Hello, I don't really know where to post this so I guess I'll do it here >.>
Anyways, I'm wondering what are the best tools to use to cut various plastic on consoles or anything else really. The first thing that I am going to cut into is the PSP housing, to cut out a hole for an internal camera on the back, a second analog nub, and also to cut out the ring of the UMD drive:
The hole that I'll cut for the 2nd analog nub:

The hole That I'll cut for the internal camera:

The hole for the UMD drive:

I was thinking for the internal camera maybe use a drill, but for the rest I am not too sure.
As for stuff that isn't the PSP, I plan to cut out a window and maybe a design on the other side of my Xbox 360, and my PS2 as well.
Example of a window:

Example of a design: