Author Topic: Old school back with a 360 slim. Lost touch with mods and flash need help  (Read 108234 times)

Offline The End of A Heartache

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That Means Its Glitching. And Yes You Can Use The Eject Button For Xell. Also Do You Hear A High PitCh Noise Coming From The Crystal Oscillator? You Should.

I didn't hear a pitch from the oscillator. its very silent but then again my room is not a quiet place.
...emo freak out! >.< ........

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Offline Gizmo613

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Then You Need A Different Crystal, That Thing Is HUGH!!!! Lol I Might  Be Able To Solder One Off My Matrix Glitcher. I Was Able To Rgh One Corona With The Same Glitcher From Team Matrix.

Offline The End of A Heartache

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Then You Need A Different Crystal, That Thing Is HUGH!!!! Lol I Might  Be Able To Solder One Off My Matrix Glitcher. I Was Able To Rgh One Corona With The Same Glitcher From Team Matrix.

LOL i know I honestly didn't expect it to be that big. The website that I got the Oscillator from had no image so I expected a SMD crystal. I am going to use NANDx and try to reflash the CR again this time using Cor_c from the RGX. I know when writing .ecc rodent said just write it, make sure the xeBuild was set to RGH2 and on glitch.

After I flash the CR do I need to write the .ecc again??
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Offline ViSioNXx

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I think vgc has them cheap..

Offline Gizmo613

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Bo You DOnt Need To Write The Ecc Again. Why Didnt You Use The Rgx Files In The First Place? Just curious

Offline The End of A Heartache

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I think vgc has them cheap..

Lol yeah it's would have been $1 less if I would have gotten it from VGC but they didn't and I still believe don't have it in stock yet.

Bo You DOnt Need To Write The Ecc Again. Why Didnt You Use The Rgx Files In The First Place? Just curious

Wanted to see if my JrP would have worked which did on my father computer. I tried loading RGX file but it wouldn't let me with JrP so I set it to 2-3 as a test was hoping it would work. But I am going to set up the NANDx Rodent lend me and going to do that now. I'll be back in a few guys

Btw thank Gizmo :)

Well I tried using NANDx to write RGX to the CR

But you can see got a 0x0002 error

Does anyone know what this means as an error??

I went ahead and flashed the CR to 4-1  and got the same Green blink with no activity kept getting "error connection" on Jrunner.  I went back again and Flashed it with RGH2 and choose C but never got any GREEN LED activity :/ So I keep trying :)
« Last Edit: May 30, 2013, 03:20:53 PM by The End of A Heartache »
...emo freak out! >.< ........

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Offline Gizmo613

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Stick To The Corona Numbered Files. Nevermind The Rest. Also The Scan Ip Button Only Works After Xell Has Loaded.Once It Loads, You Hit Scan Ip Then The Ip Address Auto Fills Itself, Then You Hit Get Cpu Key. Its Not Gonna Boot Up Instantly You Might Have To Wait Up To 10 Min Per File.

Offline The End of A Heartache

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Stick To The Corona Numbered Files. Nevermind The Rest. Also The Scan Ip Button Only Works After Xell Has Loaded.Once It Loads, You Hit Scan Ip Then The Ip Address Auto Fills Itself, Then You Hit Get Cpu Key. Its Not Gonna Boot Up Instantly You Might Have To Wait Up To 10 Min Per File.

Ok then I'll try flashing it again with the corona number file again and be more patient with the board. :) thanks gizmo one more time

Well I tried all of the number. I am up to the last one 4-2 :/

I am going to try RGH2 once more with time tomorrow.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2013, 07:33:47 PM by The End of A Heartache »
...emo freak out! >.< ........

