i was digging around today for leds and buttons.
i couldnt find any buttons small enough for the wiimote, however i DID find some perfect ones for my classic controller.
the X & Y buttons are from the origional NES controller. and the A & B are from the SNES controller.
i couldnt get the snes light purple buttons to fit in the x & y spots on the controler faceplate, but they are indented just as the nes so i used those. also i used the dpad from the snes controller.
all of the buttons had to be slightly modified to work. the nes buttons had 2 tabs, now one each.
snes 4 tabs now 3 and the dpad's outer circle are had to be trimmed in order to fit, but once done i slapped it all together and it looks great.
plus i added some shiny green leds for the joysticks.
best of all i didnt do any modifications the the original buttons or the faceplate (no tab removal) so if it needs be i want the originals. i can do it in 5 minutes.
well its 4 am. im bored, dont wanna dig out my camera so here's a crappy cell pic!!!

update: here are a few pics from my camera this time, taken during the day and they still look pretty bright

also included is the nunchuck this time.