
AcidMods Resources ----- ( These are helpful tools for modding ) => Open Source Code & AcidMods Free Code => Topic started by: Hazer on March 30, 2010, 09:18:06 PM

Title: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Hazer on March 30, 2010, 09:18:06 PM
please respect hazers wishes and stop buggin him to revise this code. accept what he has given us and appreciate it for what it is.  any more of these requests will result in disciplinary action [/color]

Hey guys. I decided to release one more opensource code. Actually, opensource hex. This is what I would consider the right way to configure your rapidfire. It has the following features:

Configure onboard:
-number of modes (1-4)
-Speed of rapidfire for each trigger indivdually (2-50 SPS)
-Burst fire enabled or disable (3-6 shots)
-CODWAW patch signal or standard signal

All of this is done through the tacts/triggers. The install is now easier as the code has been optimized to not require resistors at all. The diodes are still needed for the matrix though for battery life. It should also be compatable with a previous installation of GamplayRF. This will need someone volunteer testing though.

Here is a manual on how the chip works: (

Here are the hex files. They are seperated by which type of controller (not universal, sorry you Ebay f**kers): (

Install Pics:



I also want to add possible LED configurations other than using the original player LEDs 3 and 4. You can install extra LEDs and piggy-back them to the player LEDs in a way that lets them shine through the guide button:



Or another way to do this is to use one RED smd LED and make the 3 color option that was used in the Final Rapidfire guide button:



I will not release the code on this. The reason is due to 2 things: Any adjustment could cause the PIC to burn out the LEDs or the trigger wipers. Also, I dont want people bastardizing it to call it thier own and selling it on Ebay. If they want to sell it on Ebay, it will be very obvious where it came from.

I will only post this opensource here, as Acidmods has been my place of choice for enjoying this hobby. For those of you who have GameplayRF installed, you should be able to reprogram and fly with it. All new installs get to enjoy not having the resistors anymore.

I would like some serious feedback as to how this mod works. I truly believe this is the only way to have your contorller work. I cant stand the endless modes people have to cycle through or the idea that only one mode is adjustable. You  should only have enough modes for the game you are playing at the moment. Please do not include how cumbersome the on-board editting is though. The right way for the best controller to be is through the PC utility, but this can give you the same freedom without the PC util.

I released this because it was time for people to 'up the ante'. Back when I started opensource codes, the only thing around was single speed rapidfire. No modes, no adjustments. Hell, most of the kits sold on Ebay were rapid thorugh the tactile, not the trigger. So I released BMU2. After that, all people would offer was 3/4 mode rapidfire where you had to cycle through modes to turn off the RF. So I came up with GameplayRF, which I still believe is much better than a 'stealth' mod hands down. Well now the only true ingenuity since that release has been the Viking chip. Every thing else available is still the same old codes, just modified to 8 or even 14 modes (how the **** can you possibly play with that?). And while the Viking chip is great in its own respect, it had still lacked one aspect that should be driving force for the user: personal customization. What if when I am playing L4D2, I only want on and off? I preffer speed X for this. But now I am ready to play CODWAW and I usually use 3 modes (off, 11SPS full auto, and 12.5SPS 5round burst). This is what I mean, its about adjusting it to what I want, not what other people have decided whats best for me.

PS: Viking now has the ability to self customize through a GUI.

Anyway, I would really like to see if anyone else shares my opinion after testing this.

Oh, and if you do like the code I have a request: Please check out the auction area as I am offloading some extra hardware:,35801.0.html (,35801.0.html)
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Ben. on March 31, 2010, 12:24:32 AM
Thanks Hazer! I'll be sure to try this out asap!

Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: GhoSt on March 31, 2010, 02:13:56 AM
I am drooling over my keyboard, I love new code, and coming from the master himself I have to test this when I get my next controller.
Good work hazer, an opensource usb programmable rf lul...
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: rafaliyo86 on March 31, 2010, 03:09:42 AM
Thanks again Hazer an opensource usb programmable rf lul...

Agreed! lol
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: laxboy on March 31, 2010, 06:21:02 AM
That is awsome thanks hazer
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: SN!P3R on March 31, 2010, 06:25:25 AM
once i am able to program a pic, ill install and post a vid
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: nathd on March 31, 2010, 07:32:47 AM
This is great to hear, is it possible to use this with the sync button instead of the tact. I don't mind soldering etc but dont really want to add a tact to my controller. Many thanks.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: GhoSt on March 31, 2010, 10:47:32 AM
This is great to hear, is it possible to use this with the sync button instead of the tact. I don't mind soldering etc but dont really want to add a tact to my controller. Many thanks.
use a sleeper code like burnmeup then. :)
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: t0pP8uZz on March 31, 2010, 11:57:00 AM
Nice hazer, Hopefully t0pFire 3.0 will overcome alot of the issues you mention too.

8 or even 14 modes
*cough* t0pfire *cough*
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: SN!P3R on March 31, 2010, 02:32:32 PM
Oh and thank you for no resistor optimization, it's only wires a switch and a chip now haha
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Hazer on March 31, 2010, 07:51:36 PM
*cough* t0pfire *cough*

Yeah.   :dntknw:  You did a great job with that code, but I still believe that the direction people are taking by adding more modes is the wrong way to go. Dont get me wrong, I like your work. What I dont like is that people originally keep adding more modes because they are trying to sell this stuff. Customers keep demanding more options and the Ebay sellers just keep adding more modes. IMO its the wrong direction and only helps people market thier chip, not help users play the correct way. Everyone pushes the 'multiple modes' so heavily nowadays, I dont think the general public get that there is a better way to handle customization, they dont realize theres a better solution other than to have a dozen modes to cycle through.

Anyway, I would like to know if someone who has an original GameplayRF setup (hopefully socketed) is able to use this code with no problems. I never went back to solder in the resistors to check.

Oh and thank you for no resistor optimization, it's only wires a switch and a chip now haha

I have been working for weeks on that, trying to determine the best way to remove them without sacrificing the safety of the controller. The best solution in the end was to release only the hex. I will laugh my ass off if someone decompiles this :censored:. Its a pretty convoluted code without any labels and heavily 'hand-optimized' in assembly. Making changes to this hex would take someone smart enough to build thier own version, so it would be a waste of thier time. For that reason, I will not release the source code and allow other people the ability to screw up the LED and trigger logic in a way that could burn out the controller. Besides, the whole basis of this code is that everything is adjustable, there is no need to change the code (except to add RS232 comms....)

This is great to hear, is it possible to use this with the sync button instead of the tact. I don't mind soldering etc but dont really want to add a tact to my controller. Many thanks.

If you read the manual I provided, you will notice that the main function of this code is to configure/program everything about the rapidfire function. In order to edit the configuration, you hold down the tact button for 3 seconds. If you wire this to the sync, you will have problems since the LEDs will blink for both the controller trying to sync itself and also blink for the edit mode.

I am going to say this only once: I dont give a crap about stealth installs. You are willing to crack open your controller, solder in a chip with code produced by someone you dont have any backgournd info on, to add a turbo function to your controller, and that function has been optimized for actual playability, and the thing that matters most is the asthetics of an extra button on the bottom of the controller? Is it really that big of a f****ng deal? Is it the idea that you will do something irreversable to a $35 controller (that quite frankly gains $25 in value having the damn chip installed, not degrqades in value)? Are you trying to hide the function? Really? I could go through the hastle of coding the stupid trick of holding DPAD left while tapping SYNC and holding up on the right thumb while sucking my left pinky toe  and ligthing a candle with the lighter pinched in my ass as a way to keep the controller 'stealth', but how does that work while 12 people are trying to gun you down and you picked up a weapon that requires you to turn the RF off? The answer is "that method sucks".

For all of you who keep asking for stealth installs: Take the goddam plunge and drill teh damn hole. It wont hurt that bad, its just one controller. Hell, its only a $10 shell that can be replaced. Try the freedom of quicktapping where your finger naturally sits (under the controller) and see what all the cool kids are raving about. Until 100 people all swear that they have gone over to the darkside and still demand stealth over a real gameplay setup and reply all in unison to this thread, I will NOT be providing any code that keeps the contorller 'original'. Sorry.


EDIT: To nathd: my response was rather harsh and I dis not mean to jump on you directly. As you are a fairly new poster here you stumbled onto a very raw nerve I have about this subject, and I apologize. You just happened to be the unlucky person to ask me about this.

I will not apologize to any further requests about stealth mods. My statement holds strong (just not a personal attack on nathd). If you people really want your stealth mods so bad, do this: Wire the tact line to the SYNC button, but then cut the trace on the controller that leads to the SYNC. Just be sure you sync your controller first before doing this, otherwisse you will have to open the contorller and solder a jumper in order to resync. If you want your 'stealth' so  :censored: badly, do the work yourself and stop bugging me about it. You will note that this is a mighty inconvenient solution and there is no way you would be able to sell a stealth install of this on Ebay as the buyer would have no way to sync the controller to his xbox. I like this idea more and more as I read it.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: spurgurgle on April 01, 2010, 04:16:02 AM
wow hazer... i just read through the manual for this code and it sounds amazing..... completely customisable.......

i think ill be testing this out soon!!! it sounds like the ultimate Rapid fire code
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: gadget78 on April 03, 2010, 02:09:32 PM
just had a quick go of this code ...

firstly it does all loook a bit complicated when you first glance at the operation notes ..
and you have'nt mentioned what the 'default' setting are at when you first program?
which may put alot of people off ...   

secondly, just programed it on my matrix controller and there only 'seems' to have 3 modes ..
all off, lower left on, then lower right on, then back to off again ... am i missing something ?

now gonna have a bash at the jitter hex that robbo3 put up :) looks promising :)
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Hazer on April 03, 2010, 07:43:02 PM
firstly it does all loook a bit complicated when you first glance at the operation notes ..
and you have'nt mentioned what the 'default' setting are at when you first program?
which may put alot of people off ... 

Yes it is. But there is no other way to make it work with all that can be adjusted.

secondly, just programed it on my matrix controller and there only 'seems' to have 3 modes ..
all off, lower left on, then lower right on, then back to off again ... am i missing something ?

I didn't bother to look at the default programmed settings. But 3 modes is what it is left at. If you go into programming mode in the first mode (all LED off) then you can increase or decrease the number of modes from 1-4.

Think of it this way: You can adjust everything. If you are playing HALO3, then use these settings:

2 modes
1st mode both triggers disabled (for laser)
2nd mode both triggers on 11.1 SPS standard RF signal

Use these settings for CODWAW:

3 modes
1st mode both disabled
2nd mode  right trigger 10.7 SPS CODWAW signal
3rd mode right trigger 12.5 SPS 5shot burst CODWAW signal

COD Zombie mod
3 moeds
1st mode both disabled
2nd mode right trigger 11 SPS CODWAW signal
3rd mode Left trigger 2.3 SPS standard signal, right trigger (your prefference).

This last one makes the controller auto-aim at multiple targets.

THis is completely adjustable. Every single thing can be turned on or off, every speed individually changed. Any combination or number of modes can be programmed. I did not set the defaults for anything because the whole idea is that you prgram the controller when you switch to a new game. You dont have to cycle through modes not meant for the game your playing at the time.

EDIT: to get a better idea, this works exactly like the following video, with the exception of the LEDs:

Final Rapidfire - Self-editting feature (
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: 802Chives on April 03, 2010, 09:56:50 PM
I am going to say this only once: I dont give a crap about stealth installs. You are willing to crack open your controller, solder in a chip with code produced by someone you dont have any backgournd info on, to add a turbo function to your controller, and that function has been optimized for actual playability, and the thing that matters most is the asthetics of an extra button on the bottom of the controller? Is it really that big of a f****ng deal? Is it the idea that you will do something irreversable to a $35 controller (that quite frankly gains $25 in value having the damn chip installed, not degrqades in value)? Are you trying to hide the function? Really? I could go through the hastle of coding the stupid trick of holding DPAD left while tapping SYNC and holding up on the right thumb while sucking my left pinky toe  and ligthing a candle with the lighter pinched in my ass as a way to keep the controller 'stealth', but how does that work while 12 people are trying to gun you down and you picked up a weapon that requires you to turn the RF off? The answer is "that method sucks".

lmfao... been saying that from day one. amen
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: gadget78 on April 04, 2010, 01:54:50 AM
now i follow you ... explains  a few things :) ....

seems perfect..
was gonna suggest another tact for quick on/off, but if you set it up (as you actually can !!) you dont need a off/onn button as there is'nt hundred of modes to cycle through, and mode change is quick dont really need to look down ! so that cures that !

all i could maybe suggest is some kinda saving of setups ? like have 3 saved settings for the 3 games you mostly play ? ... but i cannot see how you could sqeeze that in, plus its just lazyness ! ..

will see how my boy gets on with it after the jitter ... hmmm maybe that is something that could be put in ?

MANY thanks for this Great code .. can really see that a lot of thought and time has been put into this, cirtianly does stand on its own, and change the way you look at 'mods'

Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: t0pP8uZz on April 04, 2010, 04:53:08 AM
How did you do without the resistors Hazer?

Im guessing perfectly timed pulses when the PIN is NOT tri-stated.

Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Hazer on April 04, 2010, 09:28:57 AM
How did you do without the resistors Hazer?

For the LEDs: Output is 50% duty cycle when on, and tri-stated while off. Perfectly safe for the LEDs as long as the code is not tampered with.

For the triggers: Only the matrix required resistors. This code checks the state of the triggers on each tri-stated pulse. If the PIC see the trigger released, it keeps the output off.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Thejld on April 06, 2010, 01:21:23 PM
Ok so i installed ur codes and is having a problem. it automaticcally scopes in and shoots witht he left trigger. The leds light up and everything, do u think when i programmed the chip the zif pockets were wrong or something or what? do u know what happened?Please i need help
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Modded Matt on April 06, 2010, 01:38:35 PM
no, if the chip was in the wrong place in the socket you most likely would have fried it.

this is a problem with your wiring.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: gadget78 on April 06, 2010, 01:39:28 PM
sounds like you just need to set it up thats all ...
as it dont really come 'pre-configured'

does it cycle through the modes, when pressing mode (sync/tact) button ?
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Modded Matt on April 06, 2010, 01:48:29 PM
*** face palm *** shakes head.  regardless if the modes are set or not, when you press the left trigger the wepon should not fire.  if this is happening something is wired wrong.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Thejld on April 06, 2010, 01:51:45 PM
I guess the wiring is wrong because when i push the tact button it even fires then, do u think this is the wiring. It automatically scopes in to so idk what is rong.

Post Merge: April 06, 2010, 01:53:36 PM
So if the lights light up and everything, it means that i programmed the chip correctly but the wiring is wrong?

Post Merge: April 06, 2010, 02:01:25 PM
gadget it does like when i press the tac button it blinks the leds as it should i think, what do u mean set it up and it doesntcome ppre configured. On the diagram there should only be two wires to the tac, correct?
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: gadget78 on April 06, 2010, 02:11:21 PM
sorry i misread you first post
didnt see that it shot when pulling left trigger !
only read that it scopped in/out, as it can be of course set up for scopin in and out

from what you saying, it sounds like its programmed correctly.
but 'just' BADLY wired up !
check ALL you wiring !  especially to the triggers !

and yes two wires to the 'tact' switch, one from the earth, and one to pin 5 (bottom right in pic)
and i mean you need to set up all the speeds, and how many modes, bursts etc etc
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Thejld on April 06, 2010, 02:22:24 PM
ok i see so one wire from pin 5 which is bottom right in pic goes to tac switch, but u see the top right wire in the pic, does that wire connect to the tac switch to, or where does the top right pronggo to the diagram confuses me because it has the top right prong connecting to the tac switch and like a hole on the board.

Post Merge: April 06, 2010, 02:24:38 PM
Also which point is the earth?
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: gadget78 on April 06, 2010, 02:30:08 PM
yes top right goes to tact too as thats a earth point,
so earth goes to the tact AND the top right of pic as these are both earths,
then they both goto earth spot (not a hole !) on controller

TBH it does seem that this is all abit overyour head, as you are getting stuck on the basics here
and dont want you to mess you controller up!

Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Thejld on April 06, 2010, 02:47:03 PM
So this is my understanding. pin nmber 8 which is top right just goes to thetac switch, and 5 goes to tac switch, which point is the earth on the controller, sorry im really confused right now.

Post Merge: April 06, 2010, 02:55:45 PM
how des a wire go to both the ground and the tac switch?

Post Merge: April 06, 2010, 03:13:06 PM
Please need help someone respond
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: gadget78 on April 06, 2010, 04:30:27 PM
i cannot put it any clearer than i have already i dont think !!!

pin 8 (top right) needs to be earthed for chip to work (its the earth, were pin 1 is the live)

tact switch is a switch !, its purpose is to switch pin 5 to a earth, hence pin 5 on one side of switch and earth on the other side ....

and the earth point for all earths that need to be earthed is the controller ...

Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: billy bob on April 06, 2010, 04:47:56 PM
hi ... i just did this mod and wow its wicked ... works 100%..the leds setup looks good fits nice..
BIG thanks to Hazer love your work ... and thanks for you time and hard work WE are all thankfull...

1 Q for you whats the top speed you can go in CODWAW with it undetected?
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Thejld on April 06, 2010, 05:09:38 PM
Figured it all out works now, i found out that top right goes to earth and tac swiktch thanks gadget.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Modded Matt on April 07, 2010, 04:36:55 AM
google translater much same color lines intersect on a wiring diagram it means they are going to the same point, they dont actually have to intersect at this point, it just signafies that both wires go to ground.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: UKSYLER on April 07, 2010, 05:47:15 PM
hiya guys, downloaded and fitted the chip as discribed in picture as new cg board but mine has no brown resistor in the middle or the big silver one, im guessing its a newer version to the cg. anyway all i get from the controller once connected to the 360 is a continued single p3 flash followed by a p3 and p4 flash together and it never changes no matter how many times i press the tactile or triggers, or how long i hold them.
am i doing something wrong has im 100% sure all the wireing is spot on?
plz help, thanks.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Hazer on April 07, 2010, 07:33:37 PM
1 Q for you whats the top speed you can go in CODWAW with it undetected?

Its somewhere around 11 SPS. If you get too close to 12, then situations that cause lag (tank or smoke) will sometimes catch it.

Insert Quote
hiya guys, downloaded and fitted the chip as discribed in picture as new cg board but mine has no brown resistor in the middle or the big silver one, im guessing its a newer version to the cg. anyway all i get from the controller once connected to the 360 is a continued single p3 flash followed by a p3 and p4 flash together and it never changes no matter how many times i press the tactile or triggers, or how long i hold them.
am i doing something wrong has im 100% sure all the wireing is spot on?
plz help, thanks.

I have not tested on a CG2. I do not know if the power point is the same. What I do know is that if you did not use a opto-isolator/opto-coupler with the CG2, the chip never turns off. If that happens but the triggers DO turn off, you may get stuck in programming mode. I highly suggest using a opto-coupler as suggested in the X360->controller forum with this code as it constantly monitors the triggers and the tact.

billy bob: If you dont mind, after playing around with it a bit could you post an honest opinion of how this 'plays' vs other codes?
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: UKSYLER on April 08, 2010, 02:14:37 AM
yes your correct, it doesnt turn off, aint there any code i can use on this cg2 then?
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: spurgurgle on April 08, 2010, 04:59:52 AM
you can use any code on a cg2 pad.... but u'll need a opto-coupler

or not sure with this code as i havnt played with it yet... but hazers older codes and t0ps code work fine without one. you just need to remove the battery to turn the pad//chip oiff completely.....
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: UKSYLER on April 08, 2010, 05:28:29 AM
i wouldent mind unplugging the battery mate, but as said above all wireing is done correct but the p3 flashes once followed by p3 and p4 together and it continues all the time, cant seem to get it working.
maybe i will put topfire on it instead has that works on 3 of my other pads ok, just too many modes i think.

Post Merge: April 08, 2010, 10:07:14 AM
tryed the topfire also on cg2 and no luck, p3 and p4 just keep flashing and sometimes blink really fast, and when im shooting it sometimes dont shoot and then it will shoot on its own without trigger pressed.

double checked and triple checked wireing and all as is in tutorial, deffo :censored:ed off with the cg2, i think its time to hit the :censored: with a hammer.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Hazer on April 08, 2010, 06:13:08 PM
Honestly, it sounds like you wired the wrong two prongs on the tact switch. The tact switch has 4 prongs, of which 2 on each side are linked. You need the opposing prongs (open circuit) wired for the chip to operate correctly. Desolder one side of the tact as a test. then you can just tap the bare wire to switch modes to confirm operation (if this is what the problem is)
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: spurgurgle on April 09, 2010, 11:31:02 AM
wow hazer i installed this in a pad for a friend today..... and just wow.. you really can adjust it to exactually how you want it.....

i set his up for cod MW2 with 3modes....

mode 1 -off
mode 2 - right trigger only 10sps
mode 3 - right trigger only 4shot burst at 12.something sps

think ill be upgrading one of my current pads with this over the weekend.... its just wow.. and yeah once you've got it installed and have the chart of blinks to speeds its not to hard to set up..... i got the hang of it after sett ing this pad up and testing and re-setting it.....

and also i wired the leds with the 3 color method.... thats cool..... mode 1- no lights
mode 2- blue light
mode 3- red light
mode 4- purple/pinky light (if i turn that mode on......)

this has to be the BEST opensource RF out there..... hands down..... :tup: :tup: :#1:
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: UKSYLER on April 09, 2010, 03:54:35 PM
Honestly, it sounds like you wired the wrong two prongs on the tact switch. The tact switch has 4 prongs, of which 2 on each side are linked. You need the opposing prongs (open circuit) wired for the chip to operate correctly. Desolder one side of the tact as a test. then you can just tap the bare wire to switch modes to confirm operation (if this is what the problem is)

i did actually start from scratch and try the top fire again on a matrix controller, :censored:ed it up coz that dont work now lol, how do i no which 2 prongs on the tacts are correct m8? , i have another spare matrix and deffo want to try this.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Hazer on April 10, 2010, 04:01:30 AM
did actually start from scratch and try the top fire again on a matrix controller, :censored:ed it up coz that dont work now lol, how do i no which 2 prongs on the tacts are correct m8? , i have another spare matrix and deffo want to try this.

If you have a multimeter or continuity tester, you can find which two prongs are open when the tact is released, and closed when the tact is pushed.

For most tacts, if you bent the tacts flat so they are 90 degrees compared to the button, the two prongs pointing the same way are the ones that are open to each other. Maybe someone else can find a picture to show this better.

think ill be upgrading one of my current pads with this over the weekend.... its just wow.. and yeah once you've got it installed and have the chart of blinks to speeds its not to hard to set up..... i got the hang of it after sett ing this pad up and testing and re-setting it.....

The funny thing about this code is that I createed it as an afterthought to the final code. The question about what to do if you dont have a computer handy all the time to quickly change the setup had me insert this whole entire 'self-editting' feature. This code takes up more than half the hex mostly due to the blinking lights (all done in the interupt routine).
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: spurgurgle on April 11, 2010, 05:17:43 AM

UKSYLER this picture might help you out with your button issue...

see as hazer says

For most tacts, if you bent the tacts flat so they are 90 degrees compared to the button, the two prongs pointing the same way are the ones that are open to each other. Maybe someone else can find a picture to show this better.

Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Beneath on April 11, 2010, 05:57:04 PM
It seems the CG install pic is gone, any chance for a re-upload?
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Hazer on April 11, 2010, 07:39:11 PM
Iamgeshack seems to be having issues lately. I thought it had to do with me upgrading to Win7, but appraently IS is losing my images.

The hex download is a zip file with the schematics in there as well. Download that and you can see the CG install.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: laxboy on April 11, 2010, 07:40:50 PM
Hazer installed this code the other day and I have to say that i enjoy it very much. I had a bit of trouble with the codding at first but i think i may have it down. But in all you really out did yourself here.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: spurgurgle on April 12, 2010, 04:35:48 AM
hey hazer if your have issue with imageshack, did you want or do you mind if me or another mod take these pics and upload them to the AM servers...

so they stay up and working as long as AM is up and working????
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Modded Matt on April 12, 2010, 05:11:24 AM
sperg, hazers work has its own location, robin is going to upload the files so I can restore the link. (
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: UKSYLER on April 12, 2010, 02:49:23 PM
cheers guys, ill try again sometime next week when got some spare time, cant wait to get it working :)
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Beneath on April 12, 2010, 03:38:38 PM
Didnt notice it was in the zip, Thanks.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: FastBrad on April 12, 2010, 11:25:52 PM

and also i wired the leds with the 3 color method.... thats cool..... mode 1- no lights
mode 2- blue light
mode 3- red light
mode 4- purple/pinky light (if i turn that mode on......)

this has to be the BEST opensource RF out there..... hands down..... :tup: :tup: :#1:
Hey guys I have tested HAzers code on cg2, and for works perfectly.can someone please help with a schematic for 3 color led option.  I bought a TRi color led with 4 legs, longest one was anode and the three legs represented the red, blue, and green lights.

