Ive seen a few people attempt this and not many successful ones.
im trying, but im not microcomputer genius or soldering pro. or anything near a good modder. i just wanted to try something and this is what ive gotten so far.
I've got my UMD drive completely removed for space and in the process of making brackets.
my two issues are power and sound. i have conceded the fact that getting visuals onto the psp are next to impossible. so im jsut going to use the lcd screen that came with the phone. not sure how yet. ill figure it out. oh yeah. i has a camera too... lol
anyways. the phone will run off of usb connection alone. so my theory is that if i can find a way to get power to it, i can sorta use a switch in between and turn it on and off when i want. but where would i need to connect to in order to supply power? i have a phat psp and have done the usb charge mod. is there a way to hook into there to draw power? im pretty sure ill use the wifi switch for it, any suggestions?
im gonna post some pictures of what im thinking of. the phone has a microphone so thats ok.
any idea or suggestions on where i should put the lcd at would be much appreciated. its designed with really skinny cables so maybe behind the wifi card?
anyways hope to get some responses to this, seeing as im kinda at a stand still till i get some ideas. hope to hear from you soon. and a pre-emptive thank you.
A shot of the pieces

showing the thickness and a rough fit.

jsut another shot

sorry its blurry

well its 4 am here and ive been tinkering all night sooo, ill snap more photos tomorrow and upload them maybe some of the lcd by the rear of the wifi.