Author Topic: Unusual problem with unit from ebay (plus internalized photofast cr-3100)!  (Read 16895 times)

Offline ApheX

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Re: Unusual problem with unit from ebay (plus internalized photofast cr-3100)!
« Reply #30 on: October 09, 2008, 03:51:11 AM »
wat. I don't call that a mod >_< Clean though.. lol nvm then.

i don't know why this wouldn't be considered a mod. just because a solder iron wasn't used doesn't mean it's not a mod. you still have to open up the psp, remove the umd drive and dremal a part of the case away to fit the adapter cable through to the memory port. it is slightly easy, apart from getting the adapter card into the memory port, the cable doesn't give you alot of slack to play with.


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