Author Topic: Ultimated DS4 stick drift issue fix  (Read 2776 times)

Offline wickated

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Ultimated DS4 stick drift issue fix
« on: July 19, 2020, 08:33:34 PM »
So, years of perfect enginering by Sony, forcing you to buy new controller as often as possible made me take some look at pcb and some analogue2digital conversion principles. and sony engineers did nothing.

Lets take a look how analogue variable resistors should be attached to MCU input:

Then take a look how its built in DS4 (xb1 controller is designed properly):

Do you see any filtering capacitors? me donut

So lets fix this. you need 4 smd 1uF caps - 0805 size if you dont have any solder iron (lol) or 0603 if have.
Place them like this:

Video of before/after

Problem solved  :#1: now u can solder them or just use your DS4 in shooter with max sens and 0 deadzone setting - stick will stay still as  :censored:
« Last Edit: July 19, 2020, 08:49:56 PM by wickated »

Offline RDC

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Re: Ultimated DS4 stick drift issue fix
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2020, 09:04:41 PM »
That's not stick drift, it's more like jitter, and is either more an issue of the Winblows driver or the controller has some really crappy POTs in it. Decoupling will not correct any stick drift issue either and the higher value you go on the capacitance the sloppier the input will be as it will have to wait for that thing to charge and discharge.

The XB1 controllers are far from being designed properly as they suffer from stick drift the same as the DS4 controllers. It's the fact they are calibrated once they are built that jacks them up when they start to wear out or need a stick replaced and you get drift.

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Offline wickated

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Re: Ultimated DS4 stick drift issue fix
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2020, 09:57:47 PM »
no matter how to name it properly - ds4 has issues with, and this method fix it until stick fully wears out. its the way hardware must be desgned. sloppiness can easily be calculated cuz we know U, R and F, 1uF is ok not slowing down input.
xb controllers i repair are worn out till joysticks teared apart, and on 1 xb controller repaired there goes 100 ds4 that drift right from the shop shelf.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2020, 10:01:40 PM by wickated »

Offline MCorgano

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Re: Ultimated DS4 stick drift issue fix
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2020, 01:05:27 PM »
That's not stick drift, it's more like jitter, and is either more an issue of the Winblows driver or the controller has some really crappy POTs in it. Decoupling will not correct any stick drift issue either and the higher value you go on the capacitance the sloppier the input will be as it will have to wait for that thing to charge and discharge.

The XB1 controllers are far from being designed properly as they suffer from stick drift the same as the DS4 controllers. It's the fact they are calibrated once they are built that jacks them up when they start to wear out or need a stick replaced and you get drift.

I was actually wondering how these sticks were calibrated. Any way to like, put a ds4 controller back into calibration mode to reset it's dead zone?

Offline RDC

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Re: Ultimated DS4 stick drift issue fix
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2020, 01:54:01 PM »
I'm sure there is, but good luck getting Sony or M$ to let you in on how. There's no reason (other than greed) that either or both of them can't implement that into their respective dashboards so the end user can easily recalibrate their own controller. The N64 controller had that stick reset 'feature' built into it, 2 decades ago, aint the future grand?
Screwing up is one of the best learning tools, so long as the only thing you're not learning is how to screw up.


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