Author Topic: PSP Bluetooth Mod w/MotoRokr S9 + IPod adapter ?  (Read 4852 times)

Offline fire3element

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PSP Bluetooth Mod w/MotoRokr S9 + IPod adapter ?
« on: July 21, 2008, 08:34:44 PM »
I have been looking and reading on this site for a long time. I just recently signed up so I could finally post something. (YEAH for me)  :tup: (LOL I is stupid)

Anywho, I have had a set of these MotoRokr S9 bluetooth headsets for a while now. I really like them alot. They have great sound quality and are very LOUD. Once you put them on, they pretty much act as ear plugs almost. You really hear the music well no matter what noise there is around.

Here is a link to what I am referring too for those who do not know what the Moto S9 is:

Ok, so I found another set brand new for really cheap. This set includes the Moto D650 adapter that fits the IPod dock connector. In fact, I bought this set cheaper than I could buy the Sony TMR-BT10 bluetooth adapter that plugs into the 3.5mm headphone port. The Sony does include a rechargeable battery in its setup, but I would rather just derive the power form the PSP itself.

So, on to business. I would like to know I you guys think that I could wire the D650 IPod adapter up to the PSP. Of coarse the PSP will have to supply the power to the D650, but I think it is possible. Basically just audio transfer would be just fine, but if the D650 is capable of sending the command signals (play/pause, foward/rewind track, next/previous track, vol+/vol-) to the PSP, that would be sweet.

Please forgive me if someone has posted something like this before. I have already done some extensive research in trying to find the serial pinout for the PSP's remote. I know it is out there somewhere, I just cant seem to find a good source. I did find the IPod connector pinout however.
As far as I can tell, the IPod uses 3.3v stepped up to +5v on PIN 18. PIN 23 is also +5v. PINS 19 and 20 are +12v but are used for FireWire.

I already took apart the D650 to take a look at the connections. It appears that all the connections are soldered on to the board, but I am not sure which all PINs are being used. This board is a nice choice since it is just slightly larger than a US Quarter (not including the IPod connector piece). The BT antenna is also part of the PCB so less chance of breaking that part (which I like). My problem is that I do not have an IPod so I am not really sure how I would connect this thing to test the connections. I believe the the whole PCB is being powered by PIN 18. Or, it might just be powered by the Right+Left audio input (which I dont think makes much sense).

I was thinking of just adapting a stereo 3.5mm plugin if that will supply the power. Or if not, buy a cheap Remote on FleeBay and adapt that.

How would I go about testing this thing to see what all connections are actually used? And does the PSPs remote connetcion supply 3.3v power?
I am looking more for the PSP Slim info but would also like to have the info on the PSP Fat too.
So you guys think that I can at least transfer audio over bluetooth?

Here are a few pics. Mabe they will help.

Let me know whats you thinks.

And I fogot to mention, there are all of those ports on the side that could be possibly used to solder wires to.
Just thought I would point that out.

PspKicks: Pics resized, also, don't double post!
« Last Edit: July 22, 2008, 02:59:35 AM by pspkicks316 »

Offline gr8npwrfl

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Re: PSP Bluetooth Mod w/MotoRokr S9 + IPod adapter ?
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2008, 10:02:44 PM »
What you want to do is very easy.

Yes the PSP can supply power for the adapter.

Here is the pinout for the connector on the ipod transmitter.

Pins 3 and 4 are you right and left audio outputs from the IPOD to your transmitter.

Pin 2 is your audio ground

Pin 18 is your 3.3 Volt power into the module

Pins 15 and 16 are your power grounds

So if you hook 3 and 4 to the speakers of the PSP
Pin 2 goes to the ground side of the two speakers
Pin 18 goes to the 3.3 volt power in the PSP
Pin 15,16 go the chassis ground of the PSP

Then the unit will transmit stereo to the headphones.


You plug this in and it will transmit to your headset.

Sup to you

Offline rceckspurt13

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Re: PSP Bluetooth Mod w/MotoRokr S9 + IPod adapter ?
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2008, 10:35:55 PM »
why pay 35 dollars when he already has the parts he needs. Also if he were to remove the dock adaptor from the Bluetooth adaptor, it may be small enough to be internalized. It may fit behind the wifi board. I guess there Is quite a lot of space behind there.

Bottom line is go for it. The worst that could happen is that you could hook it up wrong. I see no reason not to go for this. I might try it if I had the supplies like you have.
Any Questions? Please Contact Me:

Offline fire3element

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Re: PSP Bluetooth Mod w/MotoRokr S9 + IPod adapter ?
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2008, 05:48:59 PM »

Well, rceckspurt13    if I accidentally wire up the 3.3v from the PSP to the Right/Left on the D650, I would probably FRY it. :cry2: Not that I am that stupid :huh: but I still do not know which PINs on the D650 do what. The IPod diagram that gr8npwrfl mentioned is the one that I found. Even though the diagram can be matched up to the D650s connector, I have no idea what happens to the input (right/left, power, ect.) once it goes through the PCB.
How can I test this thing without having an IPod? You see, I need to figure out if the D650 is running off of 3.3v / 5v or a mix of the two.

