Author Topic: psp 3000 with skin and led mod stone on buttons mod by lobo.[psp for girls]  (Read 2401 times)

Offline loboplayero

  • hardcore psp modder!!
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  • specialize in psp led lighting!!
waz up guys so one of my friends ask me do something nice 4 one of their girl kids so i wanted to make it as feminine as possible so i know there is some nice girly cases out there but i wanted to be a little unique so i said lets skin it i found the pretiest design and threw purple leds and a few white diamonds on the buttons also costume xmb skin for a better match here it is enjoy.
psp 3000 skin and led trigger mod by lobo.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2011, 09:26:51 PM by loboplayero »


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