WAW was patched again on 6/11/09, there curently is not an effective fire rate for WAW.. but this code still works for all other maddable games
this walkthrough is a second installment to the open source rapid fire codes provided by Hazer. Here we will discuss the code entitled “burnmeup2”
lets first talk about the code, or I guess I should say codes. There are two codes out there each accomplishing the same affect, but in different ways. They will both provide you with 4 mode rapid fire. both codes can be used for COD5, both have LED indicators, and both can be used on a matrix or a CG controller
The first code as discussed in a previous thread, is called “GameplayRF” this code has four selectable preprogrammed speeds. This will add a momentary switch to control each trigger. Notice I said control, rapid fire remains naturally on the triggers. You will press the added button to turn rapid fire on/off, and you will hold the same button for 2 seconds to change modes.
The second code is called “burnmeup2” this can be a complete sleeper mod, or it can work with an added button for rapid fire it will be discussed in full in this thread. With the burnmeup code as a sleeper (no added buttons or switches) it utilizes the sinc button to change modes, and rapid fires when the trigger is held. unlike the gameplay code, there is not a quick on/off function, mode number 4 is taken for the off function and you must cycle through these modes to get back to off. The burnmeup code can also be wired to use a momentary push button to rapid fire, in this instance you would press the trigger for normal fire and press the added button for rapid fire.
Now you should understand the difference between the two codes, and must choose, sleeper, or quick on/off. Keep in mind these codes are similar, but completely different. They are two different codes, and they wire differently. If you chose to procede with burnmeup, you must also make the decision of sleeper, or added push button.
Step one Needed files/ itemsOk, the first thing you need to do is download the Burnmeup2 zip file. It can be found here
https://www.acidmods.com/software/hazer/burnmeup2.zip this file has six items inside. It has:
.asm file-----this is the file we need, it is the raw code before it is converted to hex
.hex file-----origional hex file—needs to be modified for COD WAW
CG rapid on button picture---wiring diagram
CG rapid sleeper picture---wiring diagram
Matrix rapid on button picture---wiring diagram
Matrix sleeper picture---wiring diagram
I am going to teach you to change the fire rates for this chip so it can be COD 5 compatible, this will also allow you to make future adjustments for newer games.
You will also need a code compiler. I use a free program called MPLAB. You can download this free program here: (you are welcome to use your own if you have one)
http://www.microchip.com/stellent/idcplg?IdcService=SS_GET_PAGE&nodeId=1406&dDocName=en019469&part=SW007002Now you will need another program to write the code to the chips, yet again, another free program, called winpic800 (you are welcome to use your own if you have one) winpic800 can be found free here:
http://www.winpic800.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=19&Itemid=88&lang=enThe next item you will need is a programmer, there are a lot of choices out there. If you plan on using it for other things, by all means buy a nice one, but you can make your own cheap programmer with help from gameroms and acidmods. Here is the schematic:
https://www.acidmods.com/software/hazer/picprogramer.gifThe last items you need are hardware items, that will be used for installation. Installation will be discussed in a later chapter, but here is the part list.
Chips----------12f683 I/P get 4 free samples from microchip direct
PIC socket----
http://www.radioshack.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2062604100ohm, 330 ohm, 2K ohm resistors I recommend the 500 pack
http://www.radioshack.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2062306momentary push button---my fav—
http://www.radioshack.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3014504small wire—20-30 gauge
step two code modification/code assemblythe only thing you need to change is the fire rate,
before you start, drag and drop the asm file onto your desktop
ok here we go
1) open mplab
2) click the project tab
3) click project wizard
4)click next
5)set desired chip, in this case it is the 12f683
6)hit next
7) hit next again
8) create file path (this is where most errors come from, the file path must be only so many characters
click browse, hit the drop down menu, click desktop, and name it a short name like RF it dont matter as long as the path is not too long, click next
9) import asm file, here again the file path cannot be too long, drop the asm on the desk top before you start. click next
