Author Topic: How much trouble have you gotten in your life? :D  (Read 18981 times)

Offline seikene

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How much trouble have you gotten in your life? :D
« on: February 10, 2008, 05:51:59 PM »
Basically since we need somethings to talk about, and I mean for fun, then I'll start a few topics finding out about some people, but not to judge them or anything, just to have a fun story to talk about, cuz I know a good number of ppl outside AND inside the forum laughed about it, and thought about it :D
Link that caused this topic :) --->

Alright, the rule is just to mention the worst thing you've done thats gotten you in deep :poop:. And I mean so deep, your head is just smelling it and confusing the :poop: with roses. Of course your NOT OBLIGATED to mention if it's either:
-That bad
-Might get you in MORE trouble for mentioning it
-Have had some serious psycological problems that make your mind too sealed within it's own confines to reveal what has troubled and possibly tramatized your life.
Or if you're too wimpy :P j/k, but the first exception applies :D

Alright here's what happened to me:
Probably a good number of you know of what happened to me, so I'll explain everything because there were some funny things I forgot to mention. (BTW, if this is too inappropriate then please delete. I did not read any topics forbbiding this but if you have it here or stashed under alot of NO PORN rules, then blame me and please close my topic.

Alright, it was the middle of X-mas break, and I was bored of going to the 2 same places:
-Bird Bowl (After playing ITG and DDR for about 4 years, you start thinking that arrows come out of people's mouths when they talk/spam.

-Dolphin Mall (OMG does this place suck, its the most recent mall [2 years old+], yet it has such a lack of GOOD places to go to, the only thing I can think of while in the mall is bombing a store or 2 just so that they put in something new or something good., GOSH!)

So my mate calls me, he apparently wants to go parkour with me and 3 other ppl in my high school, and I'm like Hellz (replace that word with f***) YEA! So we are jumping fences, we climb some rooftops, look at the beautiful view, and let a mortar firecracker in the middle of a dirt hill, it pwned with 5 different colors :D. So of course we went for a few 24 hour sessions ( I rather not say days and get in trouble for somethign I can't mention because it will get me in MORE TROUBLE). So we all head on the last day to the roofs in our newly made building. My friend found a way inside the school through the roof of the old building, we got in, and saw the auditorium, and saw the inner core of the auditorium (it's scary, basically picture 2 cement walls, almost unclimable, set 2 feet apart, 7 feet deep, filled with debrees. mostly sharp, rusty, aluminum, and falling down is basically like letting your a## get wide open to take a huge rod.....
So we are going around the auditorium, and it's funny because some time later the maintnence crew forgot to close the area that allows you inside the place. We went inside, and we were like OMG OMG OMG, awesome, we are official ninjas! (we dint say that...) So we are walking inside, and what had happened, is that our friend who stole a computer and a barney doll went through an area with a motion sensor trigger, it went off but silent. He took it with him and we were like, omg I hate joo, lol. 5 minutes later we dipped and went back to Bird bowl. The cops came in 5 minutes after the alarm went off, and were in the opposite hall that we were by, at gunpoint T_T. Some time later, I got caught through cameras, as well as my other mates, but we barely knew our "buddy" who jacked the stuff, cept his nickname was "Mush", and his first name was Oscar. I'm thinking, his a## is grass if I find him.
Good news, we went to court like 3 times, #4 coming up on the 19th, but our attoney and officer who cuffed' me told me that the state doesn't really wanna charge us, but the bad news is that they didn't apparently want to arrest Mush, and they never did, which made me think -Double U, tea, eff?-. Since he has a record AND probation, he was able to get himself outta the problem. We on the otherhand, might have to pay for the computer if he doesn't turn it in, and we have to go through some program to do some community service hours, not really a bad thing, but still, wtf? The system is pretty messed up. In any case we were all (cept for mush) charged with Burguralry in an unoccupied building (basically burgurlary and trespassing in a sweet 5 word combo), AND when I went to my 3rd time in court, we also had Grand Theft in our record, but they will all get cleared and dismissed.
 The main thing they told me is, that I don't have probation, but if I do get in any trouble (i.e. Assault, illegal modding on systems, even a fudging speeding ticket) the case will be re brought all and we will be charged. In any case I learned a lesson. Go do parkour in a LEGAL place XD.

