Author Topic: Need help with adding sound reactive leds on a psp 3000  (Read 3350 times)

Offline Jimminer

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Need help with adding sound reactive leds on a psp 3000
« on: March 16, 2019, 07:13:17 PM »
Hey guys, im new to acidmods and also new to modding.

I want to put sound reactive leds in my psp and i found this guide but i don't understand it

I have the amp and the resistors (i don't really know why i need them because i have seen people do it without them) but i don't understand where to solder on the motherboard (especially the 5v resistor, see picture)

I also would like to add a switch under the battery cover and not use the wifi switch. Can someone please send some pictures with the exact spots that i need to solder?

Also sorry for my bad english

Offline Modded Matt

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Re: Need help with adding sound reactive leds on a psp 3000
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2019, 08:06:37 AM »
Pin 6 is input voltage. You can solder it to any 5V power source. in this tutorial, they soldered it to a resistor just beside the thumb stick.

As for the WIFI switch, you can use any switch you want and wire one leg to your circuit and the other to any ground.

Offline Jimminer

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Re: Need help with adding sound reactive leds on a psp 3000
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2019, 12:18:59 PM »
I opened my psp yesterday and i tried it but i didn't mess with the lm386 neither with the resistors just because the 5v source on the tutorial was way too tiny for my soldering skills and i just soldered each led to each speaker directly and it works. I also used leds that are almost 3 times as big as a 0603 led (because i don't have a market near me that sells those) and some 20 gauge wire i had laying around. Unfortunately the mod didn't turn out as i wanted it to (i used differnet leds and the one is a bit dimmer than the other :huh:) and i will have to reattempt it this week with the right leds and wire :angry: .

I might do it the right way with the amp and the resistors on my other psp (3000) but i don't know if i got the skills.
Are there any places that outpout 5v but are easier to solder on? 
Also will it be more difficult than the 2000 or is it the same?

Offline Modded Matt

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Re: Need help with adding sound reactive leds on a psp 3000
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2019, 01:25:46 PM »
You should use the resistors as listed in the tutorial coming off the speaker. The notation of a 5V resistor is input power.  because your using a 5v source, you dont need a resistor there. as for your LED's, I would figure a resistor for each LED based on a 5V supply. your LED's are going to each have different forward voltage based on the color of the diode, size, and maufacturer, check the packaging for the forward voltage listing.

So if your LED is blue and requires 3.3V pulling from a 5V source @ 20mA you would add a 100 OHM resistor for one LED. This will change based on how many LEDs you are using and how you are wiring them.

Disclaimer: I have had reports of this working with the Speaker resistors and I have had reports telling me they are required. While I own the site and am versed in many LED configurations, this is not a project I have ever had the use for. I have always done sound reactive LEDS with a programmed chip. THe author of this mod was a admin here, and is now an alum which means his account is in good standing so I would trust the tutorial.

Good luck, let us know how it goes.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2019, 01:29:06 PM by Modded Matt »


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