Thank you gr8npwrfl for your input. Yes I have seen that adapter before, however it is external (meaning it wont fit with most PSP cases or other mounts) and is made for the Fat PSP. I have 2 Fats and a Slim, but I really would like this on the slim.
What I really need is some sort of diagram that shows where on the PSP to get my power and inputs.

I have also thought of just adding the PSP serial remote connection hardwired into the D650 as is, so that it can be used as intended for an IPod and also for a PSP. You know, just solder the PSP remote wires to the pins inside the D650 and have the PSP connector on the opposite side of the IPod connector so that all you have to do is flip it over to use on IPod or PSP.

Kinda like this:

_____[______]__  <---- IPod Connector
|                       |
|                       |
|         {}           |
|                       |
               (__    )  <--- PSP Connector
                """ []

From the pics I have posted, can anybody tell where the power route goes too?
Does anyone have a pinout diagram for the PSP Slim serial connector? Does it supply 3.3v or 5v ?

Thanks guys in advance for your help.

Oh by the way, if I can get this thing to work, I will make a TUT on how to do this.
I just bought 3 of these MotoRokr S9 + IPod at Target for $65 ea.    I know. CRAZY DEAL !!!!!!!!!!
That is why I am trying so hard to make this work.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2008, 07:44:52 PM by fire3element »

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Re: PSP Bluetooth Mod w/MotoRokr S9 + IPod adapter ?
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2008, 07:42:24 PM »
OK, now see that cable would work except that the D650 needs power input. I dont think the Voltage across the L+R audio channels will be the power supply for a Bluetooth transmiter. I could be wrong tho.

Thanks for the link.

Offline Tri-edge

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Re: PSP Bluetooth Mod w/MotoRokr S9 + IPod adapter ?
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2008, 07:50:36 PM »
look at the item with the name: WP. iPod power dock extende
it's a bit expensive though


if you really want to be fancy you can make your own
and just solder the power to pin 18 like gr8npwrfl said
« Last Edit: July 22, 2008, 07:56:56 PM by that's_what_she_said »

Offline fire3element

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Re: PSP Bluetooth Mod w/MotoRokr S9 + IPod adapter ?
« Reply #7 on: July 23, 2008, 05:32:13 PM »
Well that breakout adapter is very handy. I really dont need it tho. I know what all of the PINs on the D650 are, I just dont know where the power and inputs goto on the PCB once they are past the IPod connector piece.

WHERE DO I GET THE POWER FROM? Can I get 3.3v of 5v power from the PSP Slim serial connector?

Thanks for all of the help so far.

Offline gr8npwrfl

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Re: PSP Bluetooth Mod w/MotoRokr S9 + IPod adapter ?
« Reply #8 on: July 23, 2008, 08:58:51 PM »
This information is from

The interface on the six pins next to the headphone jack are for serial communication to the processor that is in the remote volume control. They make use of a charge pump power supply to the remote control processor. There is no power at that connector. They use that audio signal to charge pump a very very small power supply to run the micro power processor in the remote.

Simple answer is NO POWER at this connector.

But if you do not want to use a remote volume control you can bring power from the motherboard out that connector and use the wiring from a remote volume control to run your bluetooth box.

Here  is the connector pin out

Looking the connector from the front of the psp the pins are  numbered like this;

1 2 3
- - -
- - -
4 5 6

And the jack ones are 7, 8 and 9 (7 is the contact in the end, 8 the middle and 9 the bigger, usually gnd).

They correspond to wires colors;

2 - BLUE
6 - GREY
7 - PINK
8 - RED

Testing those cables with the controller plugged there are some interesting things;

1,2 - are tied to GND
3 - seems some kind of serial interface controlled by PSP asking for some information at some rate (some kind of SCL in I2C).
4,5 - are tied to 2'5V, they seem communication lines, they cannot give power, 4 is managed by PSP and 5 by the external controller (when you unplug this 4 keeps it's state but 5 changes to GND)
6 - seems the corresponding data pin from the serial communication, when you press something the serial signal changes (some kind of SDA in I2C).
7 - Audio channel signal PLUS 600mV DC (I guess this is the power output for external devices).
8 - Audio channel with no DC value.
9 - GND

You could remove the connection to pin 8 and jumper 3.3 volts from the PSP motherboard to this pin. It would only supply power when the PSP is turned on and would only then power your bluetooth adapter when your PSP is on.

It would also not hurt anything that you plugged into your PSP.

If you took a cable from a PSP volume control you could wire it into the side of the adapter so you could then use it for either the IPOD or the PSP.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2008, 10:31:56 PM by gr8npwrfl »

Offline fire3element

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Re: PSP Bluetooth Mod w/MotoRokr S9 + IPod adapter ?
« Reply #9 on: July 25, 2008, 05:36:36 AM »
PIN 8 is the center of the 3.5mm jack correct? Would not making that hot with 3.3v power damage a pair of headphones or such when plugged in?

Maybe I am just missing the point. (not hard for me to do) LOL

Do you think it is possible that the output form the D650's (play/pause, next/previous, vol+/Vol-) can communicate with the PSP?

And yes I had run across that info in my search. I really did not understand what those guys were trying to get at tho. I think I understand how the PSP's serial connection works now.
Would you happen to have a pinout of info on the Slim's setup?

I really need a diagram of the PSP's MOBO so that I can figure out where to get the 3.3v from.
Any links or info is very much appreciated. Thanks alot guys.


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