When I wire everything up i get the first to leds to operate according to what mode I am in, however when I activate fourth mode i get a mixture of color leds instead of one solid led ie; mode1 off,2 blue,3 grn, and 4 red.

Is there something I have missed, apart from this the mod works flawlessly.

Also just to add I have many pads, one with bmu2,spitfire(original),intensafire tops code all installed and working fine.

Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: spurgurgle on April 13, 2010, 03:54:18 AM
the tri color led thing.. is just 2 leds

mode 1 = no leds on
mode 2 = led 1 lights up
mode 3 = led 2 lights up
mode 4 = both leds light up......

so like on my install

mode 2 = blue
mode 3 = red
and mode 4 = purple/pinky color....

look at the diagram hazer has provided for the tri color led install .... you've got 2 wires going to 2 leds..... both leds are shareing one contact on the controller pcb...
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: ITz Coldwar on April 17, 2010, 07:52:04 PM
Does this work for CG2?
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: mlsac on April 27, 2010, 09:23:38 PM
I just want to know if there is any possible way to recode this to make the editing easier? Using P4 as a hex value of 16 is cnfusing, if it represented ten and P3 represented ones that would be so much more easier, also if when you are editing the modes available (4 P3+P4 Flashes) if that could be moved over to the last one where P3+P4 would flash 5 times. right now this is a wonderful code, my major annoyances are the editing and the burst modes.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: spurgurgle on April 28, 2010, 03:15:22 AM
i think hazer has said beofre he wont be editing this code.....

i agree the editing system is a little clunky counting that many led flashes...... but as he said earlier if you want something this adjustable you have to edit it in the hex values so there you go if he made it easier to edit, the code would be so adjustable...... i personly dont mind having to count the led that much when editing as well i've only set my pad up once....... and doubt ill edit it again untill i get a new game that dont work with my current speeds.....

i went for 2 mode.... (mainly for gears of war 2)

mode 1 - off
mode 2 - 7.7sps right trigger only
mode 3 - 7.7sps 3 shot burst right trigger only.....
mode 4 - off....

i've found 7.7 shots is the best all round rf speed.... if you could only have one speed this would be it..... its fast on most games .... has very little recoil and well it works amazing with the hammer burst on GOW2
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: LOONEY2008 on April 29, 2010, 02:04:02 PM
hi must say very easy to install hazer thankyou..
only problem ive had was when changeing the rates i mucked up and now struggle to get it back to where it should be..
i think i might have gone wrong when no leds on presstact 3 secs turn all options disabled and also did this for when 1 led on press tact 3 seconds turned all modes off. all i get now is dead button ie pull trigger and no fire at all.
now if i go back into programming mode turn 1st mode back on rapid fire will not till ran outta bullits.
if i reprogramme chip all is normall agaion and working so where am i going wrong with the editing of firerate lol any help fully appreciated as this is a fantastic code thanks..

Post Merge: April 29, 2010, 02:16:24 PM
also can a mode on off be introduced ie click mode one on click mode one off not straight to mode 2 as it is at present just awkward playing and changing modes 3 times to turn it back on so a on off on off then hold a few second to get second mode or second tack to change modes quicker? perhaps i know its lots to ask but is this possible?
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Frankie.R on April 29, 2010, 03:57:08 PM
i wouldent mind unplugging the battery mate, but as said above all wireing is done correct but the p3 flashes once followed by p3 and p4 together and it continues all the time, cant seem to get it working.
maybe i will put topfire on it instead has that works on 3 of my other pads ok, just too many modes i think.

Post Merge: April 08, 2010, 10:07:14 AM
tryed the topfire also on cg2 and no luck, p3 and p4 just keep flashing and sometimes blink really fast, and when im shooting it sometimes dont shoot and then it will shoot on its own without trigger pressed.

double checked and triple checked wireing and all as is in tutorial, deffo :censored:ed off with the cg2, i think its time to hit the :censored: with a hammer.
I had exactualy the same problem as you so its not your wiring. I also told topbuzz about this bug and he seemed to understand what it could be. It also seems to be mobo specific as some people have success installing it on a CG2 board other dont. I just installed on a different mobo in the end and it worked flawlesley.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Hazer on April 29, 2010, 08:30:07 PM
I need to fins me a CG2 and see what is so different about them. Everyone so far has said they are the same except not switched.

Maybe the problem is that since they are not switched power, the chip gets messed up when the controller is turned off.

Using an opto to turn the chip on would solve the problem.

As for changing the uh. Not happening. I have been using this setup for over a year (well, I configure with the serial port PC utility which is the right way to change your setups). If your gonna change your mode, it has to be quick. I cannot stand waiting 3 seconds to change something while in the middle of playing, and I havent been on Live in 6 months.

You will just have to get used to cycling through more than one mode really quick. The problem may be that you are configuring too many modes. I have yet to find a reason to have more than 3 modes (one of them being off). Usually I have 1=off;2=regular RF;3=burst RF. Most of the time I dont even use that many modes, its simply RF or off.You change the config when you change games. F*** cycling through multiple modes.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: spurgurgle on April 30, 2010, 03:07:16 AM
see i found the biggest issue with cycleing through modes on the old BMU code was you would sometimes un-sycn your pad if you were to quick...... but now with this code and with my later installs of bmu i use a extra tactile..... avan if you have to go through all 3 modes to get to off then back through all three modes to get to the mode you were using its still quick and effective enough not to efftect your game play..... yes its not as quick as the tap that t0pfire and gameplay rf use but its still quicker enough... and as hazer said most games willl only use 1 rf speed so set your kit to that... then its 1 tep on 1 tap offf 1 tap on 1 tap off.... simple
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Modded Matt on April 30, 2010, 06:55:37 AM
finished flex it works great. I installed on a matrix, with te piggyback red leds. i get a  bit of bleed through when off. the programing is not that hard to leasrn. I going to use a 4 mode set up 1-fast rf, 2-burst, 3-zombie mode, off..
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Modded Matt on May 01, 2010, 01:18:53 PM
decided to go just under 10 sps right trigger only, right trigger burst, and akembo burst. I like this code alot once you spend a few minutes with the instructions its a fairly simple instruction set.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Beneath on May 02, 2010, 07:41:47 AM
Easy install, working great. The only issue I had was picking a good mw2 speed. What speeds for CODs/MW2 have you been using? Also,  do i need to use the WaW patch signal even though Im on mw2?
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: laxboy on May 02, 2010, 07:52:43 AM
no you do not need to use the Codwaw patch. a friend recommened to  me yesterday 9.62 works good.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: sozerozero on May 04, 2010, 05:53:39 PM
I found this rapid fire tut and it made me drool...
But before I go ahead and buy all the wrong stuff I have a few questions.

for the PIC12f683 chip, which one of these is it on this link: DigiKey (
or even is this the correct one here? SparkFun (
or am I just a f***ing retard?

Secondly the tact switches. I'm trying to keep my purchases to one site if possible, a.k.a DigiKey as it seems to be the cheapest alternative for me. Problem with DigiKey is I can find the bloody tact switches on it. If you don't I'll be forced to buy em here ( or is that even the correct button...

Thank you to anyone who puts up with my retartedness.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Modded Matt on May 04, 2010, 06:35:30 PM
spark is correct
switch is good (as long as its tall enough) I think I used 7.5mm

if you go to you can get 4 free samples
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: sozerozero on May 04, 2010, 09:54:36 PM
spark is correct
switch is good (as long as its tall enough) I think I used 7.5mm

if you go to you can get 4 free samples

Thank you for the response and I guess I will be checking out microchipdirect for those samples.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: LOONEY2008 on May 05, 2010, 04:19:30 AM
hi just so clarify sorted out the problem with the trigger fireing constantly was a dodgy batch of chips my last 3 as well lol.
anyways got a bread board and some new chips from maplins today started again with it all set up on breadboard for testing and works sweet no more turn controller on and it goes crazy during game play thanks i now see why on off option really isnt needed.

modded matt you mention for free chips problem i have is it asks for a busness email addy so i can place order what email client did you use to reg thanks..?
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Modded Matt on May 05, 2010, 04:22:37 AM
you must use a real email, the one your ISP gives you., etc

cant use gmail, or yahoo, those kinda free services.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: LOONEY2008 on May 05, 2010, 04:56:56 AM
also i have a newer cg controller someone metions a octocoupler can someone point me to a link of the right specs or one i need for this controller. wouldent mind playing against me little boy tonight on it lol
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: rafaliyo86 on May 07, 2010, 12:59:17 AM
also i have a newer cg controller someone metions a octocoupler can someone point me to a link of the right specs or one i need for this controller. wouldent mind playing against me little boy tonight on it lol

I hope this help you:,34805.0.html (,34805.0.html)
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: FastBrad on May 07, 2010, 11:12:42 PM
Hey guys, I have been playing around with CG2,I used the OC 4n25 and everything works fine, except for every now and then its as if i get a little flat spot whilst using RF eg: Firing away then nothing, release trigger and re-press works fine.  I am thinking it may be a voltage thing.Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Just some more info i have tried the oc circuit with a 47r and 33r ohms.

Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: ste179 on May 08, 2010, 01:29:22 PM
OMG this is my first rf mod and i tried the burnmeup 3 code first but had problems on my Matrix controller so i searched around for other code using the same wireing/resistors but i think i was using a wrong type of resistor because as soon as i re-programmed with Flex rf and re-wired its working awsome.  I rekon this is the way to go for rapid fire its as simple or as complicated as you want it to be, the edit mode took me a while to get my head round but it makes perfect sense now and my COD 5 experience with this mod is awsome its really practical AWSOME job Hazer thanx for sharing.  I just have 1 slight problem when i first installed it i could change how many modes i used but now i cant seem to get it to edit because when i try to goto edit mode 4 it just skips from 3 to 5 any ideas people...
Also just a quick sugestion to people using this mod make sure to take care in possitioning where the chip and other components sit make sure they are not shorting (Common sense i know but...)i had the same problem as mentioned by somone further back who said the left trigger was fireing a shot and zooming ADS and right was zooming ADS and fireing a shot but it was my chip possitioning and it was shortong the actual triggers. :tup:
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: spurgurgle on May 08, 2010, 01:39:27 PM
to edit the ammount of modes you need to be in mode 1 (i.e the mode with no led indication)
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Modded Matt on May 08, 2010, 05:04:48 PM
to edit the ammount of modes you need to be in mode 1 (i.e the mode with no led indication)
right, start editing mode from mode 1 to gain access to mode 4
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Hazer on May 08, 2010, 08:54:57 PM
I did that on purpose. The idea was that what happened if you were able to edit modes from say, mode 3, and you shutoff the modes. The chip would get confused.

You have to always have one mode active, so editting the number of modes can only be done in 'mode 1'.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: EasyE on May 08, 2010, 10:13:11 PM
Has anyone found a good speed for gears of war 2?  I turned the waw signal off and tryed to put it around 8 sps but it seems so much slower than my BMU3 chip 7.42 sps mode i have in my other controller.  Its my favorite game but i cant find the right speed any suggestions?
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: spurgurgle on May 09, 2010, 06:09:14 AM
i had similar issues with this code on gears of war 2....never found a goodspeed for it.... i just ended up giving up and using a older pad of mine..... but it would be nice to use this code on gears aswell... as it is one of my faverate games also...
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: ste179 on May 09, 2010, 12:15:31 PM
Thanx for clearing that up for me :psp: but i have another question for you guys.  While you are in editing mode (3 modes active)editing mode 3 has anyone noticed that the selection between left trigger rf (emode 1)and right trigger rf(emode2) only flash to say its in mode 1 (2 lights flash once)so you hold LT for 3 secs p3+p4 led flash once(emode1) hold LT for 3 secs again p3+p4 led flash once(but your in emode two) i have a matrix controller and everything is working fine so if this is only happening to me how is it possible? :faint:
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: sozerozero on May 12, 2010, 07:22:55 PM
if you go to you can get 4 free samples

XD, I finally got around to doing this. Registered with my actual email and all that crap. Was just about to get them when suddenly, BAM. "We currently do not ship to your selected country (Canada)"
Now that just racism, or beaverism since its going against Canadians.
Oh well, :P
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: ste179 on May 13, 2010, 05:34:41 AM
Dude there is quite a few sites that offer samples and even if they don't have a sample order form just email them give them details about your project and most of em will be happy to ssupply you.
Now does anyone know any good modes for cod6 with this mod? Also i've seen a rapid fire vid that makes full auto guns fire faster in cod 5 and 6 (like they r using double tap but faster) is there a way i can do this with this mod or is it only for semi auto guns? Dont get me wrong either guys and start flaming me i'm just asking i'm not putting this mod down buy any means (I LOVE THIS MOD)and if this is what it does i'm more than happy and won't change it unless they bring out a patch to stop flex(doubtfull) i'm just curious about this jitter thing they got on utube and if its the same as burst but with somthing like a repeat burst command(i'm not a programmer lol)
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Modded Matt on May 13, 2010, 07:56:41 AM
this mod dosnt support jitter. robo has a one mode that has jitter.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: mlsac on June 04, 2010, 12:38:02 PM
Can you use any diode instead of the 1n4148? I have 1N914 from an old project, and i dont want to go out and buy some more.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Entreated on June 09, 2010, 02:27:04 PM
Okay i have a few issues..
I have wired this all up to a CG controller..

Entering editing mode is fine, going down in value is fine using the mode button, but the left trigger does nothing..
I keep pressing it and it sometimes goes down in value and does random lights etc then goes back to normal.
I have checked and re checked the wiring as well as replaced and resoldered the left trigger wire.
I have re programmed the chip just in case and still no luck.

Anyone care to enlighten me on what else could be the problem?

Thanks in advanced.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Modded Matt on June 09, 2010, 02:36:41 PM
you have done something wrong. I use this on a cg and it works fine.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Entreated on June 09, 2010, 05:18:54 PM
Noo idea then..
Any suggestions? I find it extremly strange.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: laxboy on June 09, 2010, 05:38:08 PM
well does the trigger work normaly outside of the programming mode.  If not you should check the solder points u could have bridged somthing u should not have.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: sozerozero on June 09, 2010, 07:58:57 PM
Alright so I finally received all my parts today and programmed the chip, set up the controller etc.

and in the end nothing happened...
The P3 and P4 LED's would not turn on after I swapped through the modes. The right trigger never shot anything either.
I checked all of my solder joints (accidentally ripping off the P4 SMD, fml) and none of them were bridged.

So I'm assuming now I failed at programming the PIC itself. Anyone have any tutorials for JDM programmers? Or should I just try to re-write the HEX back onto the chip with another program besides winpic?
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Entreated on June 10, 2010, 02:15:23 AM
well does the trigger work normaly outside of the programming mode.  If not you should check the solder points u could have bridged somthing u should not have.

Yes left trigger works fine outside programming mode, this is the thing i just have no idea what is up.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Modded Matt on June 10, 2010, 04:48:46 AM
zero, make sure your power is at true pin #1 its the pin to the LEFT of the dot on your chip, the legs should be down. make sure your leds are turned the correct way. test the trigger even though the leds are not lit see if it rapid fires. if you can teat the chip with the controller on and see if it has power between pins one and eight (the top two)

Entreated, I think its in your head. sorry. try to set a duel wealding mode with the left trigger as RF make sure it works (modded) outside programing mode. it takes a bunch of presses to move very far. you say when it works it makes random led flashes, can you video this.?

let me be very clear, this mod works flawlessly, once installed correctly. if there is a probelm its not with this program or the instructions. If you are having issues with this it cause YOU did something wrong. I will help the best I can, but in the end its your work that needs fixing, not the mod.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Entreated on June 10, 2010, 06:22:12 AM
When i get home i'll take a look at the wiring and do what you said by checking the modes but how do i set up the left trigger rapid fire on a mode if i can't get access the second funtion in editing mode using the left trigger.

And i wasn't blaming the code, nor was i saying i had everything correct, i was just stating what my situation was and why this was happening and if there were any solutions.

When i first installed the chip i tested with the shell off just to see if the modes and tact were working (didn't go into the programming).
I then put the controller back together and the error stated in a previous post about P3 flash then P3 + P4 flash, but then i took the controller apart again and this error went away which i thought was a bit strange.
I now have no top on the controller and trying to get this to work.

When i get home from work i will having another glance over this and try and figure it out.

EDIT: Okay left trigger is working out of programing mode, so it can't be the left trigger that is the problem.

Okay so let me get this clear (from what i've read in the manual) you hold the mode button 3 seconds to enter programing mode, this then flashes P3 + P4 to let you know what section of the program your under (in my case 1 flash for right trigger), then in sequence the flashes go from P4 to P3 to allow you how many SPS this is set at based on the table that is in the manual. Mode button goes down in hex value increasing the SPS, left trigger goes up in hex value decreasing the SPS, (in my case mode button goes down correctly, but left trigger doesn't increase), then you hold the left trigger for at least 3 seconds to enter the second mode where P3 + P4 would flash twice. (for me the left trigger does nothing)..

Left trigger works out of programing mode but not in programing mode (i think this is the case)..

So from what i've explained above anyone care to help out on what might solve my problem, thanks in advanced.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: spurgurgle on June 10, 2010, 07:35:23 AM
sounds to me like your just having issues understanding how the programming mode works .... you got first set up how many modes you want ie  2,3 or 4.... the go into each mode one by one and set them to the speed, on each trigger. then burst (on or off with x amount of shots), then wave type....... the flashes of the lights looked random to me when i first tried this code ... but know i know to count the flashes of each led to work out which speed its is and which part of therf im editing.... its a little tricky but if it wasnt it wouldnt be as adjustable as it is lol
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Entreated on June 10, 2010, 07:45:14 AM

Read my update above.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Modded Matt on June 10, 2010, 12:04:21 PM
are you at the top of the sps, and pressing the trigger wont let you go down any more? give the button about 20-25 taps, let the sequince cycle and see where you are by counting and comparing it to the chart. then try the left trigger. thats the only thing I can think of
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Entreated on June 10, 2010, 12:39:06 PM
Tried that multiple times, i'm pressed the mode button got down to P4 0 flashes and P3 1 flash meaning it's disabled then tried pressing the left trigger over and over again and nothing happens just stays on 1 P3 flash.

EDIT: okay i have found a mistake on my behalf. Tested the right trigger in programing mode out of curiosity and voila! How stupid could of have been when soldering this together. Then again it was 10pm after a few beers.

Thanks for the help though guys, much appreciated.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Modded Matt on June 10, 2010, 07:01:13 PM
nice!!!! lol atleast it works. once you get used to it I think you will like it.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Hazer on June 10, 2010, 07:53:13 PM
So to sum up, did you accidently wire the right and left triggers backwards?
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: FastBrad on June 10, 2010, 08:34:40 PM
Hey Hazer, decided to take the Flex for a burn on WA just a few minutes ago. So added an extra mode with 75% cycle activated and sitting nicely on 9.62 Sp's, and I gotta tell ya dude, the hate mail was horrendous.  So kuto's to you coz it was 1337!.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Entreated on June 11, 2010, 08:49:04 AM
So to sum up, did you accidently wire the right and left triggers backwards?

Yes. Well when i first tried this i moved the board and the lights would start flashing on and off in random sequences not following the program code itself, so i was a bit mind boggled.

Then put the controller back together and it f*cked up so i ripped all the wires out and started from scratch using the deadbug position found on topfire's tutuorial (which i never knew about) and now works like a charm.
Got used to the programing mode within 5 seconds was straight forwards and extremly easy to use. Got it on 2 mode at the moment where it's basically on and off.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: sozerozero on June 12, 2010, 10:03:53 AM
Hooray! I got mine working. It turns out I was just retarded with programming the chip (pin 1 was in slot 10 instead of 11 on my programmer >.<).

Now just to soldering everything so it fits in the controller since I have it plugged into a breadboard right now...
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: SpartanXx666xX on July 12, 2010, 11:30:14 PM
does this work with MW2?

im just wondering because everyone refers to CODWAW with their codes...
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Modded Matt on July 13, 2010, 04:10:40 AM
anything works with mw2
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: SpartanXx666xX on July 18, 2010, 02:05:41 PM
EDIT: everything is working fine.

just one thing, the rapid fire seems a bit sticky and not smooth. does this happen to everyone or just me?

is there a specific rate of fire i need to pick?
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: spurgurgle on July 19, 2010, 02:40:20 PM
u'll have to find a speed that is good for ur gun set up.. most are between 10-15sps
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Dream on July 31, 2010, 10:54:18 AM
For the LEDs: Output is 50% duty cycle when on, and tri-stated while off. Perfectly safe for the LEDs as long as the code is not tampered with.

For the triggers: Only the matrix required resistors. This code checks the state of the triggers on each tri-stated pulse. If the PIC see the trigger released, it keeps the output off.

Hazer Can you change LEDs Output to 100%, like in gamerf2.
I use wight leds 3,0V so the 50% wont light the led. (matrix controller)
Nice work with the code.
Only thing you can add gamerf2 buttons -->left toggle --> right on off --> Flex code.


Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Noodles48 on August 10, 2010, 01:23:54 PM
Ok let me start by saying i love this code!! I originally started with a evil controller before i learned all about this code but i like this so much that i ripped out that chip and installed this in its place. i since then have installed it on 2 other controllers for friends but i just tried installing it on a wired controller for another friend of mine but now every time i turn on the mod it will start shooting without me touching the trigger. Im guessing that its getting to much power and thus causing it to shoot, but i have tried to hook up to 3 different power sources on the controller and still the same result, i even tried to replace the trigger pot and that still didnt help. please help me figure out whats wrong. :beg:
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Modded Matt on August 10, 2010, 02:26:24 PM
no testing has been done on a wired controller. try to program the chip with the oposite code.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Noodles48 on August 10, 2010, 03:35:09 PM
ohh i didnt even think of that! thanks. im stupid at times when things dont work haha ill try that right now
I put the code the for matrix on the chip and soldered it all in and there ya go it works like a charm!
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: SpartanXx666xX on August 10, 2010, 08:29:43 PM
hey guys, have this installed on a couple of my controllers. i was wondering if someone can tell me how to have a mode for akimbo. have left and right triggers RF.

i am still getting used to this mode editing.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Modded Matt on August 11, 2010, 04:22:24 AM
kronosslayer,  Your post was removed because it is inacurate, the ground points inside the controller are all conected. The point shown in the diagram works with all controllers and with batteries or play and charge.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: XxKILLx3RxX on August 17, 2010, 08:39:58 PM
is there a good speed for halo 3 to get accurate shots for a needler like burnmeup2? i tried 10.64 and 11.11 and they both don't seem to work as well as they did in burnmeup2.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Modded Matt on August 18, 2010, 04:58:28 AM
the code is the same as BMU2...make sure you dont have WAW inabled on the mode you are using.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: snowystuffs on August 22, 2010, 01:04:28 PM
Just a question about how this works, how does the chip sense when the trigger is pulled and so when to start the rapid fire? Given that you're only soldering to one point in this it's stumped me  :confused: The only other thing I could think of it being would be some kind of pulse genarator, but I don't quite know if this is anything like either of those  :help: Sorry if i'm being a n00b   :tup:
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: spurgurgle on August 23, 2010, 09:06:06 AM
it works by constantly send a simulated trigger release.... so when the trigger is released it does nothing..... but when u pull it its simulate the release.... simple ay.......

im sure hazer can explain it alot better then i can.... as i have a very basic understanding of how rf actually works..... but i think i got it tight here....
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: snowystuffs on August 23, 2010, 10:54:08 AM
So the code makes the leg change from high to low at however many hertz and when the trigger is held down the low state simulates the release of the trigger? What's the pin that's being soldered to on each trigger then? V+? Thanks for your help btw, i've been puzzled by this for days  :laughing:
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: spurgurgle on August 23, 2010, 11:13:14 AM
the center pin you solder to for the trigger is the pot's wiper leg... it sends the signal to the main chip in the pad..... basicly without rf... when the trigger is not being pulled its sat at 0v  u pull the trigger it goes high.. 1.5v

but with rf on the rf chip is constantly sending -1.5v pulses at the speed of the rf.... so when u pull the trigger it goes high like normal but  the rf ship counteracts the high with the -1.5v pusles and vollaa its thinks u've released the trigger... the pulse stops and it thinks u've pulled the trigger again... and the the pusle happens again ... it thinks the trigger is released.... s on so forth....

well thats how it works on the cg pad types .... i think its the oposite on matrix..... but dont quote me on that.....

again hazer will be able to explain it alot better then i can.. as he is the rapid fire guru after all lol
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: snowystuffs on August 23, 2010, 01:04:38 PM
Yeah I gathered he's the man just by reading his explanation of how the duty cycle for WAW works - above my level  :laughing: Thanks for the info man, helps alot. Looks like I have more learning to do, can't find a way to make a -1.5V pulse in BASIC  :confused: Cheers for the help.

