Author Topic: Controller is being REALLY weird. - (SOLVED)  (Read 2591 times)

Offline gl0zz3n

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Controller is being REALLY weird. - (SOLVED)
« on: January 28, 2014, 05:01:11 PM »
Ok, so after checking over ALL of my work, takign my modchips off the board, then chacking all my via's/traces i just CANNOT figure out why this board is acting to weird.

It won't turn on with the battery pack inserted. The same battery pack with the same batteries works just fine on both of my other controllers, the batteries are new.

When plugging the usb to it, it won't turn on unless i'm holding the power button down WHILE plugging the cord in. It will not turn on if i plug it in ( the led on the cable is green, and its an OEM cable).

When it DOES power on (after trying to above sever times ^ ) if I unplug the usb cable, the controller shuts off, even with the battery pack in the thing.

I'm out of ideas.

- All my LEDs work also.

Had to re-connect the ground coil to the board.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2014, 06:30:21 PM by gl0zz3n »

Offline Gizmo613

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Post Some Pictures Of The Board. Could Be Something You Cant See.

Offline gl0zz3n

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Thought I did, oops. Anyways, they're up there now.


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From what I can see one possibility is the ground u soldered to u might of pushed the battery ground coil down seperating the connection of the coil to the ground trace.

I always solder to a different ground than the ground that's connected to the battery terminal. It also looks like u might of severed a trace line on the back of the board. I can't remember if that one was D+ or D- anyway if that trace is severed your PNC cable won't charge your batteries. Some mod chips require this trace to be severed to make the chip flash able through the PNC cable.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2014, 06:07:52 PM by WHITE 4ND N3RDY »

Offline gl0zz3n

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Got the iron warming back up. Gonna tinker with that ground in a sec, You're probably right because all my buttons work, etc. and it's having power issues. Thanks for the suggestion, hope you're right/lucky on this one.


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Ya u should be able to heat it up and push the coil back up to the ground on top of the board.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2014, 06:10:13 PM by WHITE 4ND N3RDY »

Offline gl0zz3n

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it either dropped down or i cooked all the flux out of the solder, its looking pretty cold, so idk. but i'm 90% sure doing one of those two things will get it working right again. I just couldn't think of what it could be.

- Iron is still heating up so I'll post results shortly.

THANKS SO MUCH! lmao, I just had to heat up the ground and bend it over alittle. ...I'm not going to drink and mod anymore. Thought I had cooked something on my board. .. Time to re-solder my LED wires and finish off my controller. lol
« Last Edit: January 28, 2014, 06:53:53 PM by Rodent »


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If u look at the back of your board at the top of the board u can see 7 solder pinouts in a row. The last point under C2 is ground. If you go to points over from that ground that second point will be a optional volt pin out  u can hook your chips up to.

These I feel are the best connection s to wire your chips up to!

Update. U like that lol. Believed me I've done that same deal before. When I seen that pic that was the first thing that popped in my head. Glad u got it working!
« Last Edit: January 28, 2014, 06:33:40 PM by WHITE 4ND N3RDY »

Offline gl0zz3n

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Re: Controller is being REALLY weird. - (SOLVED)
« Reply #8 on: January 28, 2014, 10:26:37 PM »
Awesome, thanks man. I'll start using that point because I'm mostly doing dual chip installs now and that'll make things easier since I don't have to worry about droppin my coil and losing connection. lol


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