Author Topic: one senior project,one shot.  (Read 915 times)

Offline wolf212851

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one senior project,one shot.
« on: August 31, 2011, 08:29:49 AM »
ok if you seen my other topic need ideas for new parts this is picking up from there.
i said i had two xbox 360's i wanted to fix.
well i had a idea in mind.
why not make one of the xbox 360's into my senior project.
make it look nice and explain alittle about it the basics to a senior project.
so far i was thinking liquid cooling would catch peoples attention so i PM crazy-modder to see what he thinks.
but add a few other things to it like art work and what not to make it look nice.
i was able to find one case plain white.
i didnt do anything to the xbox 360so you guys know but i do have to get a diskdrive and heatsinks unless crazy-modder has a idea about liquid cooling.
but as of now im open for any ideas.
so let me know what you guys got.


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