Comments, spam, hate, or another/a funnier story?
Dicuss. :D (I took your word Indy :P j/k, oh and if anyone is going to quote me, just say, quoting from Sei's story, because I hate seeing quotes that include my ENTIRE story or someone quoting like 50 pictures when the topic already says 56k WARNING, at that point it's upgraded to :poop:ty DSL WARNING :D)
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Re: How much trouble have you gotten in your life? :D
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2008, 06:16:12 PM »

Offline Skullmaster

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Re: How much trouble have you gotten in your life? :D
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2008, 06:20:36 PM »


Good example yes?

Offline seikene

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Re: How much trouble have you gotten in your life? :D
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2008, 07:11:50 PM »
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Re: How much trouble have you gotten in your life? :D
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2008, 07:23:44 PM »
wow, someone found the enter key, lol!  :rofl:

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Re: How much trouble have you gotten in your life? :D
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2008, 09:26:31 PM »
Here's a fun quick story

I'm 13, hanging out at a party (I know you guys are thinking "this is gonna be good") and suddenly my girlfriend of 2 weeks shows up with a bunch of her friends (she being 16 at the time).  To make a long story short I'm glad she was already pregnant.  Also, never use expired condoms.  :dntknw:

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Re: How much trouble have you gotten in your life? :D
« Reply #7 on: February 10, 2008, 11:11:04 PM »
wow, that was a very interesting story Reaper, now get on COD 4! I bought it to play with you and only played it once with ya, just an FYI, I kinda took over your clan... if its okay with you. I currently have like 5 people in it... PM me and let me know

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Re: How much trouble have you gotten in your life? :D
« Reply #8 on: February 11, 2008, 06:10:35 AM »
Here's a fun quick story

I'm 13, hanging out at a party (I know you guys are thinking "this is gonna be good") and suddenly my girlfriend of 2 weeks shows up with a bunch of her friends (she being 16 at the time).  To make a long story short I'm glad she was already pregnant.  Also, never use expired condoms.  :dntknw:


My life is a funny story lol, im not gonna sit here and type it out (again)
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couldnt of said it any better.

Offline seikene

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Re: How much trouble have you gotten in your life? :D
« Reply #9 on: February 11, 2008, 06:17:57 AM »
Awww cmon, just type out the juicy parts :P, and Reaper, wow lol. how can you not tell when a condum is expired? Unless you didn't use it though, but in any case, if you see a crack on the danm rubber, just throw it out and call off the "arrangement", cuz it ain't worth it :P
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Re: How much trouble have you gotten in your life? :D
« Reply #10 on: February 11, 2008, 09:26:37 AM »
jsut stop off at the store on the way to your "arrangement" OR keep an ample storage and jsut replace as you go along :winker:

Seikene I told you my story but as i said ... CBA to type it ...... not even sure if thats the worst story i have but its the one that came to mind at the time XD

Offline seikene

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Re: How much trouble have you gotten in your life? :D
« Reply #11 on: February 11, 2008, 09:57:34 AM »
  12:09:12 PM  [c=13]IndyChav[/c=1][c=46]_--=Impossible is just the beginning=--_[/c=48]  Pedro  guess what!!!!!

2/11/2008  12:09:18 PM  Pedro  [c=13]IndyChav[/c=1][c=46]_--=Impossible is just the beginning=--_[/c=48]  hmmmm?

2/11/2008  12:09:53 PM  [c=13]IndyChav[/c=1][c=46]_--=Impossible is just the beginning=--_[/c=48]  Pedro  someone decided to donate a brand new soldering station, solder, flux EVERYTHING to me :D:D

2/11/2008  12:10:05 PM  Pedro  [c=13]IndyChav[/c=1][c=46]_--=Impossible is just the beginning=--_[/c=48]  wtf!?! who? 

