Author Topic: PSP internal HDD mod with 80GB 1.8" ipod harddrive (or any other usb drive)  (Read 169807 times)

Offline nez

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25 for the programmer is not bad i afford that and if i have to the jtag for 40 bucks.
but i need to save some money for the board is their a way to make a deal with the company to buy so many at a discounted price split the pool.
that is much neater and more praticle to use that cable

Offline Tri-edge

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25 for the programmer is not bad i afford that and if i have to the jtag for 40 bucks.
but i need to save some money for the board is their a way to make a deal with the company to buy so many at a discounted price split the pool.
that is much neater and more praticle to use that cable

where do you plan to get a bunch of those psp2tv cables? I have been looking for the longest time to get one

Offline gr8npwrfl

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I am working on a project that the xm4 board is ideal for.

I will need to buy a thousand of them for that project and adding extra to it will bring the price of the xm4 boards down to the $60.00 range so ordering some extra wont be a problem.

Also I have been in touch with the builders and I am trying to negotiate with them on the psp2tv cables.

Offline nez

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This is great 60 bucks i can afford that now what board do you think for distant mods would be more practical or just stick with the xm4 and it can do like the touch, screen keyboard, dual monitors, bluetooth, better wifi, control and change the led patterns and stuff, control camera, GPS, control electric switches to turn on or off any and all mods, And a Hybird PSP, of course HDD . Yes i call dibs on these ideas using the xm4 except the HDD only partal. :boxed: if any say they had these ideas first. lol


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Sounds good, I'd like one or two of thoses XM4's too. For general geekyness reasons and to mod with

Offline gr8npwrfl

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Ordered the complete development system for the xm4 gumstix today.

Equipment is starting to come in.

Ipod connectors arrived.
Digital Microscope arrived.

to give you an idea of the size here is a picture of the connector under the microscope and the big
club in the picture is a dental pic I use for working on boards

This is a thirty pin connector I am going to wire all the internal switches to, as well as the analogue, as well as the UMD drive.

The UMD drive is already in an external box waiting for a cable.
This gives me room for the xm4 cpu board in the UMD drive bay.

The connector will fit at the bottom of the PSP and take less than half the size of the UPC
sticker in the gray trim ring.

Through the same connector I will be able to plug in the UMD drive, dual shock gamepad
and just about any other external option I want.

The surface mount repair and soldering station should be in some time this week.

I have already downloaded the linux os for the xm4 board and I am setting up the environment to compile
in the usbhostfs file system.

So as soon as the development system for the gumstix is here I will be able to flash and test the system.

It looks like the gumstix may be ready for proto testing by the end of this week.

Offline cwn723

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Im sorry gr8npwrfl, im lost can you explain to me what you guys are trying to do?

Offline gr8npwrfl

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we are taking a 3/4 inch by three inch arm based computer running linux and usbhostfs_pc in the UMD drive bay.

It will provide an usb host port to talk to peripherals like a usb hard drive and allow you to access it from the PSP.

So example would be to plug in my IPOD, turn it to disk mode and run my software off my 80 gig drive in my ipod.

Another example will be to plug in a dual shock joystick and play the games on the PSP with it.

The arm computer also supports touchscreen, bluetooth, wifi, 100 base t networking just to name a few other things.

Because there already is a prx file for usbhostfs you do not have to run irshell if you don't want to.

It gives us a way to do all the things we have been wanting to do including pluging in as big a hard drive as you want to the PSP.

Several other things we are doing at the same time:

Remote mounting the UMD drive using a 30 pin Ipod docking connector

Trying to obtain some of the ribbon cables used in the usb2tv adapator so that we can bring all the internal switches and buttons to the bottom of the UMD drive bay without soldering.

A 433 mhz wireless link to peripherals so we can have wireless keyboards, mice, joysticks.

We are trying to standardize these options so people will start to provide support from the xmb and be available to all the functions of the PSP.

Everything will be open source. Everyone will be given the documentation. So your imagination will be the limit as to what you want to do with the PSP.

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  • .:SaN TeOdOrO BoYs:.
    • .: Gabriele Piccinnu 's Site :.
 :w00t: Good tutorial, as all tutorials in this site......... This is best site that i  know about psp....
I am italian,,,My english isn't good....... :hifive: :hifive:
PSP Mod: 7
Brick: 7

Offline cwn723

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Ok, so it is more than just a hard drive, but the hard drive part is pretty much like a mini Devhook?

But it is like making the psp a Usb host, right?

And what i dont understand is how you are going to control the Minicomp, like tell it what to do. Its just all kinda confusing to me, cause you cant just plug in a keyboard to a computer and have it work. They usually have driver software the computer picks up, how is the minicomp gonna do that?
« Last Edit: June 17, 2008, 11:10:55 AM by cwn723 »

Offline nez

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here go to this site it will explain it a little more. It is basically a large PIC that run linux or a computer that is flashed like a pic.

