Author Topic: power switch solder points came off now fixed and working  (Read 2436 times)

Offline shaunandej

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hi all I'm new have been looking around for few hours looking for alternative solder points for the dsl power switch with no joy i have used this site for years for psp recourse's but just looked for the ds and i am now writing this to confirm to everybody that there is a powerswitch fix as many state there is not well i owe all credit to Timmy on this page on this site,27226.0.html all i have done so far is i have everything set up on my test bed and have a small wire soldered to the gnd and am dabbing the other end to the pwsw point and it fires up so thank you and i will go back to some of the more usefull site i visited and point them also to this site also maybe worth adding as a sticky in the tutorials as this is a very common problem and most people just give up believing it cant be fixed thanks again acid mods
« Last Edit: May 12, 2010, 11:48:18 AM by shaunandej »
psp 2000 5.50gen-d3 cr5400 2x8gb dane elec micro sd


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