Author Topic: Can you guys proof read my editoral for school  (Read 1081 times)

Offline DUKE

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Can you guys proof read my editoral for school
« on: May 08, 2008, 01:52:16 PM »
   Please and thank you!

Legal or not that is the question. Many people believe marijuana is more trouble than its worth. While others believe it is a medical miracle. Mark Borden, a L.A. magazine writer goes and tries to find out the insides and outs, pros and cons of medical marijuana. I think medical marijuana should be legalized because it helps a lot of people get better who have tried other medicines with no luck in curing their disorder.

   In 1976 a man by the name of Bob Randall was put on trail for growing marijuana plants on his balcony, but was dismissed of his charges. He was then provide with  marijuana from federal Agencies because it was said he needed it for medical use. Randall was the first American to receive marijuana for a medical purpose. Since then  over the past twenty years thirty seven  states have passed laws recognizing marijuana’s medical value, According to Mark Borden’s article terminally ill cancer patients need medical marijuana for a conic pain reliever. The federal government doesn’t like it because people use it in an inappropriate way like smoking it outside clubs, schools, and other public places.

   I think that medical marijuana should be legalized everywhere. It has been proved  to help relief pain to cancer patients and others who are in a great deal of pain and can’t get relief from ordinary medicine. But, if it was to be legalized everywhere I think there should be some rules laid out to help prevent abuse of the drug .

   In conclusion I think medical marijuana should be legalized because it helps a lot of people get better who have tried other medicines with no luck in curing there disorder. Even though I think there would be some problems with it, I think they can be worked out. One day marijuana may become a great prescription drug.

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Re: Can you guys proof read my editoral for school
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2008, 04:51:22 PM »
i hope thats not your actual report, like the exact thing your turning in. i saw a number of mistakes, i think you used "i think" too many times lol.
you kinda say the same thing through out the whole article. might want to edit it alittle, but for the most part i think it's ok, and btw, i DONT think marijuana should be legilized but w/e.

Offline IndyChav

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Re: Can you guys proof read my editoral for school
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2008, 05:49:32 PM »
theres a few grammatical errors like using "a" instead of "an".

Since talos posted his opinion...

I feel marijuana should be legalized but as a prescription drug, much like yourself, which can only be used under certain circumstances. Pain relief, stress relief (to a lesser extent as people can easily claim stress =P)a sleeping aid, just to name a few.

it has been proven that marijuana is not an addictive substance however research is being carried out within the UK at present as to the side effects of it. Schizophrenia seems to be the main reason for concern for medical researchers but they still feel uncertain as to the many other ways of which you may suffer the mental disease. It has been shown that a percentage of people that took the drug at a young age suffered schizophrenia at a later date however as stated there is no definitive proof that the two are related directly.
     The second reason for the drug being questioned over legality is the Tetrahydrocannabinol content, THC, the main psychoactive substance found in the Cannabis plant. This content has increased by over 25% over the past 30 years which although theoretically merely requires you to use less for the same effect, it may be abused and will do much more harm than good.
     The availability has increased also with the average amount of cannabis farms shut down per week in Scotland alone is 1. This may seem a small number but the shear size of these farms are astonishing.
     Although the THC content could be drastically lowered if made prescribed. People would still be able to obtain the "stronger" cannabis products and not have any legal action carried out. Theres a possibility that checks could be made for every single person using the drug to ensure they aer prescribed it and not the "street stuff" although this would cost the government far too mcuh and therefore would lead to tax increase which would not keep the majority of the population who would choose not to take the drug losing confidence in the government which would inevitably end in a nation wide crisis.
     This description is based seclusively on facts from studies carried out by UK authorities and as stated in the latter, Scotland in particular which as by the simple fact it is a smaller nation, it shows the extent of which this "problem" persists.
     In conclusion marijuana should legalized for medical purposes however the reality of it dictates that it would not be feasabley possible in this day and age.

This is merely my opinion on the subject so feel obliged to disagree.


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