Author Topic: Hi! I'm a Disabled "Future Modder"!  (Read 18689 times)

Offline Moosh89

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Hi! I'm a Disabled "Future Modder"!
« on: October 28, 2011, 07:38:47 PM »
Hello everyone!

My name is Melissa, or MOOSH (everyone calls me MOOSH, I rarely hear my real name anymore). I am 22, and I am severely physically disabled. I have a rare form of Muscular Dystrophy called "Myotubular Myopathy". I am one of 13 people in Canada, and the only one in Saskatchewan who has it. I may be the only female in the world who has the most severe form, That is if the diagnosis is correct. I was diagnosed at 13 months, and about 7 years ago I did another test to see which gene was affected, to see how I got the disease, either from my Mother, my Father, or a combination of the two. The thing is, I am the youngest of 5 children, and I am the only one to be affected. The test failed to isolate the chromosome affected. We were told to "come back in a few years, when technology is more advanced". We were also told that I may have started my own strain (mutated gene) of the disease "because all genes have to start somewhere". So ya... the doctors have no  :censored: clue why I'm the way I am... hahahahaha

My disease affects 50% of my skeletal muscles, causing the muscle cells to not mature, and grow, making me very weak. With that, I have developed severe Scoliosis (a curvature of the spine). I have been in a power chair since I was 4 years old. I am able to move my whole body, however, I have no strength, or "oomph" behind my movements. I cannot lift more than 1 lb. and lifting that little 1 lb. weight takes alot of time and effort! hahaha.

I have other little ticks or "disabilities" as well... I do not seem to have an appetite, or I would get tired or bored of eating, so when I was 13 I got a G-tube (for tube feeding). I have been doing extremely well with that. I also use a Bi-PAP (or Bi-Level) for sleeping at night.

I grew up playing video games with 2 of my brothers, who are 2 and 3 years older than me. I never really had trouble playing any of the older systems, but these current systems have more complexities.

When I got old enough to really get into gaming, I preferred playing on PC, on my laptop, but I quickly learned that playing on PC demanded lots of disposable income, and so I switched to the PS2, which was just released. We had previously owned several PS1s, so it wasn't totally foreign to me. Then my brother Jon (2 years older than me) and I got a launch PS3. I loved that the controllers were wireless, and so lightweight! and I could turn the system on and off with the controller. The only difficulties I had that carried over from the PS2 was using L3/R3, and the L1/L2 & R1/R2. I quickly adapted to using L1/R1, but the L2/R2 still give me grief.

on April 30th, 2008 we had a house fire and lost our home and most of its contents. Thankfully no one or animals were lost, except 2 fish. My brother Jon had his PS3 replaced by insurance, and I decided to get my own, with promises from Jon that we would continue to play together still over PSN.

I'm getting better at using L2/R2, its not as difficult, but I still have to stop and use my whole palms to press L3/R3. My brother Jon is very aware of my disabilities and laughs at how I hold my controller and I seem to take him by suprise on how I have adapted to my limitations, like the fact that I have great dificulty sprintig and knifing in Call of Duty. He plays extremely well, yet I somehow manage to "keep up" with him, or I make him laugh by pulling off something amazing by accident hahaha.

I have decided to try some modding, just for fun, and to learn something new. To make my controller more accessible, I plan to relocate my L3/R3 to the outsides of my controller, so I can press then with the pads of my "palm-index finger knuckle thingies" hahaha.

I should not have any troouble doing this, its pretty straight forward. I have watched several tutorial videos online.

I did want to say, that I am amazed at the support, for gamers like me, found on this board. I'm blown away. I'VE FOUND OTHERS OUT THERE TOO! hahaha.

One thing I would like to know, is... Is it possible to have an Xbox 360 controller, in a PS3 controller body? The PS3 controller is damn near perfect for me, and Jon has since moved to the 360, and sold his PS3. He keeps begging me to follow suit, even offering several times to buy me a 360, and pay for my membership sevice haha. I keep saying "No thanks", due to my difficulties with the 360 controller's size, weight, button and analogue stiffness and placements (I have no trouble with stiffness on the Playstation controllers). (and the fact that you have to pay to play online  poop ). But if someone out there can do a switch-eroo, I might take him up on his offer. I'd never abandon Playstation though... hahaha

I've seen Ben Hecks PS3 controller inside an xbox 360 controller, but I've never seen it the other way around.

So? is this possible?

