Author Topic: Next generation Modders. everyone please read.  (Read 9108 times)

Offline 1TONpete

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Next generation Modders. everyone please read.
« on: March 24, 2011, 05:09:26 PM »
      I might be a lil older than most guys on this site, so maybe I have a lil different perspective on things, I have noticed a growing trend of this "disposable capitalist" society . Our children are learning to just throw stuff away when it doesn't  work anymore. We don't care about our things anymore. We just buy new things.
      I have kids. My son loves to get involved in my projects. There is something to be said about learning to take care of your own things. You respect them more. Take a car for example. If some 16 kid gets handed a car he's going to beat it to death. Take that same kid with that same car, and help him rebuild that car first and let him see the fruits of his labors, I bet he won't beat it as much. After all they are teenagers.
      I love seeing new blood coming through this site. Especially noobs with noob questions. because we all have to start somewhere and well we were all noobs. Everyday something makes me feel like one. So lets not shame these noobs lets cherish them because the noob of today might be a great modder one day.  And if your older like me and you have a family, try to get them involved. Teach them, explain why we do what we do. I guess that's all for now.

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Re: Next generation Modders. everyone please read.
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2011, 05:13:55 PM »
      I might be a lil older than most guys on this site, so maybe I have a lil different perspective on things, I have noticed a growing trend of this "disposable capitalist" society . Our children are learning to just throw stuff away when it doesn't  work anymore. We don't care about our things anymore. We just buy new things.
      I have kids. My son loves to get involved in my projects. There is something to be said about learning to take care of your own things. You respect them more. Take a car for example. If some 16 kid gets handed a car he's going to beat it to death. Take that same kid with that same car, and help him rebuild that car first and let him see the fruits of his labors, I bet he won't beat it as much. After all they are teenagers.
      I love seeing new blood coming through this site. Especially noobs with noob questions. because we all have to start somewhere and well we were all noobs. Everyday something makes me feel like one. So lets not shame these noobs lets cherish them because the noob of today might be a great modder one day.  And if your older like me and you have a family, try to get them involved. Teach them, explain why we do what we do. I guess that's all for now.

I totally agree with you 150%

 Tracey: I cant believe Rodent of all people made my damn day
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Re: Next generation Modders. everyone please read.
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2011, 05:37:03 PM »
There is something to be said about learning to take care of your own things. You respect them more. Take a car for example. If some 16 kid gets handed a car he's going to beat it to death. Take that same kid with that same car, and help him rebuild that ca

I agree with most of it except for that part^

I have noticed where I live (idk about other places) but the kids in my school usually get their first car used, or if they have money/jobs then new, but the majority of them are stock (or just have subs thrown in the trunk), and the ones I've talked to/hung out with usually care for it like its their baby.

I see where you're going with the example, but I think its a money based thing. Like if it was a 20$ car I could see what you mean, but a $1000+ car is something a lot of kids care about (especially since it's the whole "first car" situation). But the more expensive the item, it seems the more people care for it, just in the fear of if it breaks, it will cost more to fix.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2011, 05:38:21 PM by FreeK »

Offline 1TONpete

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Re: Next generation Modders. everyone please read.
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2011, 06:14:42 PM »
Maybe its just the area in which I live. But around here , most of the kids get their first car handed to them. They don't earn them , and they don't take care of them. Even the ones that get brand new cars. More often than not , the ones with new cars beat 'm more. The guy who's family can't afford to buy them a car, so he works his ass off to buy a piece of crap and polishes that turd to look like gold.

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Re: Next generation Modders. everyone please read.
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2011, 06:14:59 PM »
Ok Here is a better example and I see it alot these days with buying and selling xboxs , PS3 and psp and anyother game systems I have bought and fixed in the past couple of months.

These kids got the orginal xbox, not 2 years goes by and the Xbox 360 comes out, Kids gotta have whats new, then the PS3 , gotta have it cuz all the kids have  them now. To conclude to my point here. They get the RROD and its no good to them , so they buy another XBOX 360 cuz its out of warrenty. Also, The New XBOX 360 came out, and these kids lie to there parents who have money to blow, and in todays economy thats hard to just run out and spend $300 bucks, like its nothing.