Offline cwn723

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yeah, so it is like a mini computer, i kinda see what it is know, but wouldn't the mice/keyboard, and even the hard drive act on the mini computer, not the psp? And I cant find the info, but is it dual usb compatible, or do you plan on hooking up memory through the Memstick reader? Im not trying to turn down the idea, i just dont really understand it that much, i mean how the stuff effects the psp.

Offline Tri-edge

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the hard drive is connected the mini-computer and the mini-computer (which is running usbhosts) is connected the psp. using the usbhosts program your psp connects to the harddrive THROUGH the mini-computer which lets it have access to the harddrive.  you can also use the minicomputer in this manner to connect various other devices (ie: ps2 controller, memory carders, etc) and use them on the psp
« Last Edit: June 17, 2008, 02:59:46 PM by dslitemodder »

Offline gr8npwrfl

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There is a program that already does all the communicating to the PC from the PSP.

It is called usbhostfs and the program for the PC is usbhostfs_pc. It is already a protocol in place that is used with the irshell program.

You do not have to run irshell because there is a prx file that you can run from the xmb called usbhostfs.prx

The part that runs on the PC allows the PSP access to the hard drives, keyboard, joystick that are plugged into the PC just as if they were plugged into the PSP.

There is a version of the program that runs on Linux. What we are doing is putting in a very small computer that runs a full version of Linux that will run the host side called usbhostfs_pc.

The PSP runs its half of the program and talks to the other half of the program that is running on our tiny linux computer inside the PSP. Because our tiny computer has a full USB HOST port on it. We can plug in anything that runs on a linux system and the PSP will be able to talk to it.

Such as usb hard disks, keyboards, mice, joysticks.

By doing a standard interface and making it available to the PSP then games that can read the values will be able to use the external devices. The external hard drive ( such as an IPOD in disk mode ) will appear as an aditional memory stick to the system. So with an 80 gig IPOD you can set aside say 60 gig for your PSP and still use it for music when you are not running your games off the hard drive in the IPOD.

I also have been talking to a few programmers much smarter than me and we should be able to substitute the joystick inputs from and external joystick for the internal ones. Making the joystick compatible with all the existing games.

So yes in simple language all the software is already done, and we are installing a USB host with real BALLS !

Offline cwn723

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Ok, so Usbhostfs is the program that lets the two peripheals to communicate then. Got it. :tup:

Offline gr8npwrfl

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Ok the first phase is now running.

I have a single board that computer that I installed OE embedded Linux on.

1. Installed Samba so I can access fat 16 and fat32 drives.
2. Compiled usbhostfs_pc for my linux os
3. Created a startup file that starts usbhostfs_pc and points to the USB drive
4. The USB drive is my 80 gig IPOD running in disk mode
5. I installed a bunch of programs in a directory on the hard drive
6. Plugged in the usb cable from the PSP to the Linux board
7. Started usbhostfs from a prx file on the PSP
8. Cruised to the root directory and damn if my IPOD now shows up as a memory stick !!!!!!

IT WORKS !!!!!!!

9. I have now cross compiled for the embedded xm4 board ( NO ERRORS )

Things left to do.

1. Waiting for xm4 board to arrive.
2. When board arrives wire 2 USB Connectors onto board
3. Run new xm4 board of PSP power supply
4. Plug into psp sub port
5. Test system

When all is working

1. Wire internal usb connection to usb on XM4 board
2. Install switch to switch internal / external usb
3. Mount usb host connector through the trim on bottom of PSP

KICK ASS play games off my IPOD on my PSP !!!!!

We are within a week / 2 weeks at the outside of having USB host running on the PSP !!!

Offline nez

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ya this is great. hey tell me when you get the board in so i can pay you. i need to get the programer yet.

Offline pax

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Ok the first phase is now running.

I have a single board that computer that I installed OE embedded Linux on.

1. Installed Samba so I can access fat 16 and fat32 drives.
2. Compiled usbhostfs_pc for my linux os
3. Created a startup file that starts usbhostfs_pc and points to the USB drive
4. The USB drive is my 80 gig IPOD running in disk mode
5. I installed a bunch of programs in a directory on the hard drive
6. Plugged in the usb cable from the PSP to the Linux board
7. Started usbhostfs from a prx file on the PSP
8. Cruised to the root directory and damn if my IPOD now shows up as a memory stick !!!!!!

IT WORKS !!!!!!!

9. I have now cross compiled for the embedded xm4 board ( NO ERRORS )

Things left to do.

1. Waiting for xm4 board to arrive.
2. When board arrives wire 2 USB Connectors onto board
3. Run new xm4 board of PSP power supply
4. Plug into psp sub port
5. Test system

When all is working

1. Wire internal usb connection to usb on XM4 board
2. Install switch to switch internal / external usb
3. Mount usb host connector through the trim on bottom of PSP

KICK ASS play games off my IPOD on my PSP !!!!!

We are within a week / 2 weeks at the outside of having USB host running on the PSP !!!

so you're saying that you got the tiny linux pc working with the psp, ran usbhostfs_pc on the linux pc and conected your ipod to it. then it showed up as an extra mem stick on your psp???
how much did it all cost? isn't that all you need, is the xm4 board necessary?

