Author Topic: Programming Verification  (Read 3288 times)

Offline jrfhoutx

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Programming Verification
« on: April 10, 2011, 11:41:35 AM »
OK so I'm using a PICKit2 with the Low-Pin-Count Demo Board and the factory PK2 programming software, and I'm programming a 12F683 with t0pfire2.0R7 and my programming software runs an auto verification after programming, it always says programming successful even after the auto verify. when I run a manual verification it always returns "Verification of EE Data Memory failed at address 0x0000". however if I read the data off the PIC it always perfectly matches the hex that it was programmed with. it doesn't matter what device package (SOIC or PDIP) and it doesn't even make a difference if I'm using the LPCD board to program a PDIP or if I'm using my homemade lead to program an SOIC; I always get the same error returned... any ideas or help would be much appreciated.
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Offline Rodent

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Re: Programming Verification
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2011, 01:09:07 PM »
Jr. I  have had the same problem from time to time. come to find out I had to restart my computer, also I have a cable that runs from my computer up to my desk that had a bad connection that game me that error also,. Once i fixed the connection problem its been ok since and the other times i just had to restart my computer for some reason even though I programmed it , and was successful, still would give me an error, and would have to restart the computer and check it  again.

Not sure if its the same error . but that is what problems i had in the past.

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