Point taken , is when i was a kid you got what you got, cuz you worked for it, and if you didnt take care of it . you went with out. Kids that I see today, have no respect for people or there parents. I dont give in to my kid, and When I was twelve, if I wanted something I went and started working, to get the things I wanted and learned the value of money and what things cost that when you break them its not that easy to just run out and replace it, so you either fixed it or you went with out.

Kids Now days have cell phones computers video games , Get outside and learn something or do something other then FACEBOOK OR MY SPACE. No offence to these sites but , there is more to life.

Family volenteering, helping one another out, Yes we help each other out here on AM. and thats for one the younger generation , has learned the technoligy and the older crowd like myself, enjoys making things and enjoying what the kids are doing,. My friends kids all look up to me cuz of the things I can make with my hands. something I learned when I was a kid, didnt have time to sit around.

 Tracey: I cant believe Rodent of all people made my damn day
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Re: Next generation Modders. everyone please read.
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2011, 06:15:54 PM »
Maybe its just the area in which I live. But around here , most of the kids get their first car handed to them. They don't earn them , and they don't take care of them. Even the ones that get brand new cars. More often than not , the ones with new cars beat 'm more. The guy who's family can't afford to buy them a car, so he works his ass off to buy a piece of crap and polishes that turd to look like gold.

« Last Edit: March 24, 2011, 06:22:54 PM by Rodent »

 Tracey: I cant believe Rodent of all people made my damn day
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Re: Next generation Modders. everyone please read.
« Reply #6 on: March 24, 2011, 06:35:56 PM »
I grew up the same way. My father died when I was young , I grew up struggling with my mother. I started working legally as soon as I could. I had to. because if I wanted something , I had to go out and get it myself. I never got game systems bought for me, or cars or cell phones. Everything I have ever owned I've had to work for. I purchased my first system it was  game boy and it was used. I think growing up this way helped me to appreciate things and also helped me become a modder. I couldn't go out and pay someone else to do what I can learn to do myself.

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Re: Next generation Modders. everyone please read.
« Reply #7 on: March 24, 2011, 06:37:09 PM »
When i was a kid we went outside and played.  most kids now have never climbed a tree.

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Re: Next generation Modders. everyone please read.
« Reply #8 on: March 24, 2011, 06:52:55 PM »
When i was a kid we went outside and played.  most kids now have never climbed a tree.
take that back i've climbed at least 5

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Re: Next generation Modders. everyone please read.
« Reply #9 on: March 24, 2011, 08:32:34 PM »
Being 17 and having climbed 5 trees is like having climbed none... when I was a kid I had an NES, but I wasn't allowed to play it after school (I'd stay up til all hours of the night playing, but not during daylight), I had to go outside and play, it was a rule... and breaking it just got you thrown out the door to go abide by the rule... (and most kids have never climbed a tree nowadays because "Oh my god! they could, like, fall out of it and hurt themselves!" and if that happened who would you sue?)

when I was 19-21 I spent nearly every weekend (often quite a bit longer than that too) at one state park or another camping, hiking, mountain biking, and rock climbing; often by myself and in remote locations that required hiking miles to a campsite from where I parked my car... and I still held down a job and kept myself in the latest tech, I was able to separate myself from it though, tech didn't consume me or my time. when I'd leave for a trip i turned off my cell phone and left everything at the house, the only entertainment I'd bring (aside from my bike or climbing gear depending on where I went) would be a knife, a drum and a camera. take only what you need and leave with everything you brought... if I injured myself i fixed it up and hiked out, broken bones and all...

