Author Topic: JDM-001 no power, burned unknown component  (Read 2587 times)

Offline maki

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JDM-001 no power, burned unknown component
« on: April 09, 2021, 07:36:48 AM »
Hi all,

I have the mainboard for a DS4 JDM-001 1-889-300-11.

No power, won't charge, getting hot in the area just left of the battery connector.

If I'm not mistaken, this was caused by charging the PS4 Controller on a USB hub, three worked fine, when plugging in the 4th one it got shorted, it might have had problems previously.

The burned component is marked as R32C4, couldn't find anything on the web about it.
Another mainboard of that model/revision has it market as R32CC, another mainboard JDM-001 1-889-300-21 (green PCB) has is marked as R32C5

On the backside of it, there is the BD9200, its getting very warm too, currently I'm assuming/hoping that the heat is coming from that burned component R32C and that the goo coming out is just flux that got liquified again.

I'm looking for suggestions about what that part is, so I might have a chance to test replacement from donor boards.

Also, if you have suggestions on what else to check in that area or elsewhere, please let me know :)

Ps: I'm new here, sorry about the size of the pics

Edit: all the 0 Ohms resitors/bridges show continuity
« Last Edit: April 09, 2021, 07:38:16 AM by maki »

Offline maki

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Re: JDM-001 no power, burned unknown component
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2021, 01:11:55 AM »
So I replaced that R32C4, now when I plug in a full battery, the BD92001 get really hot for 3 seconds or so, it will try to connect over blutooth when I press the PS button.

I don't dare to charge it over USB yet, I think there is still some faults around the power management, will measure the components in that area and compare to the other boards I have, if that matches I'l replace the BD92001 and see if that changes anything.

Offline wickated

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Re: JDM-001 no power, burned unknown component
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2021, 10:50:21 PM »
the BD92001 get really hot.  I'l replace the BD92001
why u still didnt do this? it cost 2 buck

Offline maki

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Re: JDM-001 no power, burned unknown component
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2021, 02:50:33 AM »
why u still didnt do this? it cost 2 buck
I'll assume you're not aware of it, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, a statement like that can easily be taken as rude.

Replacement didn't help, no reaction now whatsoever, good chance I've mixed up some of the JDM-010 boards I have lying around here, moving on to a bunch of JDM-055 I have here.

I was able to figure out what those parts are by reading through RDCs posts and using Google-Fu

R32CC / M32D5 - 3.2v Regulator,44761.msg336412.html#msg336412

KE4 - SSM5H90ATU Silicon N-Channel MOS/Diode Epitaxial Planar, the driver for the vibration motor, one for each of course


Since RDC did all the work to create schematics/BOMs for the JDM-055, I think this should be more straight forward, less traces to follow/unknowns.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2021, 02:51:16 AM by maki »


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