Hi acidmods community

i haven't been on for a longtime and had to focus on other things :l so i need help on sound reactive led's and other things.
this is the diagram made this morning from Lordnico's tut and others
i need someone to confirm if this is correct

i got most of my supplies from radioshack, not the best place to get electronic supplies of course but i don't know any hobby stores at location.
here's the following supplies i bought so far
1x blue kynar wire 50ft insulated 30 gauge
1x red kynar wire 50ft insulated 30 gauge
1x electrical tape pvc 3/4
1x rosin-core standard solder .032 8oz not .015

60/40 tin/lead
1xLM386N audio amplifier 400m W
1x and yes the big bulky soldering iron :l
1x flux rosin soldering flux
k the only things i need left are 191k ohm resistor,30k ohm resistor, and LED's
will these supplies be good enough for modding my psp? heard on tangent tutorial saying radioshack have very low quality stuff

and any tips of drilling the shoulder buttons? advices and opinions are welcome

edit gonna return my soldering iron and get a better one but also cheaper :l 15watt conical tip the one i got was just too darn horrible :l