I agree that society has become very 'throwaway' and kids have messed up values and ideas about how things are and how they should be, but I don't blame the kids for any of it, I blame corporations, media, and most of all... the parents. where do you think the kids get the mentality? Bratty, obnoxious, spoiled kids don't get that way on their own... Most parents I know or that I've met don't care about their kids, most didn't want to have kids in the first place and have no true interest in raising them, let alone raising them right... if you want to blame anyone blame the parents themselves (I'd go into a much longer rant about the progression to this point, but no one wants to hear it)... but definitely don't blame the kids, it's not their fault that their parents don't want an active part in their lives and would rather sit the kid in front of the TV or the Xbox than actually spend time with them, I mean god forbid the parents should spend their free time with the kids...
« Last Edit: March 24, 2011, 08:34:28 PM by jrfhoutx »
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Re: Next generation Modders. everyone please read.
« Reply #10 on: March 24, 2011, 08:48:26 PM »
When i was a kid we went outside and played.  most kids now have never climbed a tree.

When I was a kid my mom so go play in the street, chase cars or something , so we did , got in alot of trouble , yet we had alot of fun also....lmao

Also we never had to wear helmets or knee pads and elbo pads when we rode our bikes.  thats what made you a kid, the bumps the bruises , broken bones, scares from the road rash down a gravel road etc.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2011, 08:53:08 PM by Rodent »

 Tracey: I cant believe Rodent of all people made my damn day
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Offline 1TONpete

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Re: Next generation Modders. everyone please read.
« Reply #11 on: March 24, 2011, 09:12:44 PM »
I hope that my message was not miss interpreted . I agree about the lack of parenting. The point I am trying to make , is that the older generation of modders needs to lead by example and help these young kids. As far as parenting is concerned, every mom and dad needs to step up and help our kids get some values. Like taking pride in your work and helping others just because its the right thing to do.

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Re: Next generation Modders. everyone please read.
« Reply #12 on: March 24, 2011, 09:21:08 PM »
Ok so   basically now  with my generation were  :censored:ing spoiled  :censored:ers we grew up in a world  where  or atleast in my town it is if you break something its ok your parents buy you a new one. As for the parents and being with there kids in my generation it seems to me and i am not the only kid that  sees this and feels this is that we choose to be away from our parents  our generation is all about freedom we try to be as free as possible we  dont like listening to rules. Its 12:30 i have no idea where im going with this  but my point overall i belive is that our generation is different and its cause we are growing up in a world with technology runs our lives we dont learn how to write in school we learn how to type we dont learn how to  do math problems by hand we use calculators.

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Re: Next generation Modders. everyone please read.
« Reply #13 on: March 24, 2011, 09:30:57 PM »
I agree with the biebs 100%. Technology is taking over our lives and soon skynet will destroy us :confused:

Seriously though, technology is destroying the good old out door times of hiking, fishing, hunting etc.

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Re: Next generation Modders. everyone please read.
« Reply #14 on: March 24, 2011, 09:39:48 PM »
freedom is a universal teenage thing, when I was a teenager, the last thing I wanted to do was hang out with my parents... that's what being a teenager is all about, experiencing freedom... though when I say kids, I really mean kids, not teenagers...

though technology only pushes those things (like hunting fishing, hiking, etc.) to the side if you let it...
« Last Edit: March 24, 2011, 09:40:46 PM by jrfhoutx »
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Re: Next generation Modders. everyone please read.
« Reply #15 on: March 24, 2011, 09:40:49 PM »
I love how people always judge those who are different to them, every generation is different there is nothing anyone can do about that. Children will grow up with different experience which they will wish their kids had the opportunity to have. I am 17, and yes I wrestled my friends in the mud, built forts, climbed trees, cracked my head open. But I also played computer games, watched movies, have a cellphone. I don't see myself as any worse of a person because of it. Pretty much everything I own I payed for out my own pocket, this idea of spoiled children is a giant generalization. A child turns out the way their parents raise them, so if anyone is to blame for anything its the generation who raises the children.

