I am making my own rapid fire chip. I need to know (in Hz I guess) what is the magic number that will let you rapid fire in COD 5 without getting restricted by the game? Is it a certain frequency? Or is it something else? Here is my code, I am using mikroC
void main() {
ANSEL = 0; // Configure AN pins as digital
CMCON0 = 7; // Turn off the comparators
TRISIO = 0; // configure pins of GPIO as output
do { // beginning of a repeat loop
GPIO = 0xFF; // turn ON diodes on GPIO
Delay_ms(50); // wait 1 second
GPIO = 0; // turn OFF diodes on GPIO
Delay_ms(50); // wait 1 second
} while(1); // endless loop (as this condition is always satisfied)
I am assuming that I just have to change the delay_ms value that is good for COD5. Or is there some type of special code thing for COD 5 where the chip pulls the trigger then like pulls it half way or some
and then pulls it so it can bypass the rapid fire block. I am assuming it is just like the code I posted above but with a slower delay time. Can anyone tell me what it is.