Author Topic: How do you remove stripped psp screw and broken off part of faceplate?  (Read 9218 times)

Offline bojadada

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ok, basically, i installed a faceplate, but it was absolute hell. It felt a bit tight, and the paint keeps chipping off. And sometimes the buttons would become unresponsive depending on how tight/loose the screws are. So i tightened one screw, and it stripped and i couldnt get it off. So like an idiot, i just broke the faceplate off. the faceplate stays on, but the part of the faceplate with the stripped screw broke off, so now my faceplate wont fully go on, and the stripped screw is still in my psp, as is a broken off part of my faceplate. So how exactly would i remove these? Help is appreciated. Thanks.

Offline bustinthejustin

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If you had a really small drill bit and steady hands, you could drill out the head of the screw and pull it off. I also heard that using a crappy screwdriver and supergluing it to the top of the screw and unscrewing it that way works.

Sig by Kenshinffx - Thanks!

Offline GhoSt

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I use a drill, Search there are many topics like this one.
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Offline W-Gaming5

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« Last Edit: July 29, 2012, 12:00:02 PM by W-Gaming5 »

Offline alentris

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A while ago i saw a commercial for a drill
it was gurented to remove any stripped screw
they showed the sizes
but none the size of a psp screwdriver
they had some small ones. Idk maybe
but someone couldve built one for the psp
It's called the "grabit" and it's too small for the psp. For stripped screws, i clamp my psp to my drill press, put in a really small bit, and just drill the head off. (i'm lucky to have a drill press, aren't i, lol.

Thanks to HiddenVenom for the sig!

Offline bustinthejustin

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I could totally see you going right through the psp O_O

Sig by Kenshinffx - Thanks!

Offline alentris

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I could totally see you going right through the psp O_O
lol, nope I have a special stopper that you set to make it only go like 2mm past the area you want to drill.

Thanks to HiddenVenom for the sig!

Offline pspupgrade

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I had this problem a while ago, annoyingly. Bought a PSP off the internet, ready for modding, and two faceplate screws were stripped. In the end, I had tried to free it and it had snapped, so that just the area to the right of the PSP stayed on.
  So, what I did was get a spare PSP faceplate and a pair of tweezers (yes, odd :)), and then put the PSP in  between the tweezers and located the where the screw holes would be in relation to the faceplate, as the tweezers would be in the same position either side. Then, on the part of faceplate that was still on, I made some marks with a crafting knife as to where the screw holes would be, got the drill out, and drilled right in. Surprisingly, it worked and the screws just dropped out. By the way, this would be even more sacrificing that faceplate of yours.  :boxed:
  If you carefully try that out, it should actually work.
Here are some photos of the PSP faceplate that I used:

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Offline ryan0

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I like to dremel around the screw just a little bit,and then pick up the screw with a very small pliers and twist it out.
It makes less damage,
Also you're screws should not stripped if you use the right screwdriver!

Offline alentris

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Also you're screws should not stripped if you use the right screwdriver!
Not true, I stripped my first psp screw, with the right screwdriver XD... but not anymore...

Thanks to HiddenVenom for the sig!


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