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Offline cwn723

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Man, that is just awesome.  :dribble: If you dont mind, im still gonna try my idea cause ive invested alot of time and money into it.

Where did you get the Xm4 board for $60? I cant find it for less than 100.

so you're saying that you got the tiny linux pc working with the psp, ran usbhostfs_pc on the linux pc and conected your ipod to it. then it showed up as an extra mem stick on your psp???
how much did it all cost? isn't that all you need, is the xm4 board necessary?

He is substituting the other single board computer for the xm4 if im not mistaken.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2008, 09:52:13 AM by cwn723 »

Offline gr8npwrfl

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Pax yes to all of the above.

Yes I have it working on a tiny linux computer.
Yes I have it working on the same distribution of linux the new computer will run
Yes it shows up as a masive memory stick
Yes the new computer is .75 x 3 inches and is only 1 board the gumstix xm4 board
You only have to add the usb connections to the xm4 board


I am working on a new project that I am getting price quotes of $60.00 on the xm4 board
because I am going to buy 1,000 of them at a time for another project.

I will be able to resell some of those for what I pay for them.

Offline cwn723

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Ok, sweet, have you tried acessing the file on your storage device though, cause ive gotten them to show up but i couldnt access them, Mine was alot different though, it was using a usb host controller, yours should work!!! when i make one of these, im soooo gonna brag to my friends.

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Yes I ran several of the games off the IPOD in real time.

Worked GREAT !

There are hundreds of people doing it already on their PCs.

We are just miniaturizing it so it will fit inside the PSP

Some people are running the same software off the NSLU2 and adding
battery packs so it is portable.

Just as much horsepower just reely reely reely tiny

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wow i've just been sitting on the sidelines of this thread for the past few days as it was very interesting to me now i just have to step up im gonna be getting an xm4 board very soon and i would love to ditch the project it was for and pick up this one. I would love to help finding ways use the linux based os to create a bluetooth link between the pc/psp while also having the 80gb hard drive(or whatever 1.8 everyone has =P) also the controller thing is very entising a different controller for every emulator + the dualshock2 with the 2nd joystick wired up to the  [ ], X, /\, O Buttons i was going to get an enclosure and was going to turn one of my psps into a home console which would make the battery life issue disappear but to have a 120gb psp connected to my tv and custom built controllers for emulators and bluetooth file transfer would be a dream come true :cry2:

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Yes I ran several of the games off the IPOD in real time.

Worked GREAT !

There are hundreds of people doing it already on their PCs.

We are just miniaturizing it so it will fit inside the PSP

Some people are running the same software off the NSLU2 and adding
battery packs so it is portable.

Just as much horsepower just reely reely reely tiny

Yeah, so it is mini devhook, i knew it!! Tell me when i can buy an xm4 board from you!

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Pax yes to all of the above.

Yes I have it working on a tiny linux computer.
Yes I have it working on the same distribution of linux the new computer will run
Yes it shows up as a masive memory stick
Yes the new computer is .75 x 3 inches and is only 1 board the gumstix xm4 board
You only have to add the usb connections to the xm4 board


I am working on a new project that I am getting price quotes of $60.00 on the xm4 board
because I am going to buy 1,000 of them at a time for another project.

I will be able to resell some of those for what I pay for them.

dude im speechless..... that showed PvP!!!  have you tested it on a usb hard drive? once you get the xm4's and finish up can you upload a video. great work man!!

oh and did i understand correctly your buying 1000 xm4 boards at $60 each? thats $60,000 where are you getting the money for all this  :w00t:

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i was just going to say the same thing pax, thatt 60 grand!!! lol u must be bill gates son or somthing lol
anyways this is amazing dude, u should be advanced r&d =]
i nvr thought the psp could evolve in such a short time, wen i 1st signed up here i had seen acidmods had changed alot wit psp mods then from wen i was here b4. and i was always so sick of listening to people ask, how do yuou do this, and i decided to just take alook at this thread, and im wow'ed lol
you could make the psp a super computer using this right? lol
hook it up to a 60 inch tv, 1tb memory, ps3 controllers, i mean wow lol
cant wait for end result, must have this ;)

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I am a development engineer and I have developed a product for the security alarm business.

I have a bank that wants to buy 1,000 of these security system controls so they front the money to build them

I am just starting a new business using these. I will probably build 10,000 units in the next year.

I have three engineering degrees and a masters degree.

I am currently working on 11 different projects at the same time.

The very first computers for individuals were the Imsai and the Altair. MY Imsai computer is serial number #301.

So yes I am an original hacker and I have been at this a long time.

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wow lol, u pretty smart, i thought u were 13 or sumthing haha
and after reading this another time, im a tad bit skeptical but i'll keep my thoughts to myself and hope for a vid to be released soon =]

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hey man don't forget to tell me when you get the xm4 in so i can buy on or two of them.
i might wire it up run a sata or ide HDD not sure yet. and were exactly can i get the programmer i don't want to get ripped off.

Offline cwn723

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What is the programmer for?


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