It is the older generation who build the world for our children to grow up in, you can't criticizes what your actions (or inaction) helped create. The fact that everyone here is sitting on a computer typing instead of out biking, swimming or tramping proves us as hypocrites for thinking that the technological generation children are the problem. I guess most people find it easy to criticize others rather than look at themselves and judge whether they have done their part to make this world a better place, I know I am trying...
« Last Edit: March 24, 2011, 09:55:35 PM by GhoSt_Death »
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Re: Next generation Modders. everyone please read.
« Reply #16 on: March 24, 2011, 09:45:36 PM »
Crazy's right and laxboy, its true things are alot different now days but some of the kids and teens , say 12 to 17  just are rude, and act like they are someone, those who show respect get respect, and sometimes that takes time, just a lot different now then before

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Re: Next generation Modders. everyone please read.
« Reply #17 on: March 24, 2011, 10:31:05 PM »
i agree i may still be young(16 1/2) but the outside part is very true i remember when i was young i was never inside i was always outside doing stuff these days i tend to stay in the house but when called i love going for bike rides ill call a friend up yo dude what lets go take the trails okay on my way these days  i go around and i see 9 year olds with  iphones and :censored: im like seriously and when my gaming sutffs broken i usually tend to sell it because i know someone else has more ability then me to fix it 

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Re: Next generation Modders. everyone please read.
« Reply #18 on: March 24, 2011, 11:53:07 PM »
I feel old when I say this, but people don't take as much pride in their works anymore. There's not any real "viruses" anymore, products are mass produced at way too low a cost and the quality suffers, there's too many people taking simple aftermarket parts and throw it on anything from consoles to cars and consider it a "mod".

I love coming here though seeing people who take a LOT of pride in what they do, reminds me there's still hope for humanity.

Offline 1TONpete

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Re: Next generation Modders. everyone please read.
« Reply #19 on: March 25, 2011, 06:05:43 AM »
Ghost death- "The fact that everyone here is sitting on a computer typing instead of out biking, swimming or tramping proves us as hypocrites for thinking that the technological generation children are the problem".
            I am not saying the kids are the problem , we are. They are just the by product of our uncaring world and our actions. And as far sitting on this pc and chatting instead of being out side. I live in NY. So its hard to bring my kids out side in the winter. Plus my kids are young all under 6 . Also I am disabled. I am not supposed to even be able to ride a bike, but I do, I suck up the pain and I do it because its whats best for my kids. When its nice out, we go outside. I live in upstate NY there is so much outdoors stuff to do. And we do it. I am lil scared about my son climbing trees tho. But again my kids are young.
           When I brought this up I did not want to start a fight. This was meant to be a rally call for the older modders to step up and show the new guys the right path. Values like pride in your work ec. I by no means am trying to insult the young guys. IF my generalization has hit a nerve I'm sorry. But it is true. I am not saying all kids are like that, but most I have found are. I just don't want to see the point of the thread lost to ego's and pissing contests.
Ducttape Goat-"I love coming here though seeing people who take a LOT of pride in what they do, reminds me there's still hope for humanity"
This is what this thread is about.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2011, 06:08:33 AM by denali31004 »

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Re: Next generation Modders. everyone please read.
« Reply #20 on: March 25, 2011, 07:52:21 AM »
No pain no gain.
Go outside and play. That's how you learn. I agree.

Pay it Forward.
If someone does something good to you; don't pay it back, do something good to someone else and don't ask for favors in return.

Have integrity, don't blame everyone else.
I don't know what else to say.

People born between the late 70's and the change of the millennia have a lot in common with the great generation between 1890's to the 1920's. Same stuff different time period. Think about it for a while if you know your history because there was parties all the time everyone had a good time. Thats how i see it, kids don't worry about what is going on in this world thet just have to worry about popstar xyz or when the next gizmo is coming out etc. Seems to me that everything done to this generation was cushioned to prevent us from suffering.... well you know what next time they're not around and something crazy happens it is going to be a shock and nearly everyone doesn't know what the hell to do because they've never experienced it.