Thank you for reading! :)

I'm a girl gamer!
PSN: MOOSH89 (I don't accept blank friend requests)
TIMEZONE: -06:00 Central Saskatchewan Time, usually on between 3:00PM - 2:00AM
My wheelchair lift on my van looks like the Powerloader, everytime I get out I feel like shouting "Get away from her, You :censored:!"

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Offline Moosh89

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Re: Hi! I'm a Disabled "Future Modder"!
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2011, 09:05:57 PM »
Thanks for finding that drummerdude!

Seems like it was pretty challenging for him, as he said he was only doing one more, and it would be pricey.

If I did get one made by someone, I'd probably like it to be wireless... Wires and wheelchairs just don't go well together.

I would also like the triggers to not be springy, but more button like, as that is why I have trouble with them, they're kind of hard for me to push on the PS3 controller, so I prefer using R1/L1
I'm a girl gamer!
PSN: MOOSH89 (I don't accept blank friend requests)
TIMEZONE: -06:00 Central Saskatchewan Time, usually on between 3:00PM - 2:00AM
My wheelchair lift on my van looks like the Powerloader, everytime I get out I feel like shouting "Get away from her, You :censored:!"

Offline drummerdude

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Re: Hi! I'm a Disabled "Future Modder"!
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2011, 09:09:24 PM »
There are some pretty nice guys on this forum. im sure they could hook u up with something to help u and not very pricey. and i agree. i wouldnt b able 2 do that mod either... :)

"I'm not a very tall person, however I show self-confidence of a bigger person"

Offline Falkenheart

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Re: Hi! I'm a Disabled "Future Modder"!
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2011, 11:54:38 PM »
Hello Moosh, I too am a disabled gamer I have duchenne muscular dystrophy. I'm no modder yet but There's a controller in the works Being built to my specifications, if you want to take a look at the topic
here's a link:,

We're looking for feedback/input about this.

Offline Falkenheart

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Re: Hi! I'm a Disabled "Future Modder"!
« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2011, 11:58:54 PM »
I own a PS360 controller the l3/r3 are hard to push down

Offline Moosh89

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Re: Hi! I'm a Disabled "Future Modder"!
« Reply #6 on: October 29, 2011, 12:24:39 AM »
Thanks Falkenheart! I have checked out your thread!, I'm glad you're getting the help you need!

I own a PS360 controller the l3/r3 are hard to push down

I found a great tutorial on how to fix this on the PS3 controller. This is what I plan to do to my PS3 controller once I get my soldering iron in the mail in a few weeks. Heres the videos: (hope its OK to post!)

Part 1:

Part 2:

I plan to use bigger buttons, positioned on each side between the shoulders/triggers and directional/face buttons. I'll try to post a worklog as I go
« Last Edit: October 29, 2011, 12:27:16 AM by Moosh89 »
I'm a girl gamer!
PSN: MOOSH89 (I don't accept blank friend requests)
TIMEZONE: -06:00 Central Saskatchewan Time, usually on between 3:00PM - 2:00AM
My wheelchair lift on my van looks like the Powerloader, everytime I get out I feel like shouting "Get away from her, You :censored:!"

Offline Rodent

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Re: Hi! I'm a Disabled "Future Modder"!
« Reply #7 on: October 29, 2011, 03:33:22 AM »
Hi Melissa, wow you been thru alot, looks like your still going for everything possible in life which is good you can never give up. Welcome to Acidmods, as you can see there are some very helpfull  members here. I know these people have helped others. 

Here is a link from Hazer (Awesome Modder/Very careing person also) check out his link,39591.msg296985.html#msg296985

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Re: Hi! I'm a Disabled "Future Modder"!
« Reply #8 on: October 29, 2011, 05:51:52 AM »
It is very difficult to make a 360 controller fit inside a PS3 shell I would say it is pretty much impossible to do it with a wired controller. But Perhaps we could use a stock PS3 controller connected to an arduino via bluetooth then have the arduino connected to a 360 controller and pass through the button states of the PS3 controller to the 360 board?

Offline Moosh89

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Re: Hi! I'm a Disabled "Future Modder"!
« Reply #9 on: October 29, 2011, 02:56:15 PM »
Hi Melissa, wow you been thru alot, looks like your still going for everything possible in life which is good you can never give up. Welcome to Acidmods, as you can see there are some very helpfull  members here. I know these people have helped others. 

