Author Topic: New Product: PSP 1000 Dpad Breakout Board - No more soldering  (Read 11118 times)

Offline DarkShot

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Re: New Product: PSP 1000 Dpad Breakout Board - No more soldering
« Reply #30 on: April 10, 2009, 07:54:03 AM »
Dude, chill the :censored: down.

It wasn't just you who said it. Not to mention he did ask for feedback on the item itself, not suggestions for other things.

You're also the one who MUST voice your opinion on everything, and then complain the minute someone else opposes you or things don't go your way, you freakin spazz.

And Alien, don't get me wrong, but this is a really cool idea, it's just because of the lack of phat modders and the time you made this that it's receiving a lack of interest.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2009, 07:56:11 AM by DarkShot »

Offline EliteGamer83

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Re: New Product: PSP 1000 Dpad Breakout Board - No more soldering
« Reply #31 on: April 10, 2009, 08:02:41 AM »
Dude, chill the :censored: down.

It wasn't just you who said it. Not to mention he did ask for feedback on the item itself, not suggestions for other things.

You're also the one who MUST voice your opinion on everything, and then complain the minute someone else opposes you or things don't go your way, you freakin spazz.

And Alien, don't get me wrong, but this is a really cool idea, it's just because of the lack of phat modders and the time you made this that it's receiving a lack of interest.

I do not complain I hold my ground and defend myself, Well I am not allowed to voice my opinion? everyone else does.  complain would be like "why is he picking on me make him stop please guy make him stop". Nah I'm only spazz 3 days a week ;)

Yea there aren't as many phat modders anymore if you could somehow make a ribbon cable you could make one for the slim to silver under along with the original then lead that ribbon cable to the spot uner the memory card reader for the pinout board. 

Offline Alien_X

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Re: New Product: PSP 1000 Dpad Breakout Board - No more soldering
« Reply #32 on: April 10, 2009, 08:09:38 AM »
When did I ever mention that it was your fault? - Try CTRL + F 'ing the word "fault", turns out your most recent post is the first and only result.

I don't think that this topic ElitePhyschologist83 is the correct place to post your professionally formulated opinion of my mental health, even though it is correct, I'm sure.

Why do you even need a breakout board anyway - what happened to your "friend the PROFESSIONAL SOLDERER  who can solder really really tiny things" - (Yes that is an exact quote). Besides if this professional solderer (LOL)  cannot solder a wire which has fully bonded with the traces, then how on earth has he earnt such a prestigious title?

Besides, you "noobs" (Yes correct terminology for most of you apart from aphex, darkshot and ghost) have missed the main point of my second to last reply:

There isn't going to be a slim version from me.

Did you notice the suggestive end to my sentence - "from me", well you obviously didn't but look again. Don't worry I will wait until realization dawns upon your precious little head.

Now if you feel this is a flame then by all reasons report it, I stand by all my points in this thread, and it would be no great loss to myself If this post were deleted. I can also get a whole lot nastier.

Sigs by Alien_X

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Re: New Product: PSP 1000 Dpad Breakout Board - No more soldering
« Reply #33 on: April 10, 2009, 09:02:28 AM »
When did I ever mention that it was your fault? - Try CTRL + F 'ing the word "fault", turns out your most recent post is the first and only result.

I don't think that this topic ElitePhyschologist83 is the correct place to post your professionally formulated opinion of my mental health, even though it is correct, I'm sure.

Why do you even need a breakout board anyway - what happened to your "friend the PROFESSIONAL SOLDERER  who can solder really really tiny things" - (Yes that is an exact quote). Besides if this professional solderer (LOL)  cannot solder a wire which has fully bonded with the traces, then how on earth has he earnt such a prestigious title?

Besides, you "noobs" (Yes correct terminology for most of you apart from aphex, darkshot and ghost) have missed the main point of my second to last reply:

Did you notice the suggestive end to my sentence - "from me", well you obviously didn't but look again. Don't worry I will wait until realization dawns upon your precious little head.

Now if you feel this is a flame then by all reasons report it, I stand by all my points in this thread, and it would be no great loss to myself If this post were deleted. I can also get a whole lot nastier.

I have herd you say that you are not going to make one for a slim but I was suggesting it would be NICE never said you were I UNSTERSATND that you won't make one. I would rather have something I could do myself though and not have done for me. Just because your like a crazy insane solderer doesn't mean everyone is, I never said I WAS I admit it. Just because you can solder a tiny ZIF connector doesn't give you the right to assume anyone else who can't isn't as good as you.

Offline DarkShot

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Re: New Product: PSP 1000 Dpad Breakout Board - No more soldering
« Reply #34 on: April 10, 2009, 09:06:00 AM »
I have herd you say that you are not going to make one for a slim but I was suggesting it would be NICE never said you were I UNSTERSATND that you won't make one. I would rather have something I could do myself though and not have done for me. Just because your like a crazy insane solderer doesn't mean everyone is, I never said I WAS I admit it. Just because you can solder a tiny ZIF connector doesn't give you the right to assume anyone else who can't isn't as good as you.

Who said anything about someone being better than another?

Certainly not Alien, myself, or anyone else who posted here.

Offline EliteGamer83

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Re: New Product: PSP 1000 Dpad Breakout Board - No more soldering
« Reply #35 on: April 10, 2009, 09:12:30 AM »
Look I don't want to fight with you bro, let's just stop this argument here and just say all you guys are right okay? is everyone now happy and there are no hard feelings?

P.S. don't even try to say something like "aww you can't think of any good comeback so you are trying to act all innocent now" this is not the case I don't like fighting with you guys are cool and certainly better modders then me, I'll take me lessons from you and any tips you have and apply them to my future mods.

Offline DarkShot

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Re: New Product: PSP 1000 Dpad Breakout Board - No more soldering
« Reply #36 on: April 10, 2009, 09:21:30 AM »
Some realization. 'Bout time.

Now that that's done, I got a question for you Alien: Approximately how thin would the PCB be before needing to be sanded down?

Offline Alien_X

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Re: New Product: PSP 1000 Dpad Breakout Board - No more soldering
« Reply #37 on: April 10, 2009, 09:57:08 AM »
In what sense darkshot?

The manufactured pcb would have been 1.5mm FR4, and would need to be sanded down to approx. 0.4mm (I don't have a caliper but my pcb sanded around this thin seems to plug in fine. The copper clad which I sanded (Otherwise referred to as PCB) started out at around ~0.9mm.

Sigs by Alien_X

Offline EliteGamer83

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Re: New Product: PSP 1000 Dpad Breakout Board - No more soldering
« Reply #38 on: April 10, 2009, 09:58:20 AM »
Also question for alien,

Are you going to make these yourself with like a circuit board kit? or are you going to have them made for you by a company who makes custom circuit boards then sell them?

Offline DarkShot

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Re: New Product: PSP 1000 Dpad Breakout Board - No more soldering
« Reply #39 on: April 10, 2009, 10:48:38 AM »
Oh I was just wondering.

And Elite, he said he wouldn't because of the lack of interest.

Offline EliteGamer83

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Re: New Product: PSP 1000 Dpad Breakout Board - No more soldering
« Reply #40 on: April 10, 2009, 12:19:40 PM »
Meh you could make like 5 and try and see how they sell on eBay.


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