Author Topic: JDM-055 with too much problems :(  (Read 1409 times)

Offline Pablickastle

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JDM-055 with too much problems :(
« on: August 28, 2022, 02:36:40 AM »
Hi! first of all, sorry for my bad English xd

i have a dead ps4 controller and i tried to repair it, but i admit that I'm learning almost everything about diagrams o how to "understand" PCBs, I'm absolute noob, but i love this kind of things :) the controller had drift on the right analog, i changed the potentiometer on the left side on the analog, and the drift keeps going, so i thought that maybe when i was disordering, i take off one of the pads of the front side of the PCB, so i tried to "unite" the mid pin of potentiometer with the pad that follow his "vein" you can see, i screw up really bad xd

after that i tried to use the multimeter to check spots where the right stick comeback to his "zero value" but i screw up again and i don't know what thing touch with the potentiometer but now the controller doesn't even turn on

i know that this doesn't have repair, but i want to know why and how i can check which chip on the motherboard died cause my curiosity? and how can i "read" the veins though the pcb to create my own bridges if someday if have to.

thank you for reading and sharing your knowledge :)

photos of the JDM 055

« Last Edit: August 28, 2022, 02:43:50 AM by Pablickastle »

Offline RDC

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Re: JDM-055 with too much problems :(
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2022, 05:44:42 PM »
You need to learn to desolder a lot better first, becasue all of the plating in those thru holes for the sticks is gone and when things are not desoldered all the way before pulling on them you will start pulling up traces (veins) on the board like that. Desoldering things properly without destroying them is much harder to do that soldering things, so it takes quite a bit more practice to get good at. No one does that perfect every single time, and no one gets good at that overnight, just use the fails as learning experiences.

Most of the JDM-055 information can be found here.,44645.0.html
Screwing up is one of the best learning tools, so long as the only thing you're not learning is how to screw up.

Offline Pablickastle

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Re: JDM-055 with too much problems :(
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2022, 04:26:58 PM »
yeah i know, actually i'm practising desoldering every day! but in the schematic i still can not see where the middle pin of the right analog potentiometer (the one that i absolutely destroyed) is connected en the back, or maybe there is no an alternative way to connect that pin into another pin to "revive" that track.

Offline RDC

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Re: JDM-055 with too much problems :(
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2022, 06:15:24 PM »
That wasn't meant as any kind of put down or anything, just constructive criticism. I've torn up my fair share of things, and anyone that says they haven't is either a liar or has never tried to do it.

You can not see where it is connected in the back, becasue that is under the MCU and on the inside row of that chips connections. The only way to 'easily' repair that is from the top side there, and carefully. You might be able to get away with removing the epoxy from the edge of the chip to expose that lead, but that's going to be quite a bit more difficult than trying to solder to what is left of that via there.
Screwing up is one of the best learning tools, so long as the only thing you're not learning is how to screw up.


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