LCD is still displaying images, there is just no back light to shine them thru.


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