Author Topic: I'm halfway the process of understanding what this component does  (Read 683 times)

Offline Eren_Ackerman

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Hello! Everything will be OK.

I just noticed that I blew this capacitor (or filter?) from a JDM-050. I'm about to replace it with an equivalent from a donor board that rests in peace today. The thing is, I tried the controller without it and saw that the signals appear to work with complete normality. No stuttering, no shaking, nothing.

So my question is, what does this component do?

My personal guess is that it serves the purpose of calibrating the signal somehow, by either stretching the range or moving the stick in a specific direction to center it without the need for a variable resistance. Or maybe it stabilizes the signal somehow. But that's why I'm asking. I don't really know what it does.

Please help me. Thank you always for the help  :hifive:

Offline RDC

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Re: I'm halfway the process of understanding what this component does
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2022, 06:50:27 AM »
That is just a decoupling capacitor. There are plenty of other ones in there already and reinstalling that one will make no real difference in how it works.

It is C41 on the 3.2vA rail of the JDM-055 in this schematic, not identical, but similar to the -050 there.,44645.0.html
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Offline Eren_Ackerman

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Re: I'm halfway the process of understanding what this component does
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2022, 03:32:49 PM »
Understood. Thanks again, RDC!


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