Author Topic: Sony: Microsoft Kicks The Living Crap Out Of Publishers  (Read 2069 times)

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Sony: Microsoft Kicks The Living Crap Out Of Publishers
« on: September 10, 2011, 06:32:28 PM »

Publishers are getting the living crap kicked out of them by Microsoft, said Rob Dyer, Sony's senior vice president of public relations.


Rob’s comment comes as a response to the unveiling of Microsoft’s Xbox publishing policies which prohibits games from being released on Xbox 360 and XBLA if they were released first on any other console or if they contain less content than that in other versions.

“Titles for Xbox 360 must ship at least simultaneously with other video game platform, and must have at least feature and content parity on-disc with the other video game platform versions in all regions where the title is available,”
Microsoft's Content Submission and Release Policy reads.
“If these conditions are not met, Microsoft reserves the right to not allow the content to be released on Xbox 360.”

European Xbox boss Chris Lewis defended his company’s policy, saying that
“we seek to maximize our own advantage to ensure the playing field is even, and certainly plays to our advantage wherever possible.”

That last comment was what agitated Rob Dyer to say the opening statement of this article.

“I think what Chris and the other representatives at Microsoft are doing is protecting an inferior technology,”
he added.
“I think they want to dumb it down and keep it as pedestrian as possible so that if you want to do anything for Blu-ray or you have extra content above 9 gigs or you want to do anything of that nature, you'd better sure as heck remember that Microsoft can't handle that.”
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Re: Sony: Microsoft Kicks The Living Crap Out Of Publishers
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2011, 09:50:16 PM »
boooo. what would you really need over 9 gigs for? Inferior my butt. the blue ray is an excellent advancement in movie media, but the gaming industry will never take part in such storage, because they bank off the sequel sales. The blue ray tech is the only thing keeping playstation brand alive. They have a subpar online experience, which as  shown with the modern warfare era drives game sales.

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Re: Sony: Microsoft Kicks The Living Crap Out Of Publishers
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2011, 10:25:35 PM »
no offense man, but a lot of games surpass the 9 gig mark. games do expand exponentially. plus a DL-dvd spins in a dangerous speed on the xbox... ps3 spin speeds are not far behind but i can safely say that my game will not crack under those forces. i don't thinks i should begin a xbox/ps3 war. but  my experiences over the past 4 years, i only replaced one ps3 for (YLOD) and 4 xbox (rrod,rrod, massive drive failure , bad caps) ... so yea i have some bias lol...

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Re: Sony: Microsoft Kicks The Living Crap Out Of Publishers
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2011, 05:04:14 AM »
I dont play either console (X360 or PS3). So here is my take on it:

X360 has been busted open since the first few months and a huge part of the population has taken advatnage of it.

PS3 has been very well protected until recently, and still it remains pretty dificult to take advantage of the crack.

I do not normally believe that piracy drives the market, but it is different in this particular case. Even the cost of the systems bewteen each other do not match (you have to pay more for the games on the protected system).

And the last generation was the exact oposite in market share (PS2 dominated Xbox1, but the PS2 was raped like a drunk redhead at a frat party).

I could be way off, but most gamers are VERY aware of how easy it is to pirate X360 games and from my perspective there is no difference between the consoles quality wise.

Although, I do concede it could simply be a culture thing. That would mean that releasing the console first has more to do with popularity/loyalty than actual system specs or pricing.

[BIAS] I really hate the idea of paying to play online AFTER I have already spent the money on a high-speed ISP connection. Its not like they are providing any more service beyond the income generated from the marketplace. [/BIAS]
[Quote from Gamermodz via Viking forums]
Don't be jealous your not half as smart. I hate ****tards like you. An ignorant redneck. Your nothing but a posing ******. Get the **** out of here, really, your claim to fame is an open source rapid fire code? You make me laugh. You think you have control over the modding market?  You couldn't create what I can and do. You are too ignorant with your outrageous assumptions and accusations. [/Quote]

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Re: Sony: Microsoft Kicks The Living Crap Out Of Publishers
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2011, 06:51:17 PM »
all this says to me is we will see more exclusive games on the ps3.  If i was a publisher and read this I'd be like "F--- them i will release my games when there ready if if they don't like it oh well  i just won't be making games for them anymore..." any one else remember UT3 came out on the ps3 4 months before it did on the 360 because they had to strip the game down to fit on a DVD then make the remainder Download content


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