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Offline Rodent

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Failed with 0x0002 Status...  is cause your flashing the coolrunner with RGX files , its fine,  being its on a slim , those files were for DGX  so you get that error when you write the RGX files. your console should of already been wired for RGH2 and if you have the nands loaded up when your flashing the coolrunner it should of already set the settings to RGH2. I will try to get with you later today to help you along , I have a busy schedule so we will see how today goes.   Everything was right the last time we talked on skype.  and you solved the issue with flashing the coolrunner you should of been able to just flash the coolrunner that was already installed on the console :)

 Tracey: I cant believe Rodent of all people made my damn day
3D0: snacks cartoons and naps  lol sounds like rodents typcial day :rofl:
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Offline The End of A Heartache

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Failed with 0x0002 Status...  is cause your flashing the coolrunner with RGX files , its fine,  being its on a slim , those files were for DGX  so you get that error when you write the RGX files. your console should of already been wired for RGH2 and if you have the nands loaded up when your flashing the coolrunner it should of already set the settings to RGH2. I will try to get with you later today to help you along , I have a busy schedule so we will see how today goes.   Everything was right the last time we talked on skype.  and you solved the issue with flashing the coolrunner you should of been able to just flash the coolrunner that was already installed on the console :)

I tried using one of the RGH2 files to flash with, though it flashed successful I was not able to boot. No active green light, I waited like the rest gave it time but nothing would activate after 26 minute or so I shut it down and tried the HDMI and waited still nothing.

When I flashed with corona file 1-2 etc is when I get activity on the CR but still no boot even after a long long wait
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Offline Gizmo613

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If You Tried It All Then Itll Only ShoW Xell With The Com Port Monitor.

Offline The End of A Heartache

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If You Tried It All Then Itll Only ShoW Xell With The Com Port Monitor.

Problem is I don't have that. Will I need to make one out of the USB i have?
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Offline Phantom

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have you tried shortening the CPU RST wire to try get it to glitch?

you can do it without the monitor cable. plug it in to your router, go into the admin settings of your router, go to attached devices, or whatever setting you use to see all devices on the network, once it glitches it will show up as XELL on your network and have its IP next to it, enter the IP into Jrunner and press get CPU key. just refresh your router page every 5 mins or so and wait till it shows up on the network.

« Last Edit: May 31, 2013, 06:56:58 PM by phantomz0 »

Offline The End of A Heartache

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have you tried shortening the CPU RST wire to try get it to glitch?

you can do it without the monitor cable. plug it in to your router, go into the admin settings of your router, go to attached devices, or whatever setting you use to see all devices on the network, once it glitches it will show up as XELL on your network and have its IP next to it, enter the IP into Jrunner and press get CPU key. just refresh your router page every 5 mins or so and wait till it shows up on the network.

I shorten it to 12 cm  I will try again using the router but so far it hasn't worked out right with none of the setting.

I also have been getting network issue due to the rain this past week and what will be the upcoming week to come. Always happens when it rains because of the old house and old wiring.

I might have to get a CR lite or another 48 Mhz oscillator.  I was reading up on some things on few sites and knowest that I will have to RGH2 for my version board to xell but my CR doesn't seem to want to work with RGH2 file and just wont show any activity, No GREEN LED activation and as always after 5 minute it tends to shut down on its own.
...emo freak out! >.< ........

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Offline Phantom

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it will only show up on the network if it glitches, you should be using the corona timing files in j runner. double check all your wiring to this

Offline The End of A Heartache

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it will only show up on the network if it glitches, you should be using the corona timing files in j runner. double check all your wiring to this

used the corona timing files but they never have worked. I have checked my wiring over and over again.

...emo freak out! >.< ........

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Offline Phantom

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what dashboard is the console on?

here are some things to try

try the RGX_Corona ECC and any of the corona timing files from here!CAUzCDhL!V4O77A39GvQgYVlLidUbs3zZLSZY19OwcHCeBNtTO7Q

and if that fails try this

Offline Gizmo613

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i still dont understand why you insist on using rgh2 timing files when i have already stated that the slims are based on rgh2 code, but it is completely different in the way it works. the rgh2 timing files you see are for PHAT xbox.

you have a corona motherboard stick with the corona files, plain and simple. and yes i would try the alternate ecc file and not the dgx timing file.

phantom- by default jrunner will load the appropriate ecc file for dashboard version 15572 and higher, he is on the latest dashboard so by default jrunner loaded the rgx corona ecc. he should try the alternate file. my guess is if the alternate ecc file doesnt work then he is gonna need a better 48mhz crystal oscillator. the corona is very picky on the brand of crystal.