Here is a link from Hazer (Awesome Modder/Very careing person also) check out his link,39591.msg296985.html#msg296985

Thank you Rodent!

That thread is awesome!

It is very difficult to make a 360 controller fit inside a PS3 shell I would say it is pretty much impossible to do it with a wired controller. But Perhaps we could use a stock PS3 controller connected to an arduino via bluetooth then have the arduino connected to a 360 controller and pass through the button states of the PS3 controller to the 360 board?

That sounds interesting! but would there be any lag with that? I would also need my L1/L2 and R1/R2 flipped too, as I prefer using L1/R1 for aiming and shooting
I'm a girl gamer!
PSN: MOOSH89 (I don't accept blank friend requests)
TIMEZONE: -06:00 Central Saskatchewan Time, usually on between 3:00PM - 2:00AM
My wheelchair lift on my van looks like the Powerloader, everytime I get out I feel like shouting "Get away from her, You :censored:!"

Offline Rodent

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Re: Hi! I'm a Disabled "Future Modder"!
« Reply #10 on: October 29, 2011, 03:31:27 PM »
Thank you Rodent!

That thread is awesome!

Your welcome

Moosh89: My wheelchair lift on my van looks like the Powerloader, everytime I get out I feel like shouting "Get away from her, You :censored:!"
You sound Cool Girl,  :) One BADASS chick :) nice to meet you.

 Tracey: I cant believe Rodent of all people made my damn day
3D0: snacks cartoons and naps  lol sounds like rodents typcial day :rofl:
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Re: Hi! I'm a Disabled "Future Modder"!
« Reply #11 on: October 29, 2011, 08:23:06 PM »
I don't care if this sounds lame, but this made me cry! hahaha .... This is just way too great. Thank you Hazer, and anyone else involved... I feel like I've just witnessed a miracle or something!

Thank you for the compliment Melissa. It was a privilege to make that controller for Chuck. I am hoping we can help you with your needs as well. I really like the fact you plan to do mods on your own.

I dont know if trying to do a 360 controller in a PS3 shell is the best way to go. As you have read already, most attempts to date are extreme and ended up with something missing from the controller (wireless for instance).

I do have a suggestion for an alternative: The Razor Onza for X360 is lighter, has tactile ABYX that are easier to push, adjustable tension sticks, and already has the built-in extra bumper buttons that natively can be assigned any button on the controller. The CONs would be that it is still a X360 design (wider and stick placement in X360 style instead of PS3 style) and is a wired controller (but has 15 feet of cord).

What I am thinking is if this controller is already half of the requiremetns for you to play on the X360, maybe some of us can figure the rest out: For instance, install those extra buttons to relocate the R3/L3 clicks to the side of the controller and use the extra bumpers to assign the R2/L2 triggers. We can also look at possibly doing a reconfigure of the stick and making it the same as the PS3 layout (swapping the DPAD and left stick). I can also look at doing a full remap of the ONZA using the same technique as Chucks controller.

Even if the ONZA is not good enough to start with, I would recommend we look for a 3rd party controller to start with instead of trying to hack up the official ones to fit.

For instance the MLB from mad catz I just noticed that one is wired also, but it already has the relocatable sticks. I could have sworn I saw a 3rd party PS3 style wireless (had a USB dongle) that worked on both the PS3 and the X360. I will have to dig to find it.

If the ONZA might be a possibility, let me know. I have one I could send your way to 'try out' for feel/wieght. If its not that bad to begin with, we can arrange to fix it so it fits your style.
[Quote from Gamermodz via Viking forums]
Don't be jealous your not half as smart. I hate ****tards like you. An ignorant redneck. Your nothing but a posing ******. Get the **** out of here, really, your claim to fame is an open source rapid fire code? You make me laugh. You think you have control over the modding market?  You couldn't create what I can and do. You are too ignorant with your outrageous assumptions and accusations. [/Quote]

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Re: Hi! I'm a Disabled "Future Modder"!
« Reply #12 on: October 29, 2011, 09:51:48 PM »
Wow!, Thank you Hazer!

that ONZA looks pretty neat! I especially like the sound of the Adjustable resistance Analogue sticks!, and the extra bumpers!

When I play my PS3, I usually rest my controller on top the back of my one knee, which I have up infront of me on my seat, but the weight is still a concern, as I still have to hold it there. The PS3 controller is a cinch to hold, I really love them. My brother Jon has tried finding me a controller for xbox. We tried the MicroCon controller, it was considerably smaller, and was lighter than the regular controller, due to it being wired, and not having the heavy battery hanging off the back. But the buttons and sticks were still too stiff. Jon tried playing with the controller himself to "break it in" but it never did haha.