2/11/2008  12:10:06 PM  [c=13]IndyChav[/c=1][c=46]_--=Impossible is just the beginning=--_[/c=48]  Pedro  i havent got it yet as he has to buy it first but still:D:D

2/11/2008  12:10:11 PM  Pedro  [c=13]IndyChav[/c=1][c=46]_--=Impossible is just the beginning=--_[/c=48]  lol

2/11/2008  12:10:30 PM  Pedro  [c=13]IndyChav[/c=1][c=46]_--=Impossible is just the beginning=--_[/c=48]  you sure there was no secret obligation that he dint mention, u know a sucky sucky XD XD j/k

2/11/2008  12:10:35 PM  [c=13]IndyChav[/c=1][c=46]_--=Impossible is just the beginning=--_[/c=48]  Pedro  a mate :D ..... hes giving me his psp and ps2 aswell :D:D

2/11/2008  12:10:50 PM  Pedro  [c=13]IndyChav[/c=1][c=46]_--=Impossible is just the beginning=--_[/c=48]  o.0 dude this guy is either gonna die soon or is high as a mother, 

2/11/2008  12:10:56 PM  [c=13]IndyChav[/c=1][c=46]_--=Impossible is just the beginning=--_[/c=48]  Pedro  haha well im good to him anyway keep him out of trouble help him etc ... its all good :D

2/11/2008  12:11:09 PM  [c=13]IndyChav[/c=1][c=46]_--=Impossible is just the beginning=--_[/c=48]  Pedro  ahah weve got speed and weed lined up for this weekend XD

2/11/2008  12:11:22 PM  Pedro  [c=13]IndyChav[/c=1][c=46]_--=Impossible is just the beginning=--_[/c=48]  Meh wish you could do that for me :P wouldnt have gotten arrested XD , 

2/11/2008  12:11:26 PM  Pedro  [c=13]IndyChav[/c=1][c=46]_--=Impossible is just the beginning=--_[/c=48]  nicee btw

2/11/2008  12:12:20 PM  [c=13]IndyChav[/c=1][c=46]_--=Impossible is just the beginning=--_[/c=48]  Pedro  haha i'm good XD ... when i was 14 i was thretented to be put on the yong offenders list for boosting cars ... i got myself out of it XD

2/11/2008  12:12:36 PM  Pedro  [c=13]IndyChav[/c=1][c=46]_--=Impossible is just the beginning=--_[/c=48]  boosting cars?

2/11/2008  12:12:43 PM  [c=13]IndyChav[/c=1][c=46]_--=Impossible is just the beginning=--_[/c=48]  Pedro  grand theft auto

2/11/2008  12:12:48 PM  [c=13]IndyChav[/c=1][c=46]_--=Impossible is just the beginning=--_[/c=48]  Pedro  hijacking?

2/11/2008  12:12:50 PM  Pedro  [c=13]IndyChav[/c=1][c=46]_--=Impossible is just the beginning=--_[/c=48]  lol wow

2/11/2008  12:12:54 PM  [c=13]IndyChav[/c=1][c=46]_--=Impossible is just the beginning=--_[/c=48]  Pedro  STEALING!!! XD

2/11/2008  12:12:58 PM  Pedro  [c=13]IndyChav[/c=1][c=46]_--=Impossible is just the beginning=--_[/c=48]  so basically you were jacking them?

2/11/2008  12:13:07 PM  [c=13]IndyChav[/c=1][c=46]_--=Impossible is just the beginning=--_[/c=48]  Pedro  yeah jacking is a word for it to XD

2/11/2008  12:13:08 PM  Pedro  [c=13]IndyChav[/c=1][c=46]_--=Impossible is just the beginning=--_[/c=48]  heh worse then my grand theft for the computer 

2/11/2008  12:13:15 PM  Pedro  [c=13]IndyChav[/c=1][c=46]_--=Impossible is just the beginning=--_[/c=48]  Meh 

2/11/2008  12:13:17 PM  [c=13]IndyChav[/c=1][c=46]_--=Impossible is just the beginning=--_[/c=48]  Pedro  :P

