Author Topic: ¿How to connect PS2 Dual Shock 2 controllers to the PSP using serial port?  (Read 23234 times)

Offline DarkShot

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Thought I'd add in 2 cents:

Don't expect to learn this over night. Programming is easy, but can be time consuming. You need to understand the basic structure of programming, the syntax of the language you use, and how it works. I know extremely little about programming, and know that this stuff takes time to learn.

Offline Blazinkaos

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yea so i might as well go with the basics since i dnt have any knowledge about this stuff.

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Offline menwhar12

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im in grade 10 and learning programing in my computer corse and we are using turing is that good place to start of with or should i use a different one.

Offline DarkShot

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Any straight forward language I'd think would be great for beginners. I'm learning Visual Basic 6.

Mind you, after summer I want to learn C, and buy an Arduino to start off with that.

Offline rceckspurt13

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Hey menwhar12, what is the name of the class you are in? I just registered for 10 grade but I'd like to see if the class is offered at my highschool.
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Offline Blazinkaos

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hmm idk if had classes like that in my hs school time but i did take 2 years of cisco networking

*Thanks Modders/Friends:Ghost_Death, gr8npwrfl, Blizzrad, Kenshinffx.
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Offline EliteGamer83

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Hey look what I picked up today at Gamestop for $2.99 after I went to see a movie lol, only 2 bucks and now I have a spare male AND female PS2 jack :)

By the way has anyone made any headway on this project?? I really would like to do this, I mean I'm not just sitting back and trying to get everyone to do my work for me I am really trying very very hard to sort this out but I am getting no where. Anyone make any headway on the WIRING? In this thread I've only herd people talking bout the programming.

Offline Alien_X

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It isn't really possible for you to do the wiring until/while you are writing your code, besides, you need at least a microcontroller, programmer, crystal, couple of capacitors, pull up resistors etc. to have the basic support circuit for the MCU.
Cut off the end of the extension lead and wire it into some headers so you can use it with your breadboard:



I have been working on  this project, and I am sure Blizzrad has, however as Blizzrad mentioned earlier, he doesn't want everyone depending on him as per Gr8npwrfls thread. The best way for you to do this is to start learning about microcontrollers, devote a couple of hours a day or something like that to researching and learning about them on google.
Blizzrad did also mention that he had all of the hardware pretty much done, it was just a matter of tweaking the software on the PSP side of things..
« Last Edit: April 25, 2009, 11:39:45 PM by Alien_X »

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Yeah I know you and I are not on the best of terms, your a expert and I'm a noob. But why do you need to use a header? can't you just solder the wires directly to your components? also in Blizzrad's video he used the PSP serial plug like on the remote on the header, what I saw was the female PS2 jack directly to the breadboard.   

Offline GhoSt

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Yeah I know you and I are not on the best of terms, your a expert and I'm a noob. But why do you need to use a header? can't you just solder the wires directly to your components? 

having the headers gives you the ability to have plug and play action on the bread board. It will make it sooo much easyier in the long run also it will keep it safer/neater.
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Offline Alien_X

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It will be alot easier in the long term if you develop your code and circuit on a breadboard, alot easier.

I don't understand your second question, here is an adapter that I fabricated for the SIO port:

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Offline EliteGamer83

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Hmm couldn't you just buy one of the DX remmotes and cut off the SIO jack from it?

I mean what I was thinking of, I don't see why it needs to be removable I was picturing it to be like a box with a SIO cable coming out from one end to the PSP and a PS2 controller jack in the side, so I'm not sure why you need the header (plus I'm having a hard time finding one)

By the way, one quick off topic question so I don't have to make another thread, where the heck can you find a 2 position 8 pin switch!? I can't find any to save my life =\ I've searched EVERYWHERE. I really need one for my PSP project.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2009, 01:05:04 PM by EliteGamer83 »

Offline Alien_X

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The reason there is a header on the SIO is so that it can be used in a breadboard!

A switch which can switch 8 electrically isolated contacts with only 2 positions doesn't exist as far as I know, you would need to use a microcontroller and one normal switch.

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Offline EliteGamer83

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The reason there is a header on the SIO is so that it can be used in a breadboard!

A switch which can switch 8 electrically isolated contacts with only 2 positions doesn't exist as far as I know, you would need to use a microcontroller and one normal switch.

Oh, of course duh lol.. I couldn't find anything but one like 100 pin one on ebay for $20. Where do you buy them?? RS doesn't carry them.

No, I mean like a switch that when in pos 1 it connects the 2 pins on one side and the 2 pins on the other side, then the same when in pos 2. Like this:

« Last Edit: April 26, 2009, 02:32:46 PM by EliteGamer83 »

Offline rceckspurt13

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Well as far as I know, I don think you'll be able to find a swith like that. For a switch to have that many contact points, it would need to be a 3 position. That should work fine though. The center position would be a neutral.

It would be called a "Double Pole, Tripple Throw" or DPTT switch I believe.
^ I'm guessing on that one so don't get mad if I'm wrong.

Someone may be able to find you a switch that matches your discription, but the above is to the best of my knowledge without searching.
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Offline Alien_X

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The reason there is a header on the SIO is so that it can be used in a breadboard!

A switch which can switch 8 electrically isolated contacts with only 2 positions doesn't exist as far as I know, you would need to use a microcontroller and one normal switch.

