this does belong in xbox 360 software section where it would have likely slipped unoticed by all of our active members.
AM has no problems with HEX modding at all, however just because it is a map pack doesnt mean that the programers dont deserve to get paid for there work. Modding is legal because of the fact that it is something you bought, and you should be able to do as you please with something you buy. If the map packs are free downloads then I see no problem here. Seeing as these two map packs are the only ones you stil have to pay for, probably this topic will be

as this is exactly what we dont want happening here at AM.
Just like with ISO's, it is ok to talk about them, if you own the original and dont distribute the copies, and only use them for personal backup/modding purposes. There are plenty of places where you can get this stuff, AM just isnt one of them. Please think before you post, and respect the people who bring you quality content in video games by actually buying what you play.