2/11/2008  12:13:23 PM  [c=13]IndyChav[/c=1][c=46]_--=Impossible is just the beginning=--_[/c=48]  Pedro  ive doen worse XD 

2/11/2008  12:13:27 PM  Pedro  [c=13]IndyChav[/c=1][c=46]_--=Impossible is just the beginning=--_[/c=48]  I woulda gone and probably ripped some parts from the car

2/11/2008  12:13:39 PM  [c=13]IndyChav[/c=1][c=46]_--=Impossible is just the beginning=--_[/c=48]  Pedro  im a professional ;)

2/11/2008  12:13:44 PM  Pedro  [c=13]IndyChav[/c=1][c=46]_--=Impossible is just the beginning=--_[/c=48]  Hmmm then goto my how much trouble have u gotten in your life thread and post it, I mainly got only nubs spamming it lol

2/11/2008  12:14:42 PM  [c=13]IndyChav[/c=1][c=46]_--=Impossible is just the beginning=--_[/c=48]  Pedro  slim jims, custom cut keys for show cars .... steering wheels for the cars that have steering locks etc .... i just went for a drive picked up some hoes then put them back :P

2/11/2008  12:14:59 PM  Pedro  [c=13]IndyChav[/c=1][c=46]_--=Impossible is just the beginning=--_[/c=48]  hahah

2/11/2008  12:15:10 PM  Pedro  [c=13]IndyChav[/c=1][c=46]_--=Impossible is just the beginning=--_[/c=48]  Hmm I wanted to learn how to open a car with a slim jim

2/11/2008  12:15:13 PM  Pedro  [c=13]IndyChav[/c=1][c=46]_--=Impossible is just the beginning=--_[/c=48]  or at least hotwire one

2/11/2008  12:15:24 PM  [c=13]IndyChav[/c=1][c=46]_--=Impossible is just the beginning=--_[/c=48]  Pedro  its hoora easy to slim jim :P

2/11/2008  12:15:34 PM  Pedro  [c=13]IndyChav[/c=1][c=46]_--=Impossible is just the beginning=--_[/c=48]  what about hotwiring?
2/11/2008  12:15:42 PM  [c=13]IndyChav[/c=1][c=46]_--=Impossible is just the beginning=--_[/c=48]  Pedro  well on older cars it is .....

2/11/2008  12:15:53 PM  [c=13]IndyChav[/c=1][c=46]_--=Impossible is just the beginning=--_[/c=48]  Pedro  hotwiring well my way is for the person who cant remember which colour wire :P

2/11/2008  12:16:06 PM  Pedro  [c=13]IndyChav[/c=1][c=46]_--=Impossible is just the beginning=--_[/c=48]  Hmmm 

2/11/2008  12:17:05 PM -- Removed that im to prevent getting in trouble, since mentioning how is just plain illegal :D

2/11/2008  12:17:34 PM  Pedro  [c=13]IndyChav[/c=1][c=46]_--=Impossible is just the beginning=--_[/c=48]  Holy crap you set my brain on fire XD

2/11/2008  12:17:38 PM  [c=13]IndyChav[/c=1][c=46]_--=Impossible is just the beginning=--_[/c=48]  Pedro  :P

2/11/2008  12:17:51 PM  [c=13]IndyChav[/c=1][c=46]_--=Impossible is just the beginning=--_[/c=48]  Pedro  just dont ge tcaught :P

2/11/2008  12:17:58 PM  Pedro  [c=13]IndyChav[/c=1][c=46]_--=Impossible is just the beginning=--_[/c=48]  Meh you can post it in my thread, w/o mentioning how :P because they dun want illegal stuff

2/11/2008  12:18:12 PM  [c=13]IndyChav[/c=1][c=46]_--=Impossible is just the beginning=--_[/c=48]  Pedro  meh you post this convo :L 

2/11/2008  12:18:20 PM  [c=13]IndyChav[/c=1][c=46]_--=Impossible is just the beginning=--_[/c=48]  Pedro  i cba XD