Offline The End of A Heartache

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i still dont understand why you insist on using rgh2 timing files when i have already stated that the slims are based on rgh2 code, but it is completely different in the way it works. the rgh2 timing files you see are for PHAT xbox.

you have a corona motherboard stick with the corona files, plain and simple. and yes i would try the alternate ecc file and not the dgx timing file.

phantom- by default jrunner will load the appropriate ecc file for dashboard version 15572 and higher, he is on the latest dashboard so by default jrunner loaded the rgx corona ecc. he should try the alternate file. my guess is if the alternate ecc file doesnt work then he is gonna need a better 48mhz crystal oscillator. the corona is very picky on the brand of crystal.

Rodent insistent that I still try to use RGH2. I changed the CR jumper setting but I still have the same outcome with corona timing file or RGH2 timing file. How do I make or where can I get a Com Port Monitor?

Btw I was looking for another 48Mhz Oscillator Surface mount (SMD) type. I agree with you and told rodent that it might be that factor that the crystal I have is too big and might require more power which is why it is not working. I will be able to buy one in the following week coming up.

I am at the moment backing up files on my desktop. The OS is becoming too unstable to do much now So I am going to scrap my OS and reinstall it all over again.
...emo freak out! >.< ........

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Offline Rodent

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As shown here you can program the coolrunner with RGH timing files for corona ro  RGHX files for corona.   

He is using corona  timing files. your totally confusing HIM!!!!   

and i believe when we started this its on 16202 dashboard  so it will be listed as RGH2 on J-runner.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2013, 10:01:38 AM by Rodent »

 Tracey: I cant believe Rodent of all people made my damn day
3D0: snacks cartoons and naps  lol sounds like rodents typcial day :rofl:
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Offline Gizmo613

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As shown here you can program the coolrunner with RGH timing files for corona ro  RGHX files for corona.   

He is using corona  timing files. your totally confusing HIM!!!!   

and i believe when we started this its on 16202 dashboard  so it will be listed as RGH2 on J-runner.

That Right There Is For A Dgx Noy A Coolrunner.

Offline Rodent

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That Right There Is For A Dgx Noy A Coolrunner.
yes i know but your asking why RGH2??? its cause the console was on 16202 .   that is why its RGH2

 Tracey: I cant believe Rodent of all people made my damn day
3D0: snacks cartoons and naps  lol sounds like rodents typcial day :rofl:
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Offline Gizmo613

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Huy.... If You Go Back In His Post, he Was Using The rgh2 A,B,C,D Timing Files Which Was For The PhaT. For The Corona Timing Files It Doesnt MatterIf You Select Rgh Or Rgh2, The Option For The Corona Timing Files Will Be Available Regardless. Your Picture Proves It. Lol. But Good Luck Heartache, As I Gave Eveything I Know. I Dont Think I Can Be Of More Assistance At This Point. Best Of Luck.

Offline Rodent

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Huy.... If You Go Back In His Post, he Was Using The rgh2 A,B,C,D Timing Files Which Was For The PhaT. For The Corona Timing Files It Doesnt MatterIf You Select Rgh Or Rgh2, The Option For The Corona Timing Files Will Be Available Regardless. Your Picture Proves It. Lol. But Good Luck Heartache, As I Gave Eveything I Know. I Dont Think I Can Be Of More Assistance At This Point. Best Of Luck.
Totally confuesed everyone now. I understand what the timeing files for phat are!!!!   

SLIMS ARE WIRED FOR RGH2 and HIS IS ON DASHBOARD 16202 there for when you dump the nands and load it on J-runner its on RGH2   doesnt matter for anything else this is why i got on skype to help him understand more of what is going on!!! 