EDIT: Just found a big explanation by Hazer on the how to use GameplayRF thread on how it works, I'm blind. cheers again.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: aspin on September 01, 2010, 09:43:09 AM
hazer in your infinate wisdom how do you add a jack plug so you can send a config to computer please tell meeeeeeeeeeee
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Modded Matt on September 01, 2010, 10:02:08 AM
you dont
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Rodent on September 01, 2010, 09:42:22 PM
Hey Hazer, i just wanted to thank you for the flex rapidfire hex and tut.I been trying to make this happen for some friends of mines kids and their nephews who play COD. I have tried about everything until i found this site, and with in a couple of hours I finally got there controllers done thanks to you :tup: I am new at this electronic mods and softmodding things. I do it for fun for the kids and they are happy I can do it for them. Wish i was better at electronics. thanks for sharing your talent.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: r0mmell on September 05, 2010, 04:41:58 AM
Hazer,i was using your BMU2 for quite a while and thought that was ace! Then tried out robbo's 3 mode adjust,and thought things could not get much better.....How wrong could i be :tup:. Finally took the plunge and drilled the hole and got everthing soldered and all i can say is YOU ARE A GOD!!! :#1: 
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: diverwes on September 16, 2010, 02:33:50 PM
Sorry for the dumb question but I moded 2 remotes and both when you hit the switch only have what looks to be off led 3 on led 4 on but no 3 and 4 led on at the same time for mode4 any help would be great.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Hazer on September 16, 2010, 04:27:45 PM
The default setup is 3 mdoes. You have to configure the fourth mode to be active. Downbload and read the pdf from the first post on how the self-editting works.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: diverwes on September 16, 2010, 06:43:01 PM
Sorry told you it was a dumb question. I will read more. And thank you.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: FastBrad on September 19, 2010, 01:56:50 AM
Hey hazor and crew, just wondering if this mod could be done with the smd variation of the 12f683.  Thanks in advance gents
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Hazer on September 19, 2010, 03:32:29 AM
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: lovey on September 20, 2010, 09:28:47 AM
loveing this very much thanks hazer,has any one got a good set up for mw2 been trying all day now 2 get it right surely some one on here as played it with this thanks for any help.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Modded Matt on September 20, 2010, 11:11:24 AM
2 flashes/12 flashes
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: lovey on September 21, 2010, 01:01:30 AM
thanks matt i will give that ago
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: siiNNiiSTer on September 22, 2010, 04:39:23 PM
i use 15.15 sps (p4: 2 flashes p3:1 flash) and 20 sps (p4: 1 flash p3: 9 flashes)
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: aspin on September 26, 2010, 03:24:59 AM
hazer just commenting on a slight fault i have dont no if anyone else has it but when i  edit the speeds to like 2 main flashes and 6 other flashes and exit programming mode it deducts 1 so when i enter programming mode next it will be 2 main flashes and 5 other flashes its bairably just wondering if it my pads as it does in in 2 seperate pads ive installed ? cheers mate :#1:
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: lovey on September 27, 2010, 06:04:07 AM
mine is doing it i just go back in 2 setup and do it again then bingo.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: siiNNiiSTer on September 27, 2010, 09:52:22 AM
ye mine did that too i just go back in prog mode and do it again and exit
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: aspin on September 28, 2010, 01:59:38 AM
thanks for the reply lads all i do is if i want 2 main flashes and 6 i  make it 7 then it deducts 1 as i was getting really pisssed wanting 11.6 for codd 5 and i was deducting 1 and i was always getting patched for  those who get patched on cod waw with robbos jitter code even if your patched his jitter mode will still rapid fire really fast
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: siiNNiiSTer on September 28, 2010, 12:58:26 PM
hazer im wondering if theres a possibility of adding a auto-burst to this code. i play mw2 and would love to have a auto-burst mode to use with the p90 or any other full auto weapon 5-6 rounds per trigger pull would be ideal. ive already considered trying topfire but it has to many modes i love flex cuz its simple 1-4 modes
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: aspin on September 28, 2010, 02:40:45 PM
try putting a burst mode on 1 of modes
no rapid fire on each triggers  but set burst to like 5 would that work pal ? should do ?
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: siiNNiiSTer on September 29, 2010, 09:13:55 AM
try putting a burst mode on 1 of modes
no rapid fire on each triggers  but set burst to like 5 would that work pal ? should do ?

ahh i didnt try just having the burst enabled without rf on the trigger bad itll be like 2 more days before i get to try it out. i painted my controller so i gotta let the clear coat cure
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: aspin on September 29, 2010, 10:31:50 AM
i have robbos jitter installed and flex want me test out for ya lad :)
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: siiNNiiSTer on September 30, 2010, 08:51:49 AM
ok so last night i got bored and tired of the crap flea-bay rf in my back-up pad so i took it apart and installed flex to it. i tried wut aspin said above for auto bursting weapons disabling rf but enabling burst and that didnt work soooo i tried enabling rf but i took it alllll the way down to 2.94 sps (lowest setting) and it indeed burst fires auto weapons. just hold the trigger down and itll auto burst. the p90 is a beast now, on point.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: aspin on September 30, 2010, 10:07:56 AM
glad it works mate thought it might work with no rf sorry to waste time have you seen this new 13 mode jitter that crazy modder realesed looks sick
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: siiNNiiSTer on September 30, 2010, 10:25:12 AM
13 modes? bit to much ticking to get through modes for me. flex is where its at imo. jitter is trash tbh looks funny to mess around with but as far as play its inaccurate. ill post pic of my pad asoon as the shell is done curing. all black black,painted dome taped off the x in it, dome lights for rf indication 1 red 1 blue still want to change the player leds to red and i want to paint just the tops of the abyx buttons black so that when i do the abyx led mod the light will glow from the sides of the buttons i think itll give a nice looking effect. but thnx for ur input on the auto burst. hazer should prolly add that into the original post so others know they can have auto burst with flex. im gunna play around with the auto burst mode a bit more i played with it sum last night upping the rate of fire on it ill maybe post a vid so u guys can see it in action. ill try n mess around with it on other full auto guns , ump maybe sum lmgs might be nice for use on a lmg kinda controll the beast. this auto burst on the p90 is like having a totally new gun so much fun  :dribble:
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: aspin on September 30, 2010, 10:38:57 AM
you make think flex is the best rf ever i agree but i just go bored with it as its just not as "fun" as jitter
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: siiNNiiSTer on September 30, 2010, 10:44:12 AM
dont get me wrong jitter is fun. makes funny kill cams the way ur player takes his hand on/off the gun people are like wtf?!?!?! but im off to work on my car -_- blown front struts ill be back later if u want to add me on xbl my gt is  h4x0r niNJa (thats a zero in h4x0r) we'll party up n play sum hardcore search on mw2.  :tup:
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: aspin on September 30, 2010, 10:49:17 AM
yea ok mate  :)

Post Merge: September 30, 2010, 10:50:20 AM
do you no good speeds of rf for cod 4 present day patches ? to set me flex as jitter is fun but wanna get some rf on it ?

Post Merge: September 30, 2010, 10:52:12 AM
added on xbl mate
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Hazer on September 30, 2010, 03:51:45 PM
Hey guys. Thats cool about the auto-burst, its funny that someone found a good use for the 2.5 second speed.

About jitter: Even if I didn't hate it with a passion, it requires another pin to be attached to the Y button. Flex was made to drop in place of GameplayRF setups without rewiring. There is no available pin to wire to Y.

I also do not have any plans of rewriting this code for any reason. RF needs to become more advanced, and I am working towards that goal. I'm sorry but this is the final revision of Flex.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: aspin on October 01, 2010, 02:25:59 AM
hazer thats awesome mate couple of questions really 1 what  speeds are good for cod 4 ? 2 will you ever realease the diagrams / code for your final rapid fire as i want the jack plug config bit on my pad and 3 if your ever writing new code id be happy to beta test for you  i have loads of umodded pads here ? and the jitter function could you look into it im not asking you to do it but look into it perhaps making it more accurate?
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Modded Matt on October 01, 2010, 04:22:36 AM
flex is great the way it is.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: aspin on October 01, 2010, 05:56:17 AM
i never said flex wasnt great but its just broing for me i like marco and jitter and hazer any idea how the do that programmable fast reload from evil controllers ?
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Modded Matt on October 01, 2010, 06:36:52 AM
aspin, you should buy or clone the viking.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: aspin on October 01, 2010, 08:08:21 AM
i agree mate im uk though and a guy wants 50 pounds for the chip thats  equiv to 100 dollars im just want to start my own business of opensource code for people so they dont get ripped off on ebay i have 4 pads made atm so if any acid mod members want em should i upload pics as i want to show em off matt ?

Post Merge: October 01, 2010, 09:51:07 AM
also whats the status of these marco codes and topmap ? and hazer will you be doing a marco or revamp spitfire ?
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Modded Matt on October 01, 2010, 09:52:56 AM
@ aspin, if you want to sell your controllers please do so in accordance to the BST rules and in the BST area.

if you are selling opensource codes, this is very much fround upon. the opensource codes on this site were developed and released for personal enjoyment, not for your monitary gain.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: aspin on October 01, 2010, 09:55:14 AM
im not charging for the code just for the pad/ fitting to help people who can solder is this aggainst the rules as im fairly new?

Post Merge: October 01, 2010, 09:55:41 AM
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: siiNNiiSTer on October 01, 2010, 11:07:11 AM
for hazer...ok i think im kinda on to something but since ur the man and its ur code u prolly already know aout this...i been messing around with the onboard programmming trying to make an auto-burst mode. aspin told me to try turning the RF off on a mode but leaving the burst feture on i did but it didnt work so i tried setting the RF sps as low as it goes (p3 flashes :10, p4 flashes: 10) which is 2.94 sps. it works at this setting but it does burst burst burst burst full autooooooo. if i make the RF faster like say 5 sps it does less bursts before it full autos. im thinking if i can get it down to 1 sps it'll trully burst the whole time is there anyway possible that u can revise the code so that i can get it down to 1 sps ???
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Modded Matt on October 01, 2010, 11:24:17 AM
@ aspin, that is fine.

 hazer has expressed on numerous occasions that he will not revise this code for any reason. this is one of the best RF solutions I have ever used, I have a viking, and I still find myself using my flex controller. (but I have like 15 controllers lol)

please respect hazers wishes and stop buggin him to revise this code. accept what he has given us and appreciate it for what it is.  any more of these requests will result in disciplinary action
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: siiNNiiSTer on October 01, 2010, 11:28:34 AM
im bugging ?.... wow ... as far as i know this is the only time i asked about a code revision....and i simply ASKED. but ok....
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Modded Matt on October 01, 2010, 11:31:14 AM
sorry, it was not directed completly at you, was just a general statment to all who want flex code changed. This is to respect hazers wishes.

I hope you all understand.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: siiNNiiSTer on October 01, 2010, 11:35:47 AM
r&u matt i appologize
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: siiNNiiSTer on October 08, 2010, 08:58:51 AM
for anybody interested in having a burst fire mode that makes already auto weapons burst with FLEX set one of ur modes all the way down to 2.94 sps (p4 led flashes: 10 p3 led flashes: 10) u dont need to activate burst mode just leave it off. u can try activating the w@w duty cycle to slow it down more but i dont see much of a difference in testing. i especially love this "mode" for the p-90 works well with ump45 and the aug hbar, haven't test it to much on other guns. please post sum feed back let me know wut u all think of it, if u figure out an improvment or extra setting or sumthing....edited this post ...last night i wuz doin sum testing/tweakin and figured out that u dont need to activate burst just set the controller as slow as it'll fire and itll burst fire the full auto weapons. ill make a video 1 of these days to show how it fires.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: aspin on October 09, 2010, 09:17:18 AM
cheers mate will have to give it a try especially as i use ump45 now without jitter shall i take pics of all my mods :)
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Total Loss on October 09, 2010, 03:53:43 PM
Thanks Hazer for a awesome mod.

I have moded a couple matrix controllers and a cg2 with the flex code. I added the opto isolator 4n26 into my cg2. Everything is working great, except the p4 light on my matrix controller glows slightly when it's off.