If the ONZA weighs about as much as a PS3 controller, I certainly would like to try one out. I wouldn't have a system to try it on though, but I don't think I'd need one to test if I can comfortably hold it and push the buttons. I could possibly get my brother to bring his xbox home when he comes for a visit.

Thanks for showing that to me! :)

If it does do the trick, I'll buy one and send it your way if it needs any tweaking
« Last Edit: October 29, 2011, 09:54:35 PM by Moosh89 »
I'm a girl gamer!
PSN: MOOSH89 (I don't accept blank friend requests)
TIMEZONE: -06:00 Central Saskatchewan Time, usually on between 3:00PM - 2:00AM
My wheelchair lift on my van looks like the Powerloader, everytime I get out I feel like shouting "Get away from her, You :censored:!"

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Re: Hi! I'm a Disabled "Future Modder"!
« Reply #13 on: October 30, 2011, 01:05:25 AM »
Thank you for the compliment Melissa. It was a privilege to make that controller for Chuck. I am hoping we can help you with your needs as well. I really like the fact you plan to do mods on your own.

I dont know if trying to do a 360 controller in a PS3 shell is the best way to go. As you have read already, most attempts to date are extreme and ended up with something missing from the controller (wireless for instance).

I do have a suggestion for an alternative: The Razor Onza for X360 is lighter, has tactile ABYX that are easier to push, adjustable tension sticks, and already has the built-in extra bumper buttons that natively can be assigned any button on the controller. The CONs would be that it is still a X360 design (wider and stick placement in X360 style instead of PS3 style) and is a wired controller (but has 15 feet of cord).

What I am thinking is if this controller is already half of the requiremetns for you to play on the X360, maybe some of us can figure the rest out: For instance, install those extra buttons to relocate the R3/L3 clicks to the side of the controller and use the extra bumpers to assign the R2/L2 triggers. We can also look at possibly doing a reconfigure of the stick and making it the same as the PS3 layout (swapping the DPAD and left stick). I can also look at doing a full remap of the ONZA using the same technique as Chucks controller.

Even if the ONZA is not good enough to start with, I would recommend we look for a 3rd party controller to start with instead of trying to hack up the official ones to fit.

For instance the MLB from mad catz I just noticed that one is wired also, but it already has the relocatable sticks. I could have sworn I saw a 3rd party PS3 style wireless (had a USB dongle) that worked on both the PS3 and the X360. I will have to dig to find it.

If the ONZA might be a possibility, let me know. I have one I could send your way to 'try out' for feel/wieght. If its not that bad to begin with, we can arrange to fix it so it fits your style.
i may be just blowing steam here but wouldn't it be possible to hax the wire and make it wireless though a ir dongle of some sort

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Re: Hi! I'm a Disabled "Future Modder"!
« Reply #14 on: October 30, 2011, 02:51:41 AM »
nice suggestion hazer. dont know mow comfortable the onza controller wuld be seeing it is bulky at the bumpers/triggers.. i like the suggestion of the r3/l3 clicks on the side. be cool to put the r2/l2 as the other buttons. a regular button and a tach? and put it in a comfortable place?

idk just some suggestions to add..

and welcome. you came to the right people for help. :p

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Re: Hi! I'm a Disabled "Future Modder"!
« Reply #15 on: October 30, 2011, 01:41:40 PM »
Thanks everyone!

I was thinking it may be a good idea to wait until I can get my PS3 controller modded comfortably, then we have a better template to try to model an XBOX 360 controller around. It'll be about 2-3 weeks before I can do my PS3 controller, We only get mail 3 days a week out here (I live rural) and it takes about 2 weeks for anything from the states to arrive, and thats where my iron is coming from.

I'm pretty patient :)

You sound Cool Girl,  :) One BADASS chick :) nice to meet you.

hahaha, Thank you! I'm a big fan of the Aliens movies!, kinda nerdy hey? haha
« Last Edit: October 30, 2011, 01:43:53 PM by Moosh89 »
I'm a girl gamer!
PSN: MOOSH89 (I don't accept blank friend requests)
TIMEZONE: -06:00 Central Saskatchewan Time, usually on between 3:00PM - 2:00AM
My wheelchair lift on my van looks like the Powerloader, everytime I get out I feel like shouting "Get away from her, You :censored:!"