2/11/2008  12:19:00 PM  Pedro  [c=13]IndyChav[/c=1][c=46]_--=Impossible is just the beginning=--_[/c=48]  Hmmm I'd have to edit the hotwiring method out, and that invovles me doing work, too lazy :P

2/11/2008  12:19:05 PM  [c=13]IndyChav[/c=1][c=46]_--=Impossible is just the beginning=--_[/c=48]  Pedro  i prefer hustling :P ....scamming money off of people XD ..... never been caught for that :D

2/11/2008  12:19:24 PM  Pedro  [c=13]IndyChav[/c=1][c=46]_--=Impossible is just the beginning=--_[/c=48]  Anyway mate, I'll be back in like 10 minutes, just gonna go do something real quick

2/11/2008  12:20:09 PM  [c=13]IndyChav[/c=1][c=46]_--=Impossible is just the beginning=--_[/c=48]  Pedro  im getting a minimum of $600 from my school because i made a fake letter about sponsoring me for effectively going on holiday XD ....... youre away to hotwire i can tell XD .... if its a new car watch out for immobilisers XD

OH yah I forgot to ask, wtf is a immobiliser? XD

Short story: Basically indy was mentioning that he has hotwired cars and used slim jims to open them and take em for a ride :D and apparently he's a pimp XD

Indy: An immobiliser or immobilizer is an electronic device fitted to an automobile which prevents the engine from running unless the correct key (or other token) is present. This prevents the car from being "hot wired" after entry has been achieved.

Just to clear things up :winker:
« Last Edit: February 11, 2008, 01:58:20 PM by IndyChav »
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Re: How much trouble have you gotten in your life? :D
« Reply #12 on: February 11, 2008, 11:36:50 AM »
loads of trouble
loads of beer
loads of fun
loads of fighting
loads of boredom
loads more

and i wont have sex yet...i wanna do it with someone special not like the sex-god reaper..LMAO

Offline seikene

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Re: How much trouble have you gotten in your life? :D
« Reply #13 on: February 11, 2008, 01:58:17 PM »
Lol sounds like Reaper would leave a 2nd hole in yah XD, I hope all those loads of things lead up to a story :P All of that together sound like a badass combo of win
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Re: How much trouble have you gotten in your life? :D
« Reply #14 on: February 11, 2008, 02:04:44 PM »
I can't remember something I've done that got me into serious trouble...
But I remember that some weeks ago I've gone to an ATM to put 300euro into a credit card to
pay a bill and that money somehow didn't get into the credit card and I was dumb enough and threw
away the receipt and now I can't prove to the bank that they lost my money.My parents believe me
that I've put the money in so,it's ok.Another time from the same bank I've gone there to pay my dsl bill
and the next bill I got was double like I haven't payed it.Idiots...I'm an idiot too..From now on I keep receipts
and I've built a huge pile of 'em on my desk.

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Re: How much trouble have you gotten in your life? :D
« Reply #15 on: February 11, 2008, 03:17:42 PM »
I haven't done anything bad really...oh well, the worst I can think of is those 3 days on the bus....:censored: Censored for inappropriate content. :censored:

But umm yea...we might be getting back together soon too :D
« Last Edit: February 11, 2008, 03:27:41 PM by IndyChav »

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Re: How much trouble have you gotten in your life? :D
« Reply #16 on: February 11, 2008, 03:26:00 PM »
is that appropriate psp? it kinda seems a bit risk to be putting in a family site... i dont mind lol but others might just pointing it out before you get in trouble lol

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Re: How much trouble have you gotten in your life? :D
« Reply #17 on: February 11, 2008, 03:28:40 PM »
I saw it, PM'd him about it and he went offline so took it upon myself to edit it.

