Author Topic: PSP internal HDD mod with 80GB 1.8" ipod harddrive (or any other usb drive)  (Read 168857 times)

Offline socomhacker239

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so when can the internal version be expected :w00t:

Offline gr8npwrfl

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It will take about three months before I will have the board designed and manufactured.

Design the board 6 layer board.

Check artwork.

Have a prototype run made

build the prototypes.

debug the layout.

make the changes

check the artwork again

have another prototype run made.

build the prototypes

check the layout

install the software and debug

have production run made

build the boards

have them for sale

Yep about three months for this complexity


Offline socomhacker239

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oh ok well do you have an estimate price an so the nlus2 or whatever its called that works its jus external?

Offline gr8npwrfl

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The internal will probably run 120 to 130 with my extra board.

The NSLU2 sells for $40 to $60.

I got my NSLU2 for $42 at Dakmart, it was advertised on ebay

Offline socomhacker239

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god ima have to go out an get a loan an a second morgage to aford it lol
so the NSLU2 is fully functional but external right?

Offline gr8npwrfl

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yes you put it in a small bag or case.

we are doing a battery pack that will run it all

we are also doing wireless nethostfs so no wire will go to your psp
« Last Edit: July 11, 2008, 03:10:39 PM by gr8npwrfl »

Offline Jumbo

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@gr8npwrfl & who ever is helping-

You guys are doing a great job! I cant believe how close you guys are to completing the imposible  :x: I never though anyone would get this close i need to save up now to buy all of these boards and a new ipod lol maybe 80 or 60 gb.

Keep up the work guys!!!  :drunk:  :victory:

Offline gr8npwrfl

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« Last Edit: July 27, 2008, 09:24:21 PM by gr8npwrfl »

Offline DarkHawken

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Does this mean you need your PSP to be in a wifi zone to be able to use the hard drive, or you need the PSP connected to the internet?
I dont know how stupid this is but... hmmm, shall i say it.
Meh, i'll probably get laughed at but here goes:
Could you not put the ipod into mass storage mode, connect the usb cable to ipod, connect the other end to a female usb cable which has the other end as a female too. then connect the psp cable to it and use ir shell to get the stuff from the ipod??
Dammit, shouldn't ahve said that  :dntknw:  :confused: :embarrassed:

Offline gr8npwrfl

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The NSLU2 only needs to be connected to the internet while we are installing the software.

When you are using it for your gaming system it does not need to be connected to any network even your local one.

Do not be embarrassed, asking questions is how you learn.

No the PSP is a USB Slave
    the IPOD is a USB Slave

They need a USB master (Host) to control communications.

We are using the NSLU2 to be the HOST and talk to the two SLAVES

The Host listens for requests from the PSP and gets the data from the IPOD
and then sends it to the PSP.

A HOST is like the traffic cop on the highway. He says who can go or when they can go

Without the HOST nothing goes anywhere.

This is a simplified version of what is going on, but instead of just saying no it wont work this is

Offline gr8npwrfl

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Answer to a previous question

At this point in time I am doing this project and all the documentation alone by myself.

I have gotten several offers from other people to help, but until we all have a common hardware
platform to work from it would be wasted.

That is why I am getting everyone up to speed so if they want to contribute to the project
they can and what works on mine will work on yours.

So say if a person wanted to work on the keyboard interface software, his work will combine with
mine and everyone else's.

That is why I am documenting completely so everyone is on the same page and working toward a
common goal.

This is a huge project and really to big for one person. I wanted it to be an Acidmods community

Free and open to everyone.

Offline DarkHawken

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thanks for that gr8npwnrfl I understand it now.

Offline gr8npwrfl

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« Last Edit: July 27, 2008, 09:24:54 PM by gr8npwrfl »

Offline thecoo1est

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Have you seen the Calao usb-9260 its a linux computer 3.3v :) and its the size of a thumb drive, looks pretty sweet, I would get it a do the mod my self but dont have the money, if you havent seen it check it out. You could probably do away with irshell and just have the linux usb computer autoload usbhostfs and access files with ISO Loader through psp it would be an awesome and very clean mod. All internal!!!
« Last Edit: July 13, 2008, 04:25:19 PM by thecoo1est »
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Offline gr8npwrfl

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I have looked at this board. The problem is it uses exactly the same cpu chip that is on the xm4.

The USB is full speed (12 Mbit) not high speed (480Mbit)/
The board is more expensive and harder to interface to.

Thank you for watching out and looking. Until you spend hours reading the specs ( Design Specifications),
not the product highlight sheets, you would not see it.

I did not know until the experience with the xm4 board that there are two USB 2.0 specs. A product can be labeled USB 2.0 and a product can be labeled Certified USB 2.0 High Speed. The USB 2.0 label only means that it is USB 2.0 complaint to the specifications not the speed. It has to be labeled Certified USB 2.0 High Speed to do the 480 Mbit  we want.

I am arguing right now with Dealextreme. They sent me a usb hub that is marked Certified USB 2.0 High Speed and it only does full speed which is only 12 Mbit. They want me to take a picture of why it does not work.
I sent them an invoice for 1 hour of time on an electron microscope rental. Let see if they want to send me $2500 so I can take pictures of why it does not work.  Their people at customer service are so stupid.

Believe me in the last 60 days I have learned more of the stupid jargon the manufacturers use to make you buy something you don't want.