This is really trying my patience now..I'm not even sure you are reading what I am bothering to post

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Offline EliteGamer83

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This is really trying my patience now..I'm not even sure you are reading what I am bothering to post

Look nevermind I found one myself.

But for the PSP SIO jack is it really necessary to make your own, or can you cut it off from a PSP remote from DX.

Well as far as I know, I don think you'll be able to find a swith like that. For a switch to have that many contact points, it would need to be a 3 position. That should work fine though. The center position would be a neutral.

It would be called a "Double Pole, Tripple Throw" or DPTT switch I believe.
^ I'm guessing on that one so don't get mad if I'm wrong.

Someone may be able to find you a switch that matches your discription, but the above is to the best of my knowledge without searching.

Hey thanks! that made my searching much easier.  :#1:

Offline Blazinkaos

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Well as far as I know, I don think you'll be able to find a swith like that. For a switch to have that many contact points, it would need to be a 3 position. That should work fine though. The center position would be a neutral.
I found a switch pretty close to what elite is asking but still doesnt meet the standards.

*Thanks Modders/Friends:Ghost_Death, gr8npwrfl, Blizzrad, Kenshinffx.
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Offline Blizzrad

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Hey look what I picked up today at Gamestop for $2.99 after I went to see a movie lol, only 2 bucks and now I have a spare male AND female PS2 jack...
...Anyone make any headway on the WIRING? In this thread I've only herd people talking bout the programming.

Nice find, old extension cables are definitely the cheapest and easiest source for prototyping connectors that I know of.

I would like to make it very clear again that the PSP software required for this to be useful does not yet exist. Unless you are interested in microcontroller/PSP software development, there isn't much reason to assemble the circuit at this time.

That being said, for this circuit whether you prefer a breadboard or point-to-point soldering is just a matter of preference. With microcontroller stuff, I usually prefer to work with a breadboard and make easily removable adapters for all cables and connectors. I do this with pin headers, perfboard, and zip ties like in the pictures that Alien posted above. This makes it much easier to change pin configurations while prototyping, (something you may end up doing a lot as you develop code). Male and female pin headers can be found very cheap on ebay if you don't mind buying them in larger quantities. For the SIO connector, you could cut one off a remote or build your own, just so long as the required pins are making contact.

Offline EliteGamer83

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Nice find, old extension cables are definitely the cheapest and easiest source for prototyping connectors that I know of.

I would like to make it very clear again that the PSP software required for this to be useful does not yet exist. Unless you are interested in microcontroller/PSP software development, there isn't much reason to assemble the circuit at this time.

That being said, for this circuit whether you prefer a breadboard or point-to-point soldering is just a matter of preference. With microcontroller stuff, I usually prefer to work with a breadboard and make easily removable adapters for all cables and connectors. I do this with pin headers, perfboard, and zip ties like in the pictures that Alien posted above. This makes it much easier to change pin configurations while prototyping, (something you may end up doing a lot as you develop code). Male and female pin headers can be found very cheap on ebay if you don't mind buying them in larger quantities. For the SIO connector, you could cut one off a remote or build your own, just so long as the required pins are making contact.

Okay thank you so much for that info, one thing though. What do you mean the software does not exist? you did it, there was the video so I'm not sure why you said the code does not yet exist.

Offline Blazinkaos

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i believe hes talking bout a different software elite. probably one that is meant for the ps2 controller.

*Thanks Modders/Friends:Ghost_Death, gr8npwrfl, Blizzrad, Kenshinffx.
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Offline EliteGamer83

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Well he tested the buttons on the button testing thing, everything responded as far as I could see so I'm not sure what exactly still needs done. =\

Offline GhoSt

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omg, he has mentioned this before.

The purpose of my video was primarily to demonstrate the hardware. The video is not meant to imply that everything is ready to be used for gaming. This is why the word "test" is part of the title, and why I stated "This project is still in the early stages" and "Lots of software work still remains" in the description.

So what is the current status of this project? The hardware was pretty much finished. Apart from some minor tweaks to the AVR firmware, nothing much would need to be done on that end. It is the software on the PSP side which still needs work to give the buttons proper responsiveness to be suitable for games.

The software needed to auctualy use this device flawlessly has never been made. The software he uses are a few different test programs, each which can test some part of this device not allow you to jump in and play a game with it.
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Offline Blazinkaos

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Ahh I see it now. So the program he tested everything isnt yet compatible with games.

*Thanks Modders/Friends:Ghost_Death, gr8npwrfl, Blizzrad, Kenshinffx.
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Offline GhoSt

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Ahh I see it now. So the program he tested everything isnt yet compatible with games.

It was just made to prove the psp was reading the signals.
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Oh so there still needs to be something done to have it work with games then.

*Thanks Modders/Friends:Ghost_Death, gr8npwrfl, Blizzrad, Kenshinffx.
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Offline GhoSt

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Oh so there still needs to be something done to have it work with games then.

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Haha ghost, well if it can read those signals on the buttons tester why can't the code be tweaked just a lil bit to have it work 100%?

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Haha ghost, well if it can read those signals on the buttons tester why can't the code be tweaked just a lil bit to have it work 100%?

Idk, I am not a programer. But the button tester was a app, he would need some pretty complex plugin in order for this to work, its not that easy.
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Sounds like if you don't mind opening your psp, the direct connected way is easier.
Unless your into hardcore programming.
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