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Re: Hi! I'm a Disabled "Future Modder"!
« Reply #16 on: October 30, 2011, 04:34:03 PM »
Thanks everyone!

hahaha, Thank you! I'm a big fan of the Aliens movies!, kinda nerdy hey? haha
Welcome no  I wouldnt say nerdy those are good movies.

Is  there anything you need for parts? for the controller?
« Last Edit: October 30, 2011, 04:35:18 PM by Rodent »

 Tracey: I cant believe Rodent of all people made my damn day
3D0: snacks cartoons and naps  lol sounds like rodents typcial day :rofl:
Rodent consoles mods

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Re: Hi! I'm a Disabled "Future Modder"!
« Reply #17 on: October 30, 2011, 06:49:04 PM »
I think I should be good, I have been gathering up parts all year, and just dropped another $50 on ebay on a bunch more today haha

Thank you for asking though :)

I'm also going to try casting some clear and translucent PS3 controller shells as well. I've got my silicone, and my resin is at the post office, which I'll pick up tomorrow, then I should be able to start on that. A few people on another modding message board do not think I can get it right, but I'd still like to try. I've got a good understanding of how to do it. I can't wait!
I'm a girl gamer!
PSN: MOOSH89 (I don't accept blank friend requests)
TIMEZONE: -06:00 Central Saskatchewan Time, usually on between 3:00PM - 2:00AM
My wheelchair lift on my van looks like the Powerloader, everytime I get out I feel like shouting "Get away from her, You :censored:!"

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Re: Hi! I'm a Disabled "Future Modder"!
« Reply #18 on: October 30, 2011, 07:04:06 PM »
Well If you need some parts , I would be glad to donate Parts if I have what you need. Keep that in mind.

 Tracey: I cant believe Rodent of all people made my damn day
3D0: snacks cartoons and naps  lol sounds like rodents typcial day :rofl:
Rodent consoles mods

Offline Moosh89

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Re: Hi! I'm a Disabled "Future Modder"!
« Reply #19 on: October 30, 2011, 07:42:47 PM »
That is very kind of you Rodent, Thank you!

Actually, maybe you or someone else can help me (I just remembered this)

I am planning for another little project. I have a headset, just a cheapy from china, but I would like to replace the volume buttons, to something that can be mounted on the outside of my project. Currently it is two flat tactile buttons on a little board that are inside the headset body, which is wired to the main board, with a plastic button piece that presses them. I'm looking for a whole switch to replace the little board. It needs to have 3 pins. Currently the center pin is labeled ground and the outer pins are labeled S1 & S2. For the life of me I cannot find a switch like this to replace it!, I'm assuming it is a rocker switch, so I've tried looking for "Sound Rocker", "Volume Rocker" "Volume Switch", etc... and nothing.

I even went to my local Source and couldn't find anything, as our town is fairly small and not very many people do this kind of stuff. I asked the guy that works there what the switch would be called, and all he could think of to call it was "Sound Rocker"...

So what am I looking for? haha. It needs to be small...

I'm a girl gamer!
PSN: MOOSH89 (I don't accept blank friend requests)
TIMEZONE: -06:00 Central Saskatchewan Time, usually on between 3:00PM - 2:00AM
My wheelchair lift on my van looks like the Powerloader, everytime I get out I feel like shouting "Get away from her, You :censored:!"

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Re: Hi! I'm a Disabled "Future Modder"!
« Reply #20 on: October 31, 2011, 04:04:11 AM »
hmm. seems like you are looking for something like this? middle being ground and the outside pins going to s1 and s2, one position and will be ss1 other side s2. they also making them so the 2 outsides are the s1 and s2 and center being off..... not sure on the size/ but i imagine someone on here will have a small one from something. if they are like me and savage things :p.

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Re: Hi! I'm a Disabled "Future Modder"!
« Reply #21 on: October 31, 2011, 07:38:42 AM »
I think you are wanting a SPDT (single pole double throw) momentary rocker switch or DPDT (double pole double throw) momentary rocker switch.

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Re: Hi! I'm a Disabled "Future Modder"!
« Reply #22 on: October 31, 2011, 09:16:45 AM »
ahh yea true hyper. i just reread it. its only activated when you press the button. my bad i was half asleep. what the genius said ^

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Re: Hi! I'm a Disabled "Future Modder"!
« Reply #23 on: October 31, 2011, 12:32:27 PM »
I think you are wanting a SPDT (single pole double throw) momentary rocker switch or DPDT (double pole double throw) momentary rocker switch.