Offline gr8npwrfl

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Ok time for another status release.

It looks like the debugging on nethostfs is going really great. I have worked on the software to the point that it is almost as compatible on games that usbhostfs is.

Since Sony made the firmware changes back around 3.7 they broke Peer to Peer wireless. But I have a solution already worked out.

I have a wireless router that is smaller than the NSLU2 and runs off 5 volts. I have set it up to be the access point for only the NSLU2 so it can serve games to the PSP wirelessly. It also gets its power from the NSLU2 at one of the USB ports.

It will serve up to 10 PSP's at the same time !!!!

So you can put your hard drive, the NSLU2, the mini router, and a battery pack in a small box or hip bag and bring it into a room full of PSPs and everyone can play mulit-player games from the same portable system.

Hows that for cool !!!

There is also code available for a chat server. I wonder if that would be of interest on the NSLU2 ?

I have also added Pimp Streamer to the application wish list for the NSLU2. That way the NSLU2 will be able to stream videos to the PSP.

By the way. Please post your items that you want to see on the wish list here and we will see if we can make them work or not.

As soon as nethostfs is nailed down I will be uploading the binary code, installs, tutorials, and source code to this thread.

Then I will be working on the battery pack and the remotejoy next.

Thats the status for now.

Have a great week.

Offline niko86

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I know in another thread you couldnt see the point in using a bluetooth adapter but it would make sense for use with the slims Skype function. I know it wouldnt be totally mobile in that the bluetooth reciever is in the NSLU2 and not the psp so you have to stay close to the NSLU2. Trying to buy a skype psp headset is a real pain, plus they are wired. Maybe with the intergrated board this will become alot more useful.

Offline Tri-edge

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you can get bluetooth adaptors for the psp the let you use the microphone as well
like this one

Offline djawho

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HI (i'm frenh)
if you would a DD 1.8" intergroupe in your PSP FAT and you have money ,the must of the must is the "PICO ITX" it's real mother board pc but ,just 10 cm x 7 cm ,perfect for a integration with DD 1.8" and little batterie of 7 x 5 x 0.1 ,just retract UMD , or "for me"in my little bagg banana ,and it s finish , just perfect, but in france is 240 euro
good luck

Offline gr8npwrfl

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The PICO ITX is one of my test computers. It is a very very good computer but way to much money.

It also draws way to much power. I am ony using the NSLU2 until I can finish a USB 2.0 daughter board for the Gumstix xm4.

The xm4 is only .750 inches by 3 inches. And draws very very little power.

Offline niko86

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you can get bluetooth adaptors for the psp the let you use the microphone as well
like this one

Ahh thank you :D I live in england so its that bit harder to get these obscure bits of kit, did alot of searches and found something similar to what you linked to except it was all in japanese.

Offline Tri-edge

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lol that would be cool i like the idea

Offline thecoo1est

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@gr8npwrfl, hey Ive been looking at that gumstix xm4 also, do they make a 2x USB 2.0 expansion board, or are you making your own? Im not genius enough to figure this :censored: out but I have a pretty good understanding of it
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Offline gr8npwrfl

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I am designing my own.

But I am cheating a little on it. I am copying the way it is hooked up on the NSLU2 so that I can take the linux kernel that is written for the NSLU2 and run it on the xm4 board.

The xm4 and the NSLU2 use the same CPU layout.

That is why I am doing all the software on the NSLU2 as it gives me a test bed to work on and as soon as my board is done I should be able to take all this and put it inside the PSP.

Offline gr8npwrfl

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I have moved this thread to the USB HOST PROJECT and will be posting development status in USB HOST PROJECT STATUS

Offline halfquater

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fair play gr8npwrfl you are awesome. i've only started learning programming with linux and c recently, as last year sometime i became interested in using the psp as a usb host and decided on a VNC1L, and usbhostfs which pointed to linux and c.

to cut a long story short THANK THE GOODLORD i found your thread. you've saved me years i should imagine!  :drunk: cheers man

Offline gr8npwrfl

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No problem that is great that you are learning.

This thread and the tutorials have moved to USB HOST/MASS STORAGE

People thought it would be easier to find.

Offline Deuce-X

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I am posting here to keep the "chit-chat" out of the main new log. (which by the way looks totally awesome :faint: )  I noticed that the internal idea was to design a new daughter board for the xm4 (or atleast the last I read).  Since we have to go to all the work of designing a new board anyways, why not just start from scratch.  Instead of having the xm4, which is a PXA270 (I believe), use a AT91SAM9 with HIGH SPEED usb support, or the new PXA3xx series (i dont know much about these chips).  That way we can design a board that will fit perfectly internally instead of cramming tons of little modules inside and trying to get them to fit.

Also if any usb device can be used that has a linux driver, could we use a usb to IRDA adapter and get IRDA on a slim PSP  :w00t:

Thats all for now...carry on

Offline petersyr

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I have been researching the external HDD matter and come to the conclusion that maybe a modified datel 4gb hdd Would be easier, it connects into the memory slot then a cable runs to second mounted SMALL HDD. saves modifying the psp to much. and ppl could keep there super crap UMD'S. Does anyone no what the go is with doung that? just seems easier as its reads from the original memory card slot, so why not mount a sml say 20gig drive off that? 

:hifive:PLS tell me if this is a stupid idea..


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