10) click finish
11) now you are back to the mplab main screen and it looks like nothing has changed, but it has, click view
12) click project (under the view tab)
13)now you should have a small box that is the name of your file path. you will see a few tabs and one that reads "source file" and underneath it will be the asm file you dropped on the desk top. double click it. to open
14) scroll down to the part of the fire rates, it will look like this:
;**********Speed settings: change these to change speed (0x05-0xFF)
FIRERATE1 equ 0x2D
FIRERATE2 equ 0x0F
FIRERATE3 equ 0x0B
you will notice some stuff is colorful and some is not, the green stuff is instructions, the colored items are code. only change the fire rate!!! when you start to change the fire rate just click the end of it and backspace the last two digits and input your own...you will notice when you delete the digit, that part of the code will turn black this means that part of the code is no good, well duh you just erased it, once you input your entry it will return to its normal color
**the fire rates can get tricky to figure out. Here is a list to convert the fire rate to hex so you can adjust the rates for your games.
https://www.acidmods.com/software/hazer/Fire-Rates-2.pdf15)now look back at the main mplab page again and click project
16) scroll down to where it reads "build all" click it
17) a box will pop up with a status bar mine goes very fast and reads build succeeded
18) click to close mplab, it asks for save I say yes.
19) look at desktop, or wherever you saved it, find the file that ends in .hex, this will most likely be a file windows cant open, send everything else to the recycle bin you don’t need anything else keep the hex file handy you will need it in the next chapter.
***the biggest problem is the file path length as I already stated, if the file path is too long it will say build failed, and if you read the other crap it tells you it will say C:documents and settings.......file path exceeded so many characters.***
Step three programming the chipthis step is painless and very quick if you already have a programmer, if not build the one I linked above, here it is again
https://www.acidmods.com/forum/index.php?topic=22283.0 or for just schematic
I suggest building the first diagram gameroms showed in this thread, the desktop serial programmer. I can vouch for this I use it all the time. The other ones I cannot speak for nor can I speak for a store bought programmer, but they should all be similar, and they should have directions with them
1) Open winpic800
2) connect your programmer and put chip in the programmer, make sure it is oriented correctly.
3) Click file
4) Open the .hex file you just created
5) Click the icon that reads “program all” or CTL+P
6) Done
Step four installationInside the Burnmeup2 zip file there are four pictures we spoke of above, two for matrix, and two for CG. First find out what type of controller you have you can look here if you are having trouble.
https://www.acidmods.com/forum/index.php?topic=24699.0The install I will leave fairly open, feel free to experiment here, just connect it like shown in the pics, but placement of the chip is up to you. If you are doing rapid fire on added buttons, make sure to place them out of the way of the mobo, and in a location that feels comfortable
*in the pictures provided, the chip is in the “crawling position”
*if only one side is desired, leave off the right side led, and trigger wire
*the CG controllers work flawlessly, there has been some issues with matrix controllers, this issue only affects 1% of all matrix controllers and usually only affects the older limited edition controllers, these can be fixed, but they will be done on a case by case basis, pm me for details. Chances are most of you wont have to worry about this.
CG sleeper:

cg on button:

matrix sleeper:

matrix on button:

solder all components to the pic socket
Closing: Do NOT use this for personal gain. Hazer put a lot of work into this code and released it to the general public, as his gift to the world. Consider this a test, and the results will determine if AM will release other free codes in the future
I will modify this thread as needed
Please feel free to ask questions about any of the steps provided in this tut.
Credits: All credit for this code goes to hazer, he is the sole author of this code
Credit for hi-Res install pics goes out to RDC at xbox-scene
Credit for finding the programmer belongs to Gameroms
Credit for the fire rate conversion (found on internet, and I forgot the name sorry)
Credit for writing the tut goes to modded matt.
Thanks to the acidmods support staff for hosting all these files and allowing this to be posted to the community.