Tut Tut kicks you should know better by now o_O

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Re: How much trouble have you gotten in your life? :D
« Reply #18 on: February 11, 2008, 03:29:05 PM »
Wow C-at's on a 14 yr old, even though thats mad young since I'm 18 but thats freakin crazy. Btw good job on pwning her b/f with a good ol 2 for the water bottle, and 1 for the soil pot.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2008, 03:35:06 PM by seikene »
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Re: How much trouble have you gotten in your life? :D
« Reply #19 on: February 11, 2008, 03:31:39 PM »
seikene try to keep it clean..... all i can say regarding him is 14..... eugh o_O

I'm 16 now admittedly when i was 14 i had my "first time" but she was 16 at the time so it was all good :winker: she turned me into a slag ... bad times XD

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Re: How much trouble have you gotten in your life? :D
« Reply #20 on: February 11, 2008, 03:52:18 PM »
Glad to see i wasnt bein an ass when i pointed out the required censorship lmao :D :D .. on topic tho.. ive never really been in bad trouble AT ALL lol i know my life is dull and boring.. ah well best get on with it hehe

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Re: How much trouble have you gotten in your life? :D
« Reply #21 on: February 11, 2008, 03:57:27 PM »
dude you need to spend some time with me to really live life to the full  :dribble:

but seriously take off your shirt and RAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

n.b. the refernece to a toples decy is nto an image i want anyone to have to witness merely a figure of speech.


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Re: How much trouble have you gotten in your life? :D
« Reply #22 on: February 11, 2008, 03:58:26 PM »
Also, me an my friend both went to the hospital for shooting at each other with bb guns, mostly because we we bleeding in trace amounts and didn't notice it until 10 minutes into the duel  :huh:

100 holes x trace amounts = lots of blood very slowly...  :winker:


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Re: How much trouble have you gotten in your life? :D
« Reply #23 on: February 11, 2008, 03:59:33 PM »
Here's a fun quick story

I'm 13, hanging out at a party (I know you guys are thinking "this is gonna be good") and suddenly my girlfriend of 2 weeks shows up with a bunch of her friends (she being 16 at the time).  To make a long story short I'm glad she was already pregnant.  Also, never use expired condoms.  :dntknw:
thats nice, like I really needed to know that
However today I was brutally raped by a door handle, and none of my friends helped me up off the floor after ten minutes, instead they all teabaged me, all 10 of them...

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Re: How much trouble have you gotten in your life? :D
« Reply #24 on: February 11, 2008, 04:08:09 PM »
Also, me an my friend both went to the hospital for shooting at each other with bb guns, mostly because we we bleeding in trace amounts and didn't notice it until 10 minutes into the duel  :huh:

100 holes x trace amounts = lots of blood very slowly...  :winker:

Lol that's just plain funny. It gives me another reason not to try dueling my friend, we were trying to set this up like a year ago, I'd use my small throwing knives and he'd use between blunt and tranquilizer darts :D. Good memories..
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Re: How much trouble have you gotten in your life? :D
« Reply #25 on: February 11, 2008, 04:29:55 PM »
Yea....sorry guys I wasn't thinking hahaha sorry if I "upset" anyone or gave people ideas lmao!

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Re: How much trouble have you gotten in your life? :D
« Reply #26 on: February 11, 2008, 04:45:30 PM »
lets just say
alcohol=sex=good time
not trouble just bunches of fun, but im smart unliek the reapur
but btw, i was also 13
« Last Edit: February 11, 2008, 05:24:47 PM by 1Sniper »

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Re: How much trouble have you gotten in your life? :D
« Reply #27 on: February 11, 2008, 05:03:13 PM »
Of course sniper,
Reaper=:censored: and RUN
You=Drink :censored: and RUN

Smarter if you ask me

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Re: How much trouble have you gotten in your life? :D
« Reply #28 on: February 11, 2008, 05:04:05 PM »
Meh reaper ain't smart, he's clever :P j/k bout both, I still think it's funny though. It's like a messed up sparring match....with bb guns.... XD
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Re: How much trouble have you gotten in your life? :D
« Reply #29 on: February 11, 2008, 05:27:02 PM »
Of course sniper,
Reaper=:censored: and RUN
You=Drink :censored: and RUN

reaper's part is right
it should be
Me=Drink :censored: and spend the whole night and :censored: about 2 more times after the first....
its fun being wasted.....just ask robin


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