So I got my lights in today

Been waiting awhile for them bored out of my mind lol
So a quick show where the lights will be going. Around the fan and last internally in the optical drive (If there is clearance)

So fan first, I went ahead and slide the replacement fan and the duct around. Hmm got tight area.

I marked off where the fan line will be sitting in position. Once I lay my lights in this will help me avoid lighting this area.

So I sanded the duct ring. Two main reason why I did this, first there was so small rise which align some foam that helped reduce vibration (guessing). Second, Since the area was nice and smooth I worried that the lights once on will begin to slip out. So rough texture helps.

And indeed it does help the lights went on and feel nice and secure

Quick show of where the light end and where it begins. I went and separated the sealant from the strip to expose the tabs.

So a quick fit test and yes using the replacement fan it fits nice and snuggle

Since the white are 50/50 SMD I went ahead and used their position as reference. I did this twice using my stock fan as a test.

I used the stock xbox slim fan to do some drilling for the lights.. You can see I am off :/ how disappointing.

To fix this and make it easier for me to work around the issue I went ahead and cut the section where the light will shine through. I also added some foam.

Back to test fitting and you can see the foam helps to seal around the fan and duct. Hopefully this will help direct air.

Again test fit of some of the stock parts. I might end up painting the Hard drive port in fluorescent orange just because lol.

Well still waiting on Rodent to send me some part to help me finish RGHing my xbox so I can finish the rest of the mod.
I still need to lay in the window and buy some plastic weld and lay my green light strip around the case as well need to wire my lights to a small slide switch. I was thinking of using two switches to control lights individually but I might just add one switch for both sets of light.
I also need to get myself a UV light for my room and to show off my xbox 360 slim