PSP Phat Direct Contact Sound Reactive TriggersIntroduction Ok so this is my first tut and I hope it helps everyone that
needs help doing sound reactive triggers the Direct Contact
(Or Noob) Way.
Parts Needed -- PSP
-- 2x 603 SMD Led
-- 30 Gauge Kynar Wire [Two Colors is Best]
Tools Needed -- 15-30 watt Soldering Iron
-- Solder
-- Screwdriver
-- Flux
-- Electical Tape
-- Drill
Average Time To Complete- About 30-45 Minutes
Difficulty Rating-3/5
Step By Step TutorialOk so use PSP Disassembly Tut by Kenshinffx which can be found
Until you are at your mobo.
Ok so Now you need to unplug your speaker.
I use the right one more ofter but either one works. So now that
should look like this.
Ok so now heat up your iron get all you leds out. While waiting
for your iron to heat up you will need to get 4 pieces of wire.
Two will go to the Right Trigger and Two to the Left Trigger.
Like So.
Ok so after you wire your leds to the wire you have to wire it to
the back of the speaker. The black wire leads to ground or
negative and the gray leads to positive.
Like this-
So then when that's wired the back of your speaker should look
like this-
Now you drill the triggers. You should use a 1/16 or 1/8 bit. I
didn't have a drill near bye so I used a dremel but either are
fine. So you drill a hole in the middle of the trigger not to far
though just enough for a bit of hot glue and an led.
When done they should look like this-
Now just put a dab of hot glue on the led and stick into the hole-
Now just route your wires. It doesn't really matter but here is an example-
And I found it better if you put some tape over the wires to keep them in place.
Now We just need to put it back together
Put on your LCD Cage and screw it in. Now every time you put
something on after modding ALWAYS TEST IF THE PSP WORKS! It would
really suck if it all together and you notice it doesn't work
Put In your LCD
No picture i am looking for one :P
Put on your home bar-
Put on your faceplate-
Now after your put in every screw test that the PSP turns on and
the leds too if they don't its a short.
Turn it over and screw in these screws-
This image is from Kenshinffx's Tut.
Now Turn On your PSP And enjoy your easy to do Sound Reactive Leds!
This is a Video on how the Look! that is in the day time ill make one at nite asap