I woke up at age 16 and really started trying in school, im still waking up some of my friends because they're blinded by today's super-society gilded facade of technology. When they get out of school its gonna hurt when they try to use the degree for a good job and they ruin it.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2011, 08:15:05 AM by FOOKz »

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Re: Next generation Modders. everyone please read.
« Reply #21 on: March 25, 2011, 07:56:17 AM »
LOL I agree with "most" of this thread.. then Brian came in with a fine example of times-a-changing with the "censored this and the censored that".  Whats with teenagers and the cussing? When I was say 16 my mom would backhand the hell out of me if I so much said the word d@mn. I see my neice sitting around calling people :censored:es and posting big ol ":censored: you's" on FB and I'm like.. how is this ok, she's 13 for christs sake...but that again I believe is the parents fault. Too many parents wanting to be their childs friend then rather "being the parent".  Bring back spankings, to hell with time out!  How is disciplining a child by putting them in a timeout in their room where they have their tvs/xboxs/cellphones/computers going to benefit? I'm sure thats where they want to be anyways.. 

(Brian, when I used you as an example, hope you didnt take that the wrong way..not trying to call you a bad person)
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Re: Next generation Modders. everyone please read.
« Reply #22 on: March 25, 2011, 08:00:46 AM »
Tracey it hurts to reprimand your kid... it hurts more to the parent more than to the kids... thats why i think they don't do it.

I remember 10 years ago this: "Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me".

Currently is the total opposite: "Physically I can get away but words are always around".

What does that say about today's world? :( Technology, cyber bullying etc.

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Re: Next generation Modders. everyone please read.
« Reply #23 on: March 25, 2011, 08:13:03 AM »
Tracey it hurts to reprimand your kid... it hurts more to the parent more than to the kids... thats why i think they don't do it.

I'm sure it does.. but until someone figures out something better than "timeout", I dont see too many children really learning right from wrong. I'm not gonna go much further into this, because I dont want to be in any drama that may start showing up in the thread soon. lol raise your kids anyway you'd like.. YOU have to deal with them, not me :)  (thats directed to those people you see bargaining with their kids in stores, otherwise their kids are going to scream their heads off. Which I see quite often)
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Re: Next generation Modders. everyone please read.
« Reply #24 on: March 25, 2011, 08:14:33 AM »
This is filled with information. I read it and learned a few things today because theres a lot of different points of view and we can see who had done what. This is a must read for anybody who scanned through.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2011, 08:25:14 AM by FOOKz »

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Re: Next generation Modders. everyone please read.
« Reply #25 on: March 25, 2011, 08:29:22 AM »
Who's Brian?...oh you mean beiber and if i ever swear it will be in the company of friends, never in front of family or when the situation doesn't call for it, and i love when i make something well, it's a brilliant feeling
« Last Edit: March 25, 2011, 08:33:15 AM by frenulem Likes It up His Dirt Track »

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Re: Next generation Modders. everyone please read.
« Reply #26 on: March 25, 2011, 11:03:54 AM »
Lol of course Tracey I see the errors in today's kids cause I live it. And yeah your right Tracey it  becomes part of society today but. Example is that apparently they are adding LOL to the dictionary or so my teacher says

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Re: Next generation Modders. everyone please read.
« Reply #27 on: March 25, 2011, 11:31:08 AM »
Example is that apparently they are adding LOL to the dictionary or so my teacher says

Your teacher is right, I saw it on the news this morning lol
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Re: Next generation Modders. everyone please read.
« Reply #28 on: March 25, 2011, 11:36:00 AM »
oxford english dictionary adds new words every year... y'all used to not be in it... imo tho many of the words they add shouldn't be added, but that's just me i guess...
AcidMods Ninja... You won't know I'm there until you're gone...

All of these sigs are from the original acidmods sig comp...  @jrfhoutx  "No respect, no respect at all... that's the story of my life." --

Offline Tracey

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Re: Next generation Modders. everyone please read.
« Reply #29 on: March 25, 2011, 12:24:54 PM »
oxford english dictionary adds new words every year... y'all used to not be in it... imo tho many of the words they add shouldn't be added, but that's just me i guess...

I can let "y'all" slide because people actually use it in a face to face conversation BUT, omg/lol/heart  uhhh no. Imagine if people really started using stuff like that in face to face conversations... way to dumb ourselves down people.

When Matt gets home I should say " o..m..g I heart you, l..o..l" ...he'd look at me like I was crazy!
« Last Edit: March 25, 2011, 02:41:00 PM by Tracey »
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