Author Topic: [Wip] Internal Amplifier  (Read 1396 times)

Offline gybrus

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[Wip] Internal Amplifier
« on: September 17, 2008, 11:34:15 AM »
Internal Amplifier

Just received my "FiiO Headphone Amplifier" and it actually works, it runs on 1 AAA battery and is very small.
The largest part is the battery..
Link to Dealextreme

Opened up:

The idea is very simple wire it between the speaker and the speaker connection point.
And receive some power from the psp, so it will actually work.

Maybe use it for the headphone jack as well.

More screens:


Offline folklord36

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Re: [Wip] Internal Amplifier
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2008, 08:36:46 PM »
should work but I dont fully understand your idea I can tell you now you will need different speakers the small psp speakers cant really be amplified. I have researched this a lot and actually made my own but if that thing is all analog then more power to the device more power to speakers so it should work directly wired to a 5v spot. As for using it on the headphone port it will probably just distort the sound and if the headphone port is used to get the input then also routing the out put to headphone port will cause problems unless you make another port to plug in the headphones also if you just directly wire it with no switch then when you plug in headphones the speakers will still play sound and the headphones. I didn't realize until about a week after installing that with directly wiring the input to amp to the headphone out put then when psp is playing no sound you can plug in your ipod to the headphone port with a normal headphone to headphone jack cord and the amped speakers will play from the ipod  :fear: its pretty cool.

Offline rceckspurt13

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Re: [Wip] Internal Amplifier
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2008, 09:17:30 PM »
I think when he said to wire it to the headphones, he meant to make the headphones output louder. Thatway you won't need an external amp to make the headphones louder. Also that does sound pretty cool to use the psp as iPod speakers. Sucks how the sound dosent shut off when headphones are in though.
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Offline folklord36

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Re: [Wip] Internal Amplifier
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2008, 09:31:27 PM »
I think when he said to wire it to the headphones, he meant to make the headphones output louder. Thatway you won't need an external amp to make the headphones louder. Also that does sound pretty cool to use the psp as iPod speakers. Sucks how the sound dosent shut off when headphones are in though.

ya I understood that but what im saying is that the inputs and outputs cant be wired together on the same actual headphone port you will need to add a port to amp headphones but unless that's what this thing is for I doubt it will work on headphones.

Also forgot to mention this the stock settings are the best for batt life and efficiency you can add bigger amped speakers but with the limited amperage on psp you cant make it too much louder without adding lots of circuitry and speakers and power supply and when you do find that perfect balance without adding converters and power supply to the psp it will destroy your batt life

Offline gybrus

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Re: [Wip] Internal Amplifier
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2008, 04:04:33 AM »
You both don't understand me I think :P

Little example how this works.

You plug a male cable in your female headphone jack(that's how it is called??) on the other side of the cable you have another male plug.
That will go in the input of the amp.
The amp will make it a bit louder higher bass etc. and you can plug your headphone in the amp.

So you use the amp between your psp and your headphone.

My first idea wont work I'm afraid.

My new idea is to make it more portable place it inside the psp and wire it to the headphone output.
This will make it louder and you don't need to carry that small amp with you.(Because it's inside the psp)

I could wire a bigger speaker to it if I can find one that fits my needs.

PS: I apologise for my bad English, I should pay more attention in my English class I guess :P


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