 :hifive: :tup:
« Last Edit: June 01, 2013, 09:05:53 PM by Rodent »

 Tracey: I cant believe Rodent of all people made my damn day
3D0: snacks cartoons and naps  lol sounds like rodents typcial day :rofl:
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Offline The End of A Heartache

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Wow I miss 16 hour trying to get everything back on my desktop and all this goes down LMAO

I got some cash got my scumbag client to pay me the work I have done or lose the technology XD

I am going to get the CR lite3 since it has the 48Mhz crystal built in.

Btw hahahaha you two guys are awesome but are confusing me. In either case I am willing to try again I am holding the CRlite till I make a shopping list and price budget. I bought plexi weld compound for the cyber skull mod which didn't cost me much I will still be able to afford the CRlite I am holding it off till I hear for you guys and what you think I don't mind throwing a little more to get results but I hate letting things go when they don't work.

 :cry2: Well that is it for the hack.....

Now that i have my desktop back I went ahead and flashed the CR with corona 4-3 and tried.... What end up happening is me burning a component on the board No Idea How

Underside to

With vision help he guided me to ebay to look for a board that has similar components

I went and found this trinity board that has been reflow but still RroD. Not a bad price I can see the two main components I need on top.

But I will save it and wait for Gizmo or Rodent input.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2013, 05:59:52 PM by The End of A Heartache »
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Offline ViSioNXx

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Like I said, I am not a pro like gizmo and rodent. I hope they think its a decent idea or even have a better one. I want to see this get finished!!

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Perfect example of too many chiefs and not enough Indians. This whole thread has been a bunch of back and forth of different information on different ways to do the same thing. Gizmo and Rodent both have different mentalities on how to do something. Pick one person who knows what they are doing to work with and stay on track. This thread has only confused and discouraged anyone who has read it.

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Perfect example of too many chiefs and not enough Indians. This whole thread has been a bunch of back and forth of different information on different ways to do the same thing. Gizmo and Rodent both have different mentalities on how to do something. Pick one person who knows what they are doing to work with and stay on track. This thread has only confused and discouraged anyone who has read it.

after reading this also i gotta agree with matt
only because you dont have this magical xbox first thing you need to do is read read and read until your brain hurts
then give it a go TX despite their attitude problems do have very clear instructions on there site on how to achieve this mod
and with all due respect to anyone in the future if you honestly dont think you can handle this mod dont attempt it because you can or will end up with a expensive paperweight and a very expensive way to learn
also agree with matt rodent and gizmo are some of the best on acidmods for this type of mod
Tracey: f off Rodent
rodent:i would of flew it to bill gates and shoved it up his a$$

Offline The End of A Heartache

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Well they both have been helping me. I have been following Rodent instruction well and have troubleshoot with gizmo when I could and with rodent when I could also even on skype he went on beyond and lend me his NANDx and a spare CR just incase. So Both has helped me alot only they both clashed heads when it came time to flash CR and install the timing file.

Problem with "read read and read until your brain hurts then give it a go" is the factor no one has really done a 4gb corona with FULL detail. What I mean is they tell you small basic of what to get. I had no idea I need a 48Mhz oscillator or a CR ver. C because no one who worked with a 4gb corona would say fully what is needed. I didn't know I needed either a Jrp or a NANDx or how to install those driver. I didn't know how to dump the file or how to flash CR because no one give out detail in full as to what to what needs to be used.

I don't blame anyone for what has happened I know it was either my own fault or was a freak accident. I do wish someone would help me further and tell me if the link with the trinity off ebay will work to pull parts off so I can resolder this burned out component, desolder the CR and the Corona QSB and see if I can boot back into xbox with no red ring or situation.

So if anyone looked at the post above will tell me if --> is worth the buy just for the components needed.
...emo freak out! >.< ........

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Offline Gizmo613

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Dont Think That Will Work. I Am Looking At A Dead Trinity I Have And It Doesnt Have Two Small Black Components Like Yours, Its One Big One.

If You go On Tx Website And Read The Rgh For Noobs, It Will Tell You Everything You Need And Need To Do On Rgh. Only Thing Is That Guide Was Made Before The Corona Boards Was Made. But It Is Updated Regularly.


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