Author Topic: FPS controller for gamers with limited finger control. WIP  (Read 3549 times)

Offline 1TONpete

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FPS controller for gamers with limited finger control. WIP
« on: June 27, 2011, 06:48:38 AM »
Goal: Create a controller for people who have trouble with the motor control in their hands or fingers. That will allow for competitive play on FPS games.
My first solution...
Take my  "Mech" (dual flight stick controller) and make it more controller like/sized , cut down the amount of buttons needed.
I have thought about the idea of modding foot pedals to help also.
I found this today on another site. Not sure about rules on external links but This would be a great place to start...

Some products for ideas.
I want to do something like this but with buttons and at least one trigger. I think I might build on this idea. Take some lessons learned from the cyborg design, and try to create something more fitting. I'm thinking about molding my own pistol grip with buttons and 5 way switches. That will slide down over something similar to whats pictured below. BTW those of you questioning the build strength of this. The white stick is not plastic , its a door stop and is made from high density rubber. my 3 year old boy plays with this design regularly. It's on his controller. He is not gentle.
But granted these are not standard ps3 sticks, these are aftermarket . Usually means not as good build quality . One thing the improved on the ps3 the design was the tip that snaps into the thumb sticks is metal compared to plastic ps3 ones. The xbox controller i got in front of me has a plastic tip too. Also keep in mind the analog sticks in the picture are xbox style pots not ps3 4 wire halls. Which makes them more universal (cross platform)and cheaper and easier to work with , but exclude working on a real ps3 controller board. not that the mod couldn't be done to ps3 analogs. I just am doubting the plastic tips . I will test some as they are cheap to make. I will probably make a one piece molded analog joystick that can slid inside my grip.

This one is a dpad style joystick w one button. Just using it as an idea for what I want to do with the analogs.

I like this

5 way buttons dpad and push down. These can be very handy as there are 10 buttons to account for plus 4 for dpad. So 2 of these one on each stick. 1 for dpad and 1 for [],/\,O,X,R1 or R3 . (thinking maybe r3 as it will be like pushing down on the analog) but on most controller (ps3 dualshocks) the com for r3 is on the analog stick not the buttons. so R1 might have to do. that would mean there would only need 1 more button for right side controls. leaves room to take some left hand controls and put them on the right. L1 my first choice . Aim so keep aim with the shooting side. so that leaves L2, L3 and dpad on the left side. Sel, start and home will be on the base. Color codes are for coms, just so I can keep track in my head.

« Last Edit: June 27, 2011, 09:50:33 PM by denali31004 »

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Re: FPS controller for gamers with limited finger control. WIP
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2011, 07:36:07 AM »
Your camera takes awsome pics wish mine were that clear i tried everything, must be the 8mg pixels that shows all the flaws on my  camera

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Offline 1TONpete

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Re: FPS controller for gamers with limited finger control. WIP
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2011, 07:09:51 AM »
Here is my plan.
I will make 2 of these and mold grips with 5 way buttons and a trigger to go over the steel tube. The tubes are steel tattooing tubes. They are very strong and the action is smooth. I should have installed the spring first, but oh well. This mod will only work with certain analogs with a metal tip instead of plastic. I used a very strong solder not electrical.

« Last Edit: June 29, 2011, 11:56:53 AM by denali31004 »


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