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how do i boost my internet speed? so when i downlaod stuff it would download faster. it take forever to downlaod stuff and surfing the net take a 1 or 2min to load up a page.
im currently on a nildram business package and i just fit an iplate
We're on Nildram too. Nildram FTL!Our internet is the suckiest. My ping on assualt cube is always above 300 . And even then I'm lucky to get less than 400. Gah.How much does an iPlate cost?
Also try to get a less known ISP, it will be a gamble with reliableness, but it will be a lot faster, since everybody in your area shares the same connection if you on the same ISP, therefore much slower, when I started using bethere, nobody knew about it, it was really new, and it get my full 24mbp/s, it was amazing, but over the years it got more popular and now i get 15mbp/sNot to mention the fact they go down a lot now, although thats because of my areathe government wont get rid of this useless tree, no leaves, or anything, its ugly, and its starting to grow into the phone lines and what now, so sometimes all i hear is a crackling noise and its gotten so bad, that my broadband has turned into dialup, whenever you pick up the phone the internet goes downand legally, we cant do anything, since the tree is on the other side of the road, and by the council
Hey what's my connection speed mean? What's the difference with that and my download/upload speeds?
Robin I r sorrieez.
Does this mean mine is fast?
crackling could be because one of your filters has brokeas for the tree problem some garden centers sell tree poison to get rid of trees
We've had it replaced by bethere about 5 times, it still did it with brand new ones, and it only does it when its windy when the tree seems to rape the telephone postsThe tree is litterly grown about a foot away from the telephone post, and to make it worst, you know when trees grow at an angle, its doing that and its starting to grow around the top of the post so its damaging the wiresReally pisses me off how the council doesnt care, they said we cant do that, my dad tried to complain because he does all his work at home and he cant work when its down, they said we cant touch it because of how it helps being green? It has no leaves... its a tree that looks dead, it never has leaves, just lots of twigs/braches etcRight now my internet is about 10mb/s, no where near the 24mb/s i used to getIm probaly going to move in a few months though
you just tell the councel oyu will plant 2 more trees elseware to make up for cutting it down
nonononono, you can try star downloader..
Your download speeds depend on where you're downloading from, keep that in mind.
Getting a Gigabit LAN card won't do anything if the speed isn't there in the first place .You should just invest in upgrading your internet package with your ISP, or switch to a faster ISP.You can actually increase your speed with some hacks/programs but it'sl illegal and I'm not explaining further.