Thanks, I couldn't find any suitable on ebay, so I'm trying I'm looking for "Momentary-Off-Momentary", right?

I did find one of their "cheaper" ones thats about 15mm x 12mm (cut out), its $5.26 for 1, plus the standard $8.00 shipping:

Does anyone know where I can find something similar, for a little cheaper? $13.26 for 1 little switch is kind of, ridiculous hahaha

but if we can't find anything else, I guess I'll get it from there :) haha
I'm a girl gamer!
PSN: MOOSH89 (I don't accept blank friend requests)
TIMEZONE: -06:00 Central Saskatchewan Time, usually on between 3:00PM - 2:00AM
My wheelchair lift on my van looks like the Powerloader, everytime I get out I feel like shouting "Get away from her, You :censored:!"

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Re: Hi! I'm a Disabled "Future Modder"!
« Reply #24 on: October 31, 2011, 12:43:22 PM »
Thanks, I couldn't find any suitable on ebay, so I'm trying I'm looking for "Momentary-Off-Momentary", right?

I did find one of their "cheaper" ones thats about 15mm x 12mm (cut out), its $5.26 for 1, plus the standard $8.00 shipping:

Does anyone know where I can find something similar, for a little cheaper? $13.26 for 1 little switch is kind of, ridiculous hahaha

but if we can't find anything else, I guess I'll get it from there :) haha
you link told me  part not found, I might have something but want to know exactly what you want. and maybe i can find it in the US cheaper then digi-key.

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Re: Hi! I'm a Disabled "Future Modder"!
« Reply #25 on: October 31, 2011, 12:52:25 PM »
Thanks, I couldn't find any suitable on ebay, so I'm trying I'm looking for "Momentary-Off-Momentary", right?

I did find one of their "cheaper" ones thats about 15mm x 12mm (cut out), its $5.26 for 1, plus the standard $8.00 shipping:

Does anyone know where I can find something similar, for a little cheaper? $13.26 for 1 little switch is kind of, ridiculous hahaha

but if we can't find anything else, I guess I'll get it from there :) haha

doesnt have to be momentary-off-momentary. if i know correctly. momentary only works when you push them. so unloess its pushed it wont wrok. could be wrong.

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Re: Hi! I'm a Disabled "Future Modder"!
« Reply #26 on: October 31, 2011, 01:31:16 PM »
you link told me  part not found, I might have something but want to know exactly what you want. and maybe i can find it in the US cheaper then digi-key.

Sorry about that, try this one:

doesnt have to be momentary-off-momentary. if i know correctly. momentary only works when you push them. so unloess its pushed it wont wrok. could be wrong.

I'm looking for a switch that will control the volume, ex: turning it up, or down by pressing either button
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Re: Hi! I'm a Disabled "Future Modder"!
« Reply #27 on: October 31, 2011, 11:52:10 PM »
I will see what i can find, I take i t you want it momentary so its not so hard to press . Monetary Rocker switch? I will see what i can do for you :)
« Last Edit: October 31, 2011, 11:53:30 PM by Rodent »

 Tracey: I cant believe Rodent of all people made my damn day
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Re: Hi! I'm a Disabled "Future Modder"!
« Reply #28 on: November 01, 2011, 12:20:13 AM »
No, I just assumed it needed to be momentary, so it wouldn't lock, like an ON/OFF rocker would.

I don't know much about this stuff yet, I'm kind of learning as I go with help from people like you guys haha

anything small, that can be a volume switch, with 3 pins is what I need :)
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Re: Hi! I'm a Disabled "Future Modder"!
« Reply #29 on: November 01, 2011, 01:48:03 AM »
but momentaries are like door bells. only works while you hold it? right? thats why its tachs. the tach actives it so the volume will go up or down. the momentary will only work the volume as long as its pressed. meaning if you want it to go down. it will only be quite while pressed.. am i correct hyper?

idk what you need lol. could use 2 tachs if im not mistaking. solder the 2 grounds together then to the ground. then the ones on the ends to the other points. but what the hell do i know lol. im juts jabbering

on 360 headsets it has the roller type. maybe upload some pictures of yours?

« Last Edit: November 01, 2011, 02:08:47 AM by snowcolt17 »


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