What is the draw on the pic chip? Would there be a problem with adding a light mod?
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: aspin on October 10, 2010, 10:41:22 AM
hello total loss welcome to acidmods yea you can instead of using them 0603 on the board dont quote me on this but you can hooks the led pin according to hazer to 2 5mm led ask siinstar he no how to do it
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: siiNNiiSTer on October 10, 2010, 11:47:54 AM
yea instead of wiring them to the player leds i wired them to 2 5mm leds i installed in my dome button just take ur 2 leds and solder the negative sides together and ground it then take the wires coming off the chip that are suppossed to go to the player leds and solder them to each positive pad is in the "show of your 360 rf controller thread" i have blue for mode 1 red for mode 2 and both light up to make purple for mode 3...(i dont consider flex a 4 mode rf i consider it a 3 mode because 1 of the modes is no rf).... n btw welcome to AM pm me if u got any probs with the light mod. i should prolly add that my pad is a CG u should prolly add the switching diodes if ur doin this on a matrix pad
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: aspin on October 10, 2010, 11:52:38 AM
thanks siin for baking me up :)
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: FastBrad on October 24, 2010, 09:33:05 PM
Does anyone know if Flex will work on a CL wired controller.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: spurgurgle on October 25, 2010, 07:48:09 AM
Does anyone know if Flex will work on a CL wired controller.

probilly but u'll need to use the matrix hex i think....... cant be sure though..... best bet is giv it ago and see what happens....
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: neural on October 31, 2010, 03:54:18 AM
hi just a quick question when i installed this everything works fine but i wired my leds differently than the install diagram and wondered if it makes a difference that i havent noticed the wires for p3 and p4 go to the points on mine as circled in the pic
 the controller is a cg

Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: hyper999 on October 31, 2010, 05:38:18 AM
that will work fine.
the diagram you posted shows how you would wire it so that the flex leds are different colours to the normal player indication leds.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: neural on October 31, 2010, 08:19:03 AM
thanks for the reply dont suppose anyone knows how to wire this up to the call of duty wired pad as i am planning on using topfire and this (although i prefer this) as 2 rapid fire mods in one controller using one of the switches on the back to swap between the 2 and the pre-installed tacts for the mode switch i have just enough space after lighting the sides underneath the pistol grips to squeeze them both in
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: hyper999 on October 31, 2010, 10:22:57 AM
the code is designed for official pads but if you have a multimeter and could give us some pictures of the board you could probably do it
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: neural on November 01, 2010, 08:33:01 AM
cool i will crack the spare one open in a day or so and see if i can get some good pics of the front and back
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: rulevoid on November 03, 2010, 03:45:37 PM
Ok guys, I have not used my homemade JDM programmer in a year.  I have everything set up and ready to go except for the application i used to flash with.  I remember it being a really weird and off-the-wall name.  Maybe something with a horse or a pony?  I was never able to get winpic800 or the other commons to work, so does anyone know the weird named Microcontroller flashing application i'm talking about?  Thanks!

Edit:  Also, what type of switches are you guys mounting?  I see something that looks like a 3mm and a 6mm tactile switch, which size is best?  The following link is what im looking at now just cant figure out which ones to order. (
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Modded Matt on November 04, 2010, 04:19:42 AM
6-9 mm tact switch.

winpic should work with the homemade JDM programmer.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Rodent on November 04, 2010, 11:44:29 AM
PonyProg serial device programmer heres the link:
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: rulevoid on November 08, 2010, 01:56:17 PM
PonyProg serial device programmer heres the link:

That was the one I was thinking of, thanks for that.  But, it unfortunately was the wrong one in my mind.  It must have been something else, as ponyprog doesnt write pic 12f683.  Anyone have any other apps like this?  I got a new JDM programmer in the mail today and i cant get it to work with any application.  I am running windows 7 x86.  Any ideas?  I remember the app i used to use autodetected the device when starting and showed the device (JDM) in the upper right of the window in a drop down list.  That's all i remember

Edit:  Winpic is being ran in administrator mode and as windows 98 compatibility.  It sees that something is connected to the comm port but it says unknown, and therefore gets an error when writing when verifying. 

Here is the programmer i purchased. (
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: corby7 on November 09, 2010, 02:12:52 PM
What position is this chip in, crawling or the numbers mean it is up for diagram purposes?
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: jrfhoutx on November 09, 2010, 04:03:55 PM
The pins should be facing up, the face of the chip (the side with numbers) should be facing the controller board
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Hazer on November 09, 2010, 06:57:15 PM
No. The face of the chip is up (the numbers). The pins are down.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: jrfhoutx on November 09, 2010, 09:56:11 PM
ok, look, in your diagram (on page 1) you show the chip face up (aka 'crawling'), which I assume is to clarify pin orientation and which wires go to which pin. in order to solder everything together initially I place the chip in that orientation so as not to confuse myself when soldering to the chip.

upon installation i suppose you really could install the chip either way, but personally I install it face down (aka 'dead bug') to prevent the pins from scratching the solder mask off the board and potentially causing a short and so that it doesn't stand off the board, the damn things already only barely fit inside at the recommended install location...

here is a pic of my own install (right before closing the controller) to clarify the position in which I install...

you can see that I install the chip face down, I feel it fits better this way and prevents the pins from scratching the solder mask off the board and potentially causing a short, and as far as I knew this was the recommended install position
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: siiNNiiSTer on November 10, 2010, 09:11:46 AM
...Anyone have any other apps like this?  I got a new JDM programmer in the mail today and i cant get it to work with any application...

i have one that came as a d/l link with my programmer idk if ill get yelled @ for posting the link here but u can pm me or contact me on aim and ill give u the link it has the d/l links for the software.

...the damn things already only barely fit inside at the recommended install location...

you can see that I install the chip face down, I feel it fits better this way and prevents the pins from scratching the solder mask off the board and potentially causing a short, and as far as I knew this was the recommended install position

i always snip a lil bit off the pin legs before soldering the wires, imo it gives a cleaner looking install and prolly gives u the clearance u need
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: jrfhoutx on November 10, 2010, 11:06:06 AM
I eventually did trim the pins on this one, though in the dead bug position clearance doesn't seem to be as much of an issue, my problems with the crawling install position was that the pins crushed down fine but at risk of breaking them, shorting eachother out, or scraping off solder mask on the board and shorting out that way. The chip will install either way to be honest, I just like the dead bug positioning for those reasons... (and it was the position used in spurg's tutorial I followed the first time I did it, so I just continued to do it that way...)
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Modded Matt on November 10, 2010, 11:40:26 AM
there is actually more clearance above the rumble motor, under the mobo
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: jrfhoutx on November 10, 2010, 01:08:39 PM
Lol yeah that's where I was planning on relocating it to once I get my programmer... Going to rewire a bit and place it there.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: radddogg on November 12, 2010, 04:26:28 PM

COD Zombie mod
3 moeds
1st mode both disabled
2nd mode right trigger 11 SPS CODWAW signal
3rd mode Left trigger 2.3 SPS standard signal, right trigger (your prefference).

This last one makes the controller auto-aim at multiple targets.

Sorry but the lowest sps I can get is 2.94 which is 10x10. How can I get 2.3 sps?
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: siiNNiiSTer on November 12, 2010, 04:31:00 PM
he prolly meant 2.94
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: rulevoid on November 13, 2010, 08:31:19 AM
When programming the 12F683, should which of the following should i choose to program?

Code Memory (FLASH)

Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: radddogg on November 13, 2010, 12:21:13 PM
he prolly meant 2.94
Any advances on this?
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: dd409 on November 16, 2010, 06:57:14 PM
I'd just like to say thanks for the code.  Recently installed it on a CG using the sync button (wired positive tac pin to middle pin on the sync) instead of an external tac and it works like a charm.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: radddogg on November 17, 2010, 04:10:50 PM
I'd just like to say thanks for the code.  Recently installed it on a CG using the sync button (wired positive tac pin to middle pin on the sync) instead of an external tac and it works like a charm.
Are you saying you've done it as a sleeper mod? How is it possible to program without sending the controller into sync mode?
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: rulevoid on November 18, 2010, 05:49:11 AM
I want to piggy back some different LED's for the RF mod.  Where is a good place to order these LED's and also what voltage and amperage would work with it piggy backed?  Thanks!
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: dd409 on November 21, 2010, 09:59:01 PM
Are you saying you've done it as a sleeper mod? How is it possible to program without sending the controller into sync mode?

When you activate programming mode, it does go into sync mode as well.  Just press the sync button on the Xbox and it goes back to normal, allowing you to program; same process to exit programming mode.  Kind of a hassle, yes, but it seems like a fair tradeoff for not having an external button.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: radddogg on November 22, 2010, 03:43:27 PM
When you activate programming mode, it does go into sync mode as well.  Just press the sync button on the Xbox and it goes back to normal, allowing you to program; same process to exit programming mode.  Kind of a hassle, yes, but it seems like a fair tradeoff for not having an external button.
Thanks for that, it works perfectly. Not sure why hazer didn't realise/tell us about this? Also I found that if the press the sync button while it is syncing then it stops syncing so no need to press the xbox sync button. I love this fully programmable sleeper mod. :tup:
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: jrfhoutx on November 22, 2010, 05:20:15 PM
He probably didn't say anything about it because that was not the installation method for which the code was designed... hence why that install method has some minor issues...
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Hazer on November 22, 2010, 07:29:15 PM
I did say something about it:
I am going to say this only once: I dont give a crap about stealth installs. You are willing to crack open your controller, solder in a chip with code produced by someone you dont have any backgournd info on, to add a turbo function to your controller, and that function has been optimized for actual playability, and the thing that matters most is the asthetics of an extra button on the bottom of the controller? Is it really that big of a f****ng deal? Is it the idea that you will do something irreversable to a $35 controller (that quite frankly gains $25 in value having the damn chip installed, not degrqades in value)? Are you trying to hide the function? Really? I could go through the hastle of coding the stupid trick of holding DPAD left while tapping SYNC and holding up on the right thumb while sucking my left pinky toe  and ligthing a candle with the lighter pinched in my ass as a way to keep the controller 'stealth', but how does that work while 12 people are trying to gun you down and you picked up a weapon that requires you to turn the RF off? The answer is "that method sucks".

For all of you who keep asking for stealth installs: Take the goddam plunge and drill teh damn hole. It wont hurt that bad, its just one controller. Hell, its only a $10 shell that can be replaced. Try the freedom of quicktapping where your finger naturally sits (under the controller) and see what all the cool kids are raving about. Until 100 people all swear that they have gone over to the darkside and still demand stealth over a real gameplay setup and reply all in unison to this thread, I will NOT be providing any code that keeps the contorller 'original'. Sorry.


EDIT: To nathd: my response was rather harsh and I dis not mean to jump on you directly. As you are a fairly new poster here you stumbled onto a very raw nerve I have about this subject, and I apologize. You just happened to be the unlucky person to ask me about this.

I will not apologize to any further requests about stealth mods. My statement holds strong (just not a personal attack on nathd). If you people really want your stealth mods so bad, do this: Wire the tact line to the SYNC button, but then cut the trace on the controller that leads to the SYNC. Just be sure you sync your controller first before doing this, otherwisse you will have to open the contorller and solder a jumper in order to resync. If you want your 'stealth' so   badly, do the work yourself and stop bugging me about it. You will note that this is a mighty inconvenient solution and there is no way you would be able to sell a stealth install of this on Ebay as the buyer would have no way to sync the controller to his xbox. I like this idea more and more as I read it.

The best way to use the controller is having a tact button where your finger sits while holding the controller. Because I value function over stealth, I dont care about making it convenient. If you like having your controller sync all the time, I am glad that you found a happy medium and I hope youo enjoy the code.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: radddogg on November 23, 2010, 09:42:17 AM
I did say something about it:
The best way to use the controller is having a tact button where your finger sits while holding the controller. Because I value function over stealth, I dont care about making it convenient. If you like having your controller sync all the time, I am glad that you found a happy medium and I hope youo enjoy the code.
I do remember reading that but didn't like the idea of cutting the trace. The way we have done it doesn't require cutting the trace. To be honest the reason I wanted to use the sync button wasn't for stealth but for simplicity. It is a lot easier dispensing with the extra button; no hole to drill, no waiting for the glue gun to heat up, less wires to route, all wires consolidated to the board. The only downside is the sync function kicking in when you program, however just pressing the sync button again takes it out of sync mode so it really isn't an issue.

Yes it is slightly quicker changing modes using a tact under the controller however I prefer having tactile 'B' buttons.

Post Merge: November 23, 2010, 09:43:05 AM
Oh and thanks for the code :hifive: :#1:
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: dd409 on November 25, 2010, 07:51:44 PM
Didn't realize that this was a contested subject.  If using the sync button isn't an intended use of the code, then I apologize for bringing it up.  I just did that because A) the local Radioshack doesn't have tac buttons (or really anything I'd ever need >.>), B) I didn't feel like ordering one, and C) I'm terribad at drilling anyways.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: OpTiCz on November 28, 2010, 05:37:02 PM
Sup Hazer...... Been a while.
Thanks for posting this, works great.
I was a bit hesitant a first, but I bit the bullet and drilled the hole. (insert Michael Scott response here).

Much better than stealth mod. Thanks
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Rodent on December 14, 2010, 03:20:37 PM
Hazer, I have used this on the CG board, and works awsome. want to thank you for such a great easy to use rapid fire,
  can this be used on the CG2 board , wired the same way ?
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Hazer on December 14, 2010, 07:11:04 PM
Hazer, I have used this on the CG board, and works awsome. want to thank you for such a great easy to use rapid fire,
  can this be used on the CG2 board , wired the same way ?

Actually, No. The CG2 does not have a switched source. You will need to wire an opto in order for the chip to turn on and off with the controller. There is a tut somewhere on here showing how to do that.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Rodent on December 14, 2010, 08:19:20 PM
thanks for that fast reply will check it out
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: lecrack65 on December 23, 2010, 05:23:51 AM
I installed a flexrf cg2 everything works great but I only have three modes
why I did not 4 modes
thank you for your reply

another question
can you give us the same with the stabilization of the weapon

I want to say it's the best I've tried rapid fire

thank you
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Modded Matt on December 23, 2010, 07:04:44 AM
from default the hex gives you three modes. read the programing instructions to unlock the 4th mode. (mode selection is only accessable if you enter programing mode from mode #1
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: lecrack65 on December 23, 2010, 12:17:01 PM
ok great I did not read it works thank you

the top will be that we can change the patch cod 5 world at war with a patch for black ops
do you think someone could do that with the permission of the developer

thank you for your reply :drunk:
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Famas on December 23, 2010, 03:15:05 PM
can you not read my friend modded matt edited this thread and said there will be no revision to this code ever sorry
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Hazer on December 23, 2010, 07:51:17 PM
I didnt realize bloack ops needed a patch.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Famas on December 24, 2010, 02:29:32 AM
it just frezes up sometimes the speed setting you need to be on is 8.9 sps try that
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: dopesun on December 27, 2010, 01:45:03 PM
the thing about Blops ive noticed is when u rapidly press the trigger with RF off, it shoots faster than when u have RF on. it does lock up even on the best settings. this is the best code that ive tested so far. but then again ive only tested this and hazers chip he was selling a while back with the pc input thingy to update the RF. (BTW that 1 doesnt work so well for blops.) im sure there is some kind of RF patch they use. anyone care to share thier experiences with Blops RF? as ive looked around and the RF scene isnt what it used to be. there are a few guys cornering the market. but the not for profit scene seems dead.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Famas on December 27, 2010, 04:00:15 PM
well that means your speed is too high set it to 8.9 sps
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: dopesun on December 27, 2010, 05:49:35 PM
yes i realize that. try this.... shut off RF on ur controller. take ur index finger or whatever inger and spam the right trigger as fast as you can. dont you see the gun shoots faster than 8.9 sps? dont you think there is something funny about that....? aka a patch?
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Famas on December 27, 2010, 05:54:44 PM
i dont think its a patch like a duty cycle just a speed patch like ive tried a cod waw patchthats just studders so no i didnt think you could count 8.9 sps while bashing a trigger hats off to you :)
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: dopesun on December 28, 2010, 11:33:13 AM
i realize you cant actually count the shots per sec. but u can tell how fast its going vs 8.9. i think so anyways. soooo.... is flex the best rf this far for Blops...?
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Famas on December 28, 2010, 12:21:03 PM
crazymoddwers six mode is
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: rafaliyo86 on December 28, 2010, 12:54:02 PM
I Play with gameplayrf2 and works fine
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Modded Matt on December 29, 2010, 08:23:34 AM
i realize you cant actually count the shots per sec. but u can tell how fast its going vs 8.9. i think so anyways. soooo.... is flex the best rf this far for Blops...?

you could count them using an o scope

but yes in my openion, flex is the best
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: dopesun on January 02, 2011, 04:57:24 PM
crazymoddwers six mode is

where can i find that mod at?
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: BEANC0UNTER on January 09, 2011, 10:03:32 AM
Anyone know where I can get a chip with the code on it already along with the switch?  I can even buy a chip and switch if someone would be willing to write to the chip for me.

Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Famas on January 09, 2011, 10:05:02 AM
where you from id be happy to help
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: BEANC0UNTER on January 09, 2011, 01:38:28 PM
I am in Indiana.  Do you have chips/buttons to sell or do I need to buy some?  I could then send them to you?
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: FastBrad on February 22, 2011, 05:16:00 PM
Just wondering if anyone can help me.  I installed flex onto a new pad, and seems like the rapid fire right trigger never stays on what I set it at...Very bizzare
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Famas on February 22, 2011, 05:47:04 PM
yea when in programming mode you set the speed you want but when you leave programming mode it deducts 1 increment so you need to set it 1 more than you want it at has happend to me so many times just one of them things

Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: FastBrad on February 22, 2011, 09:38:24 PM
I don't recall any of my other installs behaving like this...Extremely weird
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: staticvoid on February 27, 2011, 12:41:30 AM
what optocoupler and resistor to use on cq2?  looking for  numbers to order with.l
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Phantom on February 27, 2011, 01:51:45 AM
As you can see in the pics, you dont need resistors when using flex. 4n25 optocouplers will work.,34805.0/all.html (,34805.0/all.html)
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: manwinder on March 12, 2011, 05:47:48 PM
wats up guys, i have just installed the flex in a matrix, it works perfect but i was wondering when the controller has battery pack plugged in, the leds are on( just a little bit), and my cg controller won't do anything, the leds go on when i am press the button, but the rapidfire doesn't work, and can the cg be used for a cg2 controller or is there a different hex for cg2
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: siiNNiiSTer on March 28, 2011, 07:58:00 AM
for those of u wondering about using FLEX on black ops.... activision/treyarch made W@W right...woulnt it make sense to use the patch buster mode?
turn W@W patch buster mode on and set ur rf to something under 9 sps. ive been using this since blops came out. i think i only got mod blocked once all i did was slow it down a bit more
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: UnderClocked on March 29, 2011, 10:26:39 AM
wats up guys, i have just installed the flex in a matrix, it works perfect but i was wondering when the controller has battery pack plugged in, the leds are on( just a little bit), and my cg controller won't do anything, the leds go on when i am press the button, but the rapidfire doesn't work, and can the cg be used for a cg2 controller or is there a different hex for cg2

I've tried twice now installing this on a new controller ... flat out doesn't work period!  Double checked all my connections and verified them with a DMM and then the PIC programming ... still nothing!  Complete waste of time!
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Rodent on March 29, 2011, 12:26:59 PM
Do you have the chip clocked right meaning is Number one pin where it should be and do you have it wired right?

This flex rapid fire works very good I have used it many times so slow down and relook over everything make sure you double and triple check everything also did you program it for a cg or  matrix controller?

double check your steps, there is nothing wrong with this RF . worked on Matrix and CG controllers for me. and evedently many others on this site.

Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Modded Matt on March 30, 2011, 05:02:20 AM
I've tried twice now installing this on a new controller ... flat out doesn't work period!  Double checked all my connections and verified them with a DMM and then the PIC programming ... still nothing!  Complete waste of time!

This code is perfect. YOU have made a mistake, not our fault. I have personally installed this on many controllers....what do you really think everyone is lying? thats a large consperacy.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: UnderClocked on March 30, 2011, 10:41:36 AM
I know how to wire a PIC (this is not my first rapid fire mod) and all the wires were soldered on correctly (double checked and verified continuity between all solder points) and I verified the program on the PIC before and after the install.

Brand new CG2 controller, yes I used the CG hex file & wiring diagram and verified the voltages, wires, etc.  ... reason I tried it twice.

... still the same result both times .... didn't work at all.  It's not that big a deal .... it was free ... figured I'd give it a try ... didn't work on my controller ... oh well  :cry2:

I did use a PIC I bought from MADDOG controllers which is much more involve in wiring up and it worked just fine so I know it wasn't a wiring mistake or a controller issue ... problem is that wasn't free and uses momentary buttons, resistors, etc. instead  :confused:
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: spurgurgle on March 30, 2011, 12:04:03 PM
This code is perfect. YOU have made a mistake, not our fault. I have personally installed this on many controllers....what do you really think everyone is lying? thats a large consperacy.

Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Rodent on March 30, 2011, 12:55:05 PM
I know how to wire a PIC (this is not my first rapid fire mod) and all the wires were soldered on correctly (double checked and verified continuity between all solder points) and I verified the program on the PIC before and after the install.

Brand new CG2 controller, yes I used the CG hex file & wiring diagram and verified the voltages, wires, etc.  ... reason I tried it twice.

... still the same result both times .... didn't work at all.  It's not that big a deal .... it was free ... figured I'd give it a try ... didn't work on my controller ... oh well  :cry2:

I did use a PIC I bought from MADDOG controllers which is much more involve in wiring up and it worked just fine so I know it wasn't a wiring mistake or a controller issue ... problem is that wasn't free and uses momentary buttons, resistors, etc. instead  :confused:

The cg2 I thought  Hazer said you had to wire it throught the coupler? I believe I asked him this question a while back  do a search you will find the right answer, sitting here and whining about it gets you know where , we all will help just gotta be able to ask the right questions and look for the right answers.

Read here,34805.0.html

Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Modded Matt on March 30, 2011, 01:51:59 PM
it is not a must and will not affect operation if its a cg1 or cg2, the only difference is that when you turn the controller off the RF will stay on because the cg2 dosnt have a switched power supply. the optocoupler makes a switched supply that is all. this code works perfectly. I have used this personally may times. YOU did something wrong. in fact ill buy the controller to show you if you care to send it pm me thats how much I stand behind this code, send me yr controller i will mod it for you, whatever it takes...

This is a great code, short of buying a viking, you wont find much better. MadDog doesn't even come close to flex, with flex you can pick how many modes, and you can select the rate of fire, burst, etc.

If the mad dog worked, your problem lies in YOUR programing of he chip I would still like to see pictures of your install.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Hazer on March 30, 2011, 04:36:21 PM
Does the Maddog wire upside-down? (Deadbug?)

Many things here:

1. Just because the programmer said 'programming succesful' doesnt mean nothing until you run a seperate verify.

2. The chip diagram is for the notch facing upwards (the legs facing down).

3. This design requires all of the wires/connections to be made. You cannot skip the left trigger.

4. The CG2 is the same as the CG1 except for shutdown. If you do not install an opto-coupler, you should remove the batteries when the contrller is off.

5. The code is for a 12F683. If maddog was a 12F618 or other 8-pin chip, this code will not work with it. It has to be a 12F683 (its the only one with a Timer2 interupt).

 The only reason you got a salty response from the people here is because you commented that this code was a 'waste of time'. This code is better than 95% of what people charge alot of money for. Your statement makes it sound like its sub-standard when in reality the problem lies on your end of the installation, where hundreds of installs have been sucessful.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: drummerdude on March 30, 2011, 05:26:39 PM
Im thinking about using this code in my next controller. Just wondering... how do i get the mode indicator through different colored leds in the guide button, like in your video, instead of through the player leds. Your video makes the controller look so hardcore!
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: FastBrad on March 31, 2011, 03:59:23 AM
Im thinking about using this code in my next controller. Just wondering... how do i get the mode indicator through different colored leds in the guide button, like in your video, instead of through the player leds. Your video makes the controller look so hardcore!
That is a tri colored led inserted into the lower half of the guide button, and to be honest a reasonably tricky  mod, i will have a look around my pc and see if i have the intructions still
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: FastBrad on March 31, 2011, 04:25:27 AM
I've tried twice now installing this on a new controller ... flat out doesn't work period!  Double checked all my connections and verified them with a DMM and then the PIC programming ... still nothing!  Complete waste of time!
GTFO nuff said
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: hyper999 on March 31, 2011, 08:15:17 AM
That is a tri colored led inserted into the lower half of the guide button, and to be honest a reasonably tricky  mod, i will have a look around my pc and see if i have the intructions still


and you shouldn't find it too difficult...
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: drummerdude on March 31, 2011, 12:51:39 PM
instead of using one of those tri led things, i just used 2 seperate leds. a red and a yellow. in the pic, its on the mode with both leds on. I was going to use a red and a blue, so it would come out purple, but i didnt have a blue led, nor did i feel like buying one. also i didnt feel like drilling a hole in my new shell, so i strung the button through the small gap in the anolog stick.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Hazer on March 31, 2011, 05:46:27 PM
I was going to draw up the circuit but never had time. I also forgot this code has seperate LED outputs and does not need the single-output trick that the Final Rapidfire used. If you use a red and green LED, you get red, green, and yellow colors.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: drummerdude on March 31, 2011, 06:43:32 PM
whats da difference between flex and final rapidfire?
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Hazer on March 31, 2011, 09:06:10 PM
Final rapidfire is flex with an rs232 interface to program the controller with a PC utility. Point and click adjustments. At the very end of the design work, I thought it would be a good idea to make the controller have a 'self-editting' feature just in case you did not want to go all the way to the computer to change a speed by one setting.

Flex is basically the Final rapidfire with the PC interface ripped out.

Sadly, I have seen only one design that matched mine in the open market. I cannot even remember who sold it. I would have figured by now there would have been a tremendous leap in rapidfire designs compared to the open-source but it seems like people are happy to spend $20 on a static 6-mode 'a 13 year-old made this' code.

Hell, with all of the information freely out there and discussed many times in these forums, I am shocked no-one has made a USB version of my design. It would take all of about a week or two.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: hyper999 on April 01, 2011, 08:05:21 AM
Final rapidfire is flex with an rs232 interface to program the controller with a PC utility. Point and click adjustments. At the very end of the design work, I thought it would be a good idea to make the controller have a 'self-editting' feature just in case you did not want to go all the way to the computer to change a speed by one setting.

Flex is basically the Final rapidfire with the PC interface ripped out.

Sadly, I have seen only one design that matched mine in the open market. I cannot even remember who sold it. I would have figured by now there would have been a tremendous leap in rapidfire designs compared to the open-source but it seems like people are happy to spend $20 on a static 6-mode 'a 13 year-old made this' code.

Hell, with all of the information freely out there and discussed many times in these forums, I am shocked no-one has made a USB version of my design. It would take all of about a week or two.

working on it ;)
slowly though, learning as i go...
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: dopesun on April 01, 2011, 06:33:04 PM
BTW i have bought the final rapid fire when it was first released by hazer. the differences between that and flex is the speeds are a bit different. and on the final rapidfire you cant switch duty cycles (as far as i know). both are great though.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: magic_man185 on April 06, 2011, 08:56:32 AM
Final rapidfire is flex with an rs232 interface to program the controller with a PC utility. Point and click adjustments. At the very end of the design work, I thought it would be a good idea to make the controller have a 'self-editting' feature just in case you did not want to go all the way to the computer to change a speed by one setting.

Flex is basically the Final rapidfire with the PC interface ripped out.

Sadly, I have seen only one design that matched mine in the open market. I cannot even remember who sold it. I would have figured by now there would have been a tremendous leap in rapidfire designs compared to the open-source but it seems like people are happy to spend $20 on a static 6-mode 'a 13 year-old made this' code.

Hell, with all of the information freely out there and discussed many times in these forums, I am shocked no-one has made a USB version of my design. It would take all of about a week or two.

I am working on reproducing the RS232 version, but it is slow going because life gets in the way.  I started on it last year, and never got back to it.  I wish I knew more about USB, but sadly I don't. I was also working on integrating the no resistor mod into my code.  I will not however even try to do the onboard editing.  I think I could accomplish it, I just to not have the time to mess with it, lol.  While I am posting, has anyone found any kind of code (specific speeds, or jitter or something like that) that will work on Black Ops?  I am guessing it is just going to be a max fps per gun, which is why i want to do the RS232 reprogrammable, as I could change the speeds quickly.

Hazer, I have to say again that your code is awesome.  I love programming, but unfortunately I don't know any major programming languages (I learned to program in basic using a TI graphing calculator, and I have a little VB experience).  Using your open source code with the description of the code you gave, I learned how the assembly code does what it does, and that is how I am working on this code. Thank you for all your contributions to rapidfire.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Oglesan on April 11, 2011, 07:12:27 AM
hey guys i put flex in my wired controller and i programed mode 2 for burst and when i would shoot it would only do a single shot. when i changed it back to normal rapidfire it worked. how do u get the burst to work?
-thanks for the help
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Modded Matt on April 11, 2011, 04:06:44 PM
read he manual further, you must set the number of bullets fired in the burst during programig
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Oglesan on April 12, 2011, 06:58:54 AM
If you press and hold the Left trigger for 3 seconds, you will enter the third editing mode. You will see the P3+P4 LEDs flash three times followed by P4 LED flashes indicating the Burst Fire used. One flash indicates that burst mode is disabled. 3-6 flashes indicate how many shots are fired when you press and hold the trigger during game-play. To change the Burst Fire mode, tap the Mode button to decrease the value, or the left trigger to increase the value.

This is what is in the manual and i have set the mode for 3 shots and then exit and still no burst fire.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: 3D0kassiah on May 17, 2011, 12:35:23 PM
works F'N great installed without a hitch works awsome on blk ops
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: tempermodz on July 24, 2011, 12:22:56 PM
Would this code work just how it is copy to PIC and install it ? I don't quite
Understand on the info saying about editing etc... same as with
The burnmeup codes, and gameplayRF. It confuses me, can I just copy the
Code to the pic and use it on the games, or do I need to mess with
The code in order to work. I've tried all codes on here but this ones.
Cause they confuse me by saying to change stuff. So far the ones I like are
Robbos jitter and the 6 mode, easier and faster.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: spurgurgle on July 24, 2011, 12:41:08 PM
Would this code work just how it is copy to PIC and install it ? I don't quite
Understand on the info saying about editing etc... same as with
The burnmeup codes, and gameplayRF. It confuses me, can I just copy the
Code to the pic and use it on the games, or do I need to mess with
The code in order to work. I've tried all codes on here but this ones.
Cause they confuse me by saying to change stuff. So far the ones I like are
Robbos jitter and the 6 mode, easier and faster.

yes select the right code ie cg or matrix... then write it to a pic... it works straight off the bat... but has a on board editing mode so once it is installed u can adjust the modes... how many ones ie 1-4 (on of them is always off) the speed on the modes and what the modes does... read through the manual for how to do this...
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: snowcolt17 on October 08, 2011, 11:12:03 AM
how would you do the stealth mode for this??
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: drummerdude on October 08, 2011, 11:16:14 AM
this code is not made to be stealth. but you could wire the pin for the switch to one of the arrows on the d-pad. i havent done that with this mod, but ive done it for sqs's rapid fire code, i imagine it'll work the same for this mod too. but then again... what do i know? 0 and this would only work for cgs
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: snowcolt17 on October 08, 2011, 01:32:42 PM
thought about wiring it as a sleeper to the sync button or the bottom dpad. do you hook both wires to 1 spot?
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: drummerdude on October 08, 2011, 02:07:50 PM
not sure what you mean. but you wire it to the dpad trace
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: snowcolt17 on October 08, 2011, 02:16:32 PM
do you wire pin 8 on the 12f683 to the ground then to the trace. or pin 5 to the trace. or pin 8 and pin 5? lol
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: drummerdude on October 08, 2011, 02:53:43 PM
okay.. ur not makng any sence... wire pin 5 (i think thats the pin for the switch) to the dpad arrow trace.. you will need to look and find the trace in one of rdc's pictures prolly. the switch goes to pin 8, becuase that is the ground. but the dpad trace, is alreadyon a ground, or something like that.. you r making it more complicated. just wire pin 5 to the dpad trace. there you go!
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Modded Matt on October 08, 2011, 03:47:26 PM
this was not designed to be sleeper, it has one button. it preforms the function of quick on/off, entering program mode by holding, and selecting code values during programming.

if you hold the sinc button the rol will spin and you wont be able to program.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: snowcolt17 on October 08, 2011, 06:06:38 PM
alright i got you. thanks alot
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Aggressive Mods on October 14, 2011, 05:23:18 PM
Hey does this work with matrix 2? If so you got a diagram? :/
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: dopesun on November 01, 2011, 05:12:18 PM
hey fellas.. real quick i love this code... been using it forever. i recently been having issues though.. the rf has been locking up. its also been shooting without pulling the trigger. any ideas? it was working fine with the normal install. recently i installed an opto coupler cause my battery been draining overnight. i also connected it as a sleeper per the dood in this thread. its a matrix 1 controller. any ideas? thanks...
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Hazer on November 01, 2011, 05:57:38 PM
Possible problems: If you connected it with opto to the 2V source, you might not get enough juice to power the chip properly since the opto will drop some voltage before it powers the PIC.

Another thing to check is the amount of current the opto can provide. It needs to be a minimum of 40mA since the Matrix version sources current to the triggers.

Since this is a matrix 1 controller, you should really not need the opto, the extra current draw is only 10 microAmps (which the contorller without mod draws 100 microAmps). If you are not using the diode with the LED, that could cause excessive current draw while off.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: dopesun on November 01, 2011, 08:58:33 PM
hey. thanks for the reply boss. the optos i have r these.. (

i have connected the 1N4148s as in the diagram.. i am using these.. (

the reason for me connecting the opto was because when i put the battery pack in, the 2 bottom lights will glow, then dim and stay lit even with the controller off. i figured the opto would fix the issue. it seemingly did. but it corrupted the RF im assuming. 
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Hazer on November 02, 2011, 06:47:43 AM
For the IL2 opto: Figure 10 in the datasheet says that the Ice (current suplied to the PIC) can only reach a maximum of 25mA at the cost of supplying 50mA to the LED when turned on. This is the wrong opto to use for this.

If when using the diodes you can see the LEDs lit with the controller disassembled, this is normal. It is extremely low current. If you can see the LEDs lit with the controller assembled, then something is wrong.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: dopesun on November 02, 2011, 09:10:47 AM
For the IL2 opto: Figure 10 in the datasheet says that the Ice (current suplied to the PIC) can only reach a maximum of 25mA at the cost of supplying 50mA to the LED when turned on. This is the wrong opto to use for this.

If when using the diodes you can see the LEDs lit with the controller disassembled, this is normal. It is extremely low current. If you can see the LEDs lit with the controller assembled, then something is wrong.

Damn RDC. he told me these optos where good for RF...... i have read ur posts in the Opto thread and want to know if these r the ones u mention good for RF. they seem similar. u link only the data sheet... (

about the leds, with the shell on the leds arent as niticable. but they do shine brighter the the top 2 leds... i can c that in the dark.

thanks for taking time out of ur day 2 answer my questions...
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: MrIS on December 15, 2012, 04:45:27 AM
 I am a little confused here in the download pack i see the install diagram it shows how to solder up the 2 LED 3 and 4, So what is the seperate pictures of LED2 Pic and the LED3 pic for since they are wired differently?
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Modded Matt on December 15, 2012, 08:44:55 AM

led2 uses two new leds for the mod to signal left and right (stock leds do not light for mod)

led3 uses player 4 stock led and one extra led to signal left and right It will light stock green for left and your new color for right
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: MrIS on December 15, 2012, 09:33:07 AM
So if i don't do the Matrix LED2 or the Matrix LED3 options i will be fine? If i stick with wiring it up exactly the way it looks in the FlexRFMatrix schematics i will be fine right?
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Modded Matt on December 15, 2012, 10:23:06 AM
yes. the main wiring diagram is considered the first way to wire the leds (led1)

it will illuminate the original leds for the mod.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: MrIS on December 15, 2012, 10:49:53 AM
10-4 Thank you very much for that clarification sir. I appreciate the help here at AcidMods best bunch of people around these days.
Title: Re: FLEX Rapidfire Opensource 12F683
Post by: Dyson on December 23, 2012, 12:04:07 AM
Let me start off by saying great place you have here.
Now for my issue. 2 Brand New 12f683's From Mircochip, freshly flashed with FlexCG.hex
A black CG2 Controller
Pin out of Ic is as follows
2 - Led3
3 - Led4
4 - NC
5 - tach switch
6 - left trigger center
7-  right trigger Center
8 - ground

Power on to just player 1 and 4 leds on. Press and hold tach  nothing, tap tach nothing, log into game single fire if i hold trigger while playing with tach i get random burst fire.
tried removing chip from socket and jumping pin 1 and 2 of socket led 3 lights so i know connection is good to led 3. try 2nd chip same results. re-flash 1st chip  and verify code verified.
Ok assume bad tach swich so jump pins 5 and 8 hold for 3 seconds nothing. does anyone else have an other ideas. I am kinda new to controller modding but not electronics.  I know chip is getting power and ground or Led 4 would not light. I know all led and power connections are solid. and i think left and right trigger